2020-Stealth-Battleground-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 883

2020 Issues In The Midwest

I promised a more details about battleground political issues in the last podcast. Seems like no one wants to focus on the real issues in the Midwest. Time to do that in 2020-Stealth-Battleground-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 883.

Battleground States No One on TV Ever Goes To

Even more you hear a lot about the so called ‘battleground states‘. In contrast all the reporting is about Washington DC!


Consequently I decided to take a trip across America’s Heartland. On Back Roads. Click here for those podcasts.

Sick Of The News

First of all if people I talked to said they were sick and tired of political news.

War Weariness

The most noteworthy conclusion of this podcast might end up being ‘war weariness’ when it comes to politics.

Same Song Over and Over

Seems like political news coverage is becoming like that song you hear on the radio over and over again. It used to be your favorite but if you hear it one more time, you’re going to scream.

Stealth Issues In The Heartland

Especially relevant are several ‘stealth’ issues across the heartland.


What’s the definition of ‘prosperity‘?

Right To Work

What about National Right To Work movements, versus Unions in key states.

Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Issues

In addition many jobs are being provided by Foreign Direct Investment. And by Foreign companies manufacturing in the US.


Then, maybe there are more jobs, but what kinds of jobs?

Feeling Prosperous As Good As Being Prosperous?

That said, a job means you can pay rent and buy something for yourself. Regardless of what pundits might regard sub par. Back to that feeling of prosperity which might be just as important as being prosperous for some. Learn more in 2020-Stealth-Battleground-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 883.

Development In The Midwest and Mid South Changing Electorate

Finally development in the mid south and Midwest means smaller cities are becoming larger cities. That means pressure to turn state roads into freeways, freeways into interstates.

Corporate Farming

Also what about the emergence of corporate farming as opposed to family farms?

Decay In Old Downtown Areas

Moreover there are many examples of what happens when the new freeway goes through, and local businesses are left to die.

Government Handing Out Subsidies

Most important is growth created by US Government spending and subsidies. Not just in big urban centers but on the farm and in small towns too.

Health Insurance

Think people can afford 1600 dollars a month for health insurance when they’re working hourly jobs? A gifted politician will not miss this opportunity.

Obsessed With Washington DC

A lot of this is just below the surface. The media is obsessed with twitter and hearing rooms in the Capitol. This year’s election might be too close to call right now. What they miss might have powerful and unexpected effects in the 2020 election.

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2020-Stealth-Battleground-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 883


Podcast 262

White Line Fever. Road Trip Return! The trip back to Minneapolis, staying in the warmth of the southern late fall for as long as possible. Richmond, southwest to Roanoke, Virginia and then onto Nashville, Tennessee. Passing through Bristol, Virginia and Knoxville, Tennessee and all points in between. You know all that talk about ‘infrastructure’ in the US? How we need new roads and bridges? With many miles covered on these Road Trip Podcasts, there have been few – if any – pot-holes, rotted bridges, or signs of any crumbling infrastructure. Even cities like Bristol, Virginia and Roanoke feature new construction, smooth roads, brand spanking new housing developments, and new and thriving downtown ‘urban’ experiences like Farmer’s Markets, yoga studios and the like. There are so many smooth roads you can get ‘white line fever’ rolling through hills and gentle turns, as traffic comfortably hits eighty plus mile an hour speeds. Sounds like a science fiction novel, but it is true. From the Twin Cities east, all the way to Virginia, and now coming back across the mid south, it’s hard to find evidence of ‘decaying infrastructure’, not to mention all the shiny new cars! Hear tips on how to travel fast and easy, avoiding speed traps, and getting a boat load of coffee before departure. As we ease back into the work week after a long Thanksgiving Holiday, some thoughts about what we should be hearing from politicians in Washington; how to make our economy thrive, not just ‘do better’. Traveling across the country this quickly, you can’t help but notice the developing economies of small, medium and large sized cities you pass through, especially outside the center cities. The overall effect is optimism. Americans are still innovative, and ready to work. Its about time our lawmakers understood what to do, how to do it, and how to talk about it so they can get what they need to get done, so we can get done what we need to get done. Sponsored by Baklund R&D.