Podcast 216

Climate Change. A few thousand ‘protesters’ crowd into the streets of lower Manhattan and it looks like the Puerto Rican Day Parade and Street Fair on Upper 3rd Avenue, when millions of people hit the streets. But alas, it is only Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio and Robert F Kennedy Jr to add more hot air to the already wheezing planet’s atmosphere. Listen to how they react when reporters ask them about their SUV’s and Cell Phones and ‘Carbon Usage’. For Thee, not me, they say. When do draconian laws being pushed by the environmental movement begin to hurt the people the movement says it is trying to help. Slow, or no economic growth threatens the security of the world, farmers can’t get grain to market because oil has to be shipped on rail roads owned by Warren Buffett, and the scion of the rich family that became powerful politically because of corruption, blames the Koch Brothers for all that ails our fair nation. A slash-and-burn-walk-and-talk podcast in reaction to listening to Al Gore and Robert F Kennedy Jr NOT answer questions asked by reporters about their behavior, and the hypocrisy of the so called ‘Global Warming’ movement. Yes, there is a question about the 17 year slow-down in warming, the dire warnings issued more than twenty years ago about the post apocalyptic environment we would be living in (we’re not), and no, scientists do not agree, the ‘debate’ is not over…isn’t that what science is supposed to be about? And then there is the garbage problem; Protesters left tons of their garbage in the streets of Gotham after the ‘protest’. Leo, Al and Bobby were apparently too busy climbing into their SUV’s, heading off to their yachts, or to the next champagne fueled charity event to bother cleaning up after themselves. Meanwhile, China is the largest producer of carbon ‘pollution’. Think they’ll protest there? Yes we have Climate Change. The trees are already changing colors in the upper midwest, and we know a long, cold winter awaits. Sponsored by Sedation and Implant Dentistry of Saint Paul

Podcast 191

Minimum Wage. A Stillwater Minnesota restaurant is under fire from rabid leftist netizens for adding a .35 cent “minimum wage fee” to the bills of customers to compensate for a 75 percent increase in the minimum wage in Minnesota. Can the ‘price of labor’ be set by Government? Get ready for an onslaught of ‘junk research’ ‘proving’ the minimum wage decreases unemployment. Is it valid? How is the minimum wage like the French Revolution? Meanwhile, President Obama says ‘Congress’ should ‘end’ corporate inversions – the practice of buying or merging with a foreign company and moving the home office out of the US. The solution? Make it Illegal? Sick the IRS on firms that have strayed from obedience to Obama? What about lowering the US corporate tax, currently now the highest in the world. And what are the top investors in companies that invert? The answer may surprise you. Meanwhile, the 1 percent continue to legally avoid paying tax. Actor and liberal activist Robert Redford, who made millions from selling his stake in The Sundance Channel, says he doesn’t owe New York a cent in taxes since his S corporation already paid taxes in Utah. Pay your fair share, huh? And what about Robert Reich, former labor secretary in the Clinton administration, currently on the hustings condemning the “1 percenters” for creating no social value. Reich currently earns over $250,000 a year for teaching one class at the University of California, not to mention his earnings for speaking and books. One percent indeed! And Ebola continues to frighten people. Africans are now angry they aren’t getting the ‘vaccine’ the US has given to two of its citizens. Is it a vaccine? Has it cured them? Finally, there is proof the media is biased. A secret cabal of left wing journalists collaborate in private to gain support for their appearances in media, and write articles to further the left’s goals, and never reveal their association in the articles they write. Sponsored by Sedation and Implant Dentistry of Saint Paul.

Podcast 186

4 Percent Economic Growth? Ebola. Hamas. Aliens. Updates on all the big stories for your weekend, from the Bob Davis Podcasts. The Podcasting world welcomes Jason Lewis and Jessie Ventura to its ranks. Both broadcasters can’t find a home with traditional ‘over-the-air’ radio stations, so are moving to podcasts. This means more and more talk listeners will be using their home computers, portables, iPads, iPhones and other devices to get good talk radio, not the radio. Good for us Podcasters, bad for the rapidly imploding world of broadcast, especially what passes for talk radio in broadcast radio. The economic news is good, and while it is celebrated, there are some caveats everyone should know about. And, inflation is back, despite people like Professor Paul Krugman denying it. Ebola continues to spread, and while authorities caution that the disease has to be in an advanced stage and you have to have very close contact with the infected to get it, they’re restricting flights in and out of the areas of Africa infected. On the US Southwestern border, Scabies, TB and Chicken Pox are emerging among the illegal aliens being held, and moved all over the United States. In the Middle East, the Israeli left is furious with John Kerry, and now President Obama, who is doubling down on what many on the left in Israel and the US believe was a terrible mistake by the US Secretary of State; A cease fire agreement which seemed to grant all the advantages to HAMAS in Gaza, and not Israel. Is this another foreign policy debacle brewing, as the Israeli left – big supporters of Obama – now consider the US President to have switched sides. While unions fight for higher minimum wages for Retail and Fast Food Workers, look out … robots and machines are taking their places at the biggest companies. And, over 3500 days without  a major hurricane in Florida, and the great lakes are inverting — with very low water temperatures for this time of year. What happened to Global Warming? Sponsored by Baklund R & D