Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Walk and Talk Podcast focusing on all the bad coverage of recent events. Late night. Moonlight. The smell of fall in the air. Perfect setting to try and sort all this out. In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

Lies and Fairy Tales

The theme of these podcasts has always been the fact that most of what passes as ‘news’ is opinion. These days though, the fairy tale nature of news coverage has reached a new level of mendacity. This time it’s digital media.

Digital Media Is A Sea Of Disinformation

That’s right. Anyone you talk to can give you a dissertation on the failure of the so called mainstream media to ‘do their job’. Almost no one talks about the failures of digital media. Especially You Tube ‘correspondents’. We’ll talk about it in Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

New Sources Require New Diligence

I watch a lot of You Tube stuff these days. Apparently so do many Americans. You Tube is the source of a great deal of what the American Public thinks it ‘knows’. While entertaining, You Tubers pump out a steady stream of false flag attack stories, end of the world proofs, predictions about the future, and ‘inside’ stories that can never be fact checked.

Aliens and False Flags

We’re walking around with a lot of nonsense in our heads when any new thing happens. Las Vegas? North Korea? Some kind of legislative initiative? We think we live in a society with a free exchange of information, but what do we really know about these things? In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

It’s A Ken Burns World

The world does not sluice down into a documentary series with music and pictures. Historians spend years studying events. New information changes conclusions. Building a framework to understand it all requires reading real books about real history. A framework also comes with experience and life.

And every now and then, maybe a quiet walk on a tree lined, leaf covered path on a beautiful fall night.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667

When you get the last minute call to ‘fill in’ on the local radio station you have to prepare. As a podcaster it might be fun to try out some content for the radio in the podcast format. Late at night before the show I sat down to record Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

Where Do I Find The Radio Show?

If you want to hear the actual show this podcast spawned, you can find it here. It turned out to be significantly different from the rehearsal. Radio and podcasting are two different mediums. Podcasting itself is growing quickly. A good portion of what passes for radio listening might actually be people listening to their favorite radio show podcasts.

Where Partisanship Comes From

These days we’re crushed by an avalanche of advocacy media. Much of the content we see, read and hear is created by advocacy think tanks and is designed to persuade not inform. We’ll talk about it Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

Reacting Rather Than Thinking

My new thing is, with so much sharing and posting of advocacy pieces on social media we tend to spend a lot of time reacting rather than thinking. No wonder the country continues to grow more partisan every day. We hear so much we have to react to these days, there’s no time to think about what we need.

Presidential Tweets Distract

We miss major stories because we focus too much on things like presidential tweets. One of the big ones this week was the Federal Reserve’s decision to withdraw stimulus. With Puerto Rico controversy taking center stage next week, what else will we miss? In Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

There’s a lot of content on a lot of different topics in Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667. It turned out to be a great way to rehearse for the radio show Saturday afternoon.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul

Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667

World Ends On September 23rd 2017 Doom Overdrive-Podcast 664

You Tube Doom Peddlers are on overdrive. Millions have now seen videos touting a September Saturday as the day the world will end. A planetary line up and position of some key constellations on that date prove it. Find out what they say in World Ends On September 23rd 2017 Doom Overdrive-Podcast 664.

Virgo and Leo constellations will be over Israel and the mysterious planet Nibiru will collide with the earth. The recent eclipse over the United States on August 21st, 2017 opened the door. When the collision occurs on September 23rd, the ‘tribulation’ will begin. The Anti Christ will emerge. It will all culminate after another solar eclipse across the United States in April of 2024.

Welcome To The You Tube World Of Doom

Christian ‘numerologists’. Christian ‘Astrologers’. Evangelist prognosticators. Slickly produced ten and thirty minute videos that make Alex Jones look boring. As we approach the big day, all of this is reaching a crescendo. Romp through a dark wonderland in World Ends On September 23rd 2017 Doom Overdrive-Podcast 664.

Everything Proves It

Movies and TV Shows all have bizarre references to September 23rd. The Yellowstone Caldera is acting weird. Hurricanes. Forest Fires. Pope visits. These things have never happened before! Illuminati symbols. For God’s Sake! Trump is president! All signs we’re on a runaway train to fire and destruction! In World Ends On September 23rd 2017 Doom Overdrive-Podcast 664.

Dark Side of Humanity

We’ve been watching shows like The Walking Dead for years. What would it be like if it all went to hell? Is it possible that without really knowing it, we’re predicting something? Communicating our fears and concerns about ‘something’ subliminally through all these different media?

Collective Consciousness

Carl Jung said our individual unconscious mind is connected to a larger collective consciousness. The collective consciousness communicates in dreams and symbols. Maybe what some see as the end of the world is something even more significant. A change in the way we think. Listen to World Ends On September 23rd 2017 Doom Overdrive-Podcast 664.

We Think They’re On It

We’re taught to think the government and big corporations are ‘on it’ but small mistakes are often ignored until they cascade to disaster. Every major development in human history has been accompanied with sometimes violent change which seemed unpredictable. We’re almost never ready for that kind of change.

Judge For Yourself

You’ll hear many of the biggest predictions and predictors in this podcast, plus a few that aren’t so big. In many ways it’s a slice of Americana. See you next week. Oh wait!

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

World Ends On September 23rd 2017 Doom Overdrive-Podcast 664