Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655

August 21st 2017. Across a great swath of the United States perhaps millions will gather to watch a total eclipse of the sun. Eclipses don’t happen every day, of course. Then again, it’s just a solar eclipse. In Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655, the Internet wants you to think it’s the end of the world as we know it.

The Age Of Aquarius

The Event. Planet Nibiru. A shift of the Earth’s magnetic poles. Shifting to a higher consciousness. Let’s not forget the emergence of the Anti Christ. Those with special knowledge are eager to share it with you. From ‘psychics’ to astrologers, to UFOlogists. Especially relevant is the ‘fact’ that this all ties in to this highly unusual or ‘special’ eclipse.

An Unprecedented Event?

Thing is, it’s not THAT special. Total solar eclipses occur on average 2 to 3 times in every three year period. It’s just that this eclipse features a path of totality all the way across the United States. Depending on who you listen to, this hasn’t happened since 1918, or 1776. We’ll break it down in Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655.

Back In The Day

2017 will not be like 1979. Back then, people stood in their back yard, took a look, and went back to their lives. It’s a new day. These days everything has to have some supernatural weight. Maybe that’s how we keep it interesting.

Welcome To The Dark Ages

Are we regressing to a primitive state? It’s certainly easier to do so when you have got so many charlatans so easily available. Fact checking would take centuries, even with an abby full of ‘Game Of Thrones’ style Maesters, sifting through their books and ancient scrolls. Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655 gives you an opportunity to hear some of the ‘theories’ and their prognosticators.

Bob Davis Podcasts Will Be There

Mobile Podcast Command will be headed to Carbondale, Illinois on August 21st, 2017. One of many towns and cities across the US which claim to be at the point of the ‘longest totality’. Why not join everyone else for a good old American Freak Out? Yes, we are accepting contributions to fuel the trip. In Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655 I also make a pitch for advertisers to sponsor this trip as well. Why not? Everyone else is!

Tribal Politics

On a more serious note; this kind of media feeding frenzy makes me wonder about the increasing tribal nature of Americans. Each of the theories you’ll hear expressed here about a what is, let’s face it, a regular eclipse…can be considered exclusive. Each theory boasts a constituency. If they can do this with a simple eclipse, just think about what they do with the day to day news.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655


Sturgis 2017 Road Trip-Interstate Free-Podcast 653

Every now and then you run across a perfect stretch of road. Didn’t start out as a perfect road trip, but it’s been close. In Sturgis 2017 Road Trip-Interstate Free-Podcast 653 talk of interstate free road tripping.

Eclipse Coming

Especially relevant are two eclipses approaching. A lunar eclipse on August 7th, 2017 and then a total solar eclipse on August 21st. Is this the calm before the storm? Is Sturgis the ultimate party before the Walking Dead Scenario?

Travel Advice? Take The Road Less Traveled

Over the last few road trips I have been concentrating on staying off the Interstate. What are the pro’s and con’s? People have asked me for travel advice recently. At the present moment I can think of two things. Have a goal. Stay off the Interstate. In Sturgis 2017 Road Trip-Interstate Free-Podcast 653.

While there was a little political content in the last podcast of the EAA’s Osh Kosh AirVenture show, some have wondered if I will ever fully reengage in the political sphere. Your answer is in Sturgis 2017 Road Trip-Interstate Free-Podcast 653. It’s kind of like staying off the Interstate, isn’t it?

End Of Summer In Upper Midwest Is The Best

Better to enjoy these last few weeks of summer. The corn is high. Night driving reveals combines echeloned in huge dark fields in South Dakota, harvesting. Already. Blue Skies. Sunshine. Cool night air. A few motorcycles dot the lanes miles ahead, and a few well behind. Happiness is a full tank of fuel and a clean windshield. In Sturgis 2017 Road Trip-Interstate Free-Podcast 653.

Special thanks to CIRO3D for making 2017’s Sturgis Visit Possible

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Sturgis 2017 Road Trip-Interstate Free-Podcast 653


Friday Night On Mean Street Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis-Podcast 648

Have you been to downtown Minneapolis lately? These days some don’t feel safe there. In Friday Night On Mean Street Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis-Podcast 648 we run the gauntlet on Hennepin Avenue.

After Billions Spent, New Questions About Safety Downtown

The media is starting to ask questions about crime in downtown. Opinion makers and the city’s leaders are apparently concerned. The questions they don’t ask are revealing.

Another New Crisis

The Crisis in American Cities has been grabbing headlines for a hundred years. From The Gateway District to Mayo Square it’s the same formula. Use taxpayer dollars to Demolish. Rebuild. Repeat. Has it been worth it?

Robert Moses and Richard Daley Would Be Proud

Light rail and mixed use condos. Expensive restaurants and Hipster art districts. Bike paths. Safe spaces. Higher Minimum Wages. Political fights about redevelopment and economic inequality. Tax Increment Financing to bring in big retail and big companies.

When these efforts produce mixed results, the process starts all over again. More money. Newer stadiums. More buildings. More condos that are sold as ‘affordable’ but cost at least two hundred thousand dollars. Higher rents. Traffic Jams. Crime.

Downtown Minneapolis was never a ‘thing’

The neighborhoods and retail business were located in North Minneapolis and North East, Uptown, Lake Street in South Minneapolis and Saint Paul’s ‘Midway’. Sure, Hennepin Avenue always featured bars and hotels, places to eat and entertainment. But downtown was for warehouses, light industry, office buildings, city and county government. And drunks.

Not DisneyLand

Let’s just say it. Downtown Minneapolis isn’t Disneyland. It never was. That’s the reason punks loved in in the early 80’s. The gritty nature of Moby’s and other Block E attractions made it ‘charming’. It’s one of the reasons First Avenue was able to gain a foothold as a seminal and nationally famous music and punk culture venue.

These days, the well connected, with impeccable credentials in the Twin Cities’ public-private partnership world, continue to sell ‘more of the same’; Taxes, regulation, and fees that make seeing a show or going to a baseball, football, or basketball game and having dinner after, impossibly expensive for most of the disappearing middle class.

Investment For What?

Want to start a business downtown? Want to buy a condo downtown? Better be juiced into the money or have a lot of money. No wonder people are concerned about the nitty gritty nature of Hennepin Avenue. Walking down this street you’re mixing with the great unwashed. Unruly, scantily clad, vulgar, of different races and often from the poor side of the cities. And it’s really, really fun.

What Does The 21st Century Look Like?

We need to start asking questions about the nature of the city in the mid twenty first century. Retail is dying. Corporations don’t need tons of office space anymore. No one wants to pay more and more tax. No one wants to have to pay 22 dollars for a hamburger to fund the sports cathedrals for billionaire team owners that live around Lake of Isles or out in Minnetonka.

Is the solution really more cops downtown. Another Light Rail line? Subsidized office space? Another redevelopment of Nicollet Mall? More incremental taxes added to the bills at the Smack Shack? Who lives down here? Not the servers. Nor the kids hanging out at the LRT station.

Spend Daddy’s Money Downtown

Downtown Minneapolis is a place for trust fund babies, lawyers and corporates relocating. People who are used to having things their way. No wonder they think it’s unsafe. Sadly, they’re making everyone else pay for their own personal Epcot Center. It’s a con.

Present Becomes Past?

No matter how much they spend when you walk this street, you’re walking where the bums in the Gateway used to spend the winter drinking. The past echoes up and down Hennepin, even if the buildings are long torn down. That’s never going to change.

We Pay For Power In The Shadows

When you think about how much of the taxpayer’s hard earned dollars they’ve spent, one wonders when the Downtown Council and the real shadow power in Minneapolis will be held accountable.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing of Saint Paul

Friday Night On Mean Street Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis-Podcast 648