US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652

Tough weeks this summer for the United States. If you’re wrapped in the warm technology and aviation embrace of AirVenture it’s easy to forget the outside world. In the last hours of Air Venture, at a theater in the woods, I had the opportunity to hear the Apollo astronauts describe real leadership. We’ll talk about it in US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Real Leadership

Do we fully understand what real leadership is? In the closing weeks of July in Washington, it became clear we don’t have it. Especially relevant is this question of whether we are pulling together as a nation. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

In the late 1950’s the nuclear rival of the United States put a satellite in space. Then the USSR put a dog in space. Finally, they put the first man in space. The reality of this achievement and its implications shocked the US. We had to do something to catch up.

Time Specific Goal Setting

In 1960, President Kennedy made the goal of putting a man on the moon and returning him safely, a national objective. What’s more, the president set a time limit. The US was to accomplish this goal before the end of the 1960’s. This had never done before.

EAA’s evening presentations at the Theater In The Woods are often riveting. At Osh Kosh 2017, the surviving Apollo astronauts joined David Hartman for an incredible forum to discuss their experiences. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

Real Leaders Don’t Tweet

A standing room only crowd heard some great stories about the early efforts of the United States to develop a manned space program. For me, one of the major threads of the conversation was how the bosses at NASA and in the US Government provided the resources and allowed the pilots, managers and scientists at NASA to do the job.

When things got tough they did not publicly ridicule, blame, demand and complain. Leaders stayed on task and on schedule. On July 16th, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. In subsequent missions which proved even more challenging, the leaders only asked what the guys in space and at Mission Control needed.

Pulling Together?

These days some of our top people could take a lesson from the experience of these guys, so young back in the day. We’re not pulling together as a nation. We’re not working specific goals to address problems, so we can move onto making things better. In US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652.

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US Lacks Real Leadership-Live At Osh Kosh 2017-Podcast 652

Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626

North Korea continues to test missiles and make threats. The United States sends ships and rattles the saber. Time to talk about North Korea and War on the Korean peninsula in Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626.

Korean History

Korea has a rich history. Japan ruled Korea from 1910 to the end of World War II. In 1945 Koreans hoped for self determination. Didn’t work out that way. Russia and China supported the North. The United States supported the South. The peninsula was divided at the 38th parallel.

Costs Of The Korean War

In June of 1950, supported by Soviet weapons, Kim Il Sung invaded South Korea. Three years of war cost the United States 33,000 military deaths. Estimates of civilian and military deaths in the North and South during the war, range between 1.2 million to 2.5 million.

North and South Are Still At War

July 1953. Panmunjom. A cease fire agreement ended the fighting but not the war. 25 million residents of Seoul, South Korea live today under the threat of mass artillery attack from the North.

The North Is A Nuclear Power

North Korea has had a nuclear research effort since 1956. Since the 1980’s efforts to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons have included posturing, threats, aid, agreements, negotiation. All failed. North Korea today is a nuclear power. It is researching development of ballistic missiles. Currently they have only about a 1500 kilometer range.

Trump’s New Direction

President Trump has appears to have taken a more realist approach to foreign policy. What does this new direction mean for the US and the world? Will there be a positive effect to pushing the North Koreans beyond their resources? What are the scenarios for a potential regime change? Does the administration have a plan?

Americans In The Dark. Again

If the US becomes involved in a military conflict on the Korean peninsula what will the costs be? What happens if the current regime is removed? In the rush to report on ships and planes, military capabilities, and the latest back and forth, once again we’re not being given key information by the media. In Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626.

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Ready For Another War in North Korea? Podcast 626


The American Dream Is Killing Us? Really? Podcast 618

Deaths of Despair” is what some researchers call them. Death due to suicide, drug overdose and the consequences of heavy drinking. Alarm bells are ringing. Over the last twenty seven years deaths among middle aged white people with a high school diploma or less have doubled. So many deaths it has caused a fall in overall US life expectancy. Let’s talk about it in The American Dream Is Killing Us? Really? Podcast 618.

Failure Isn’t Your Fault Anymore?

This is a lurid headline. Lurid headlines get attention. Writers are writing. Talkers are talking. Princeton researchers blame ‘Cumulative Deprivation’. We’re suddenly wondering if The American Dream Is Killing Us? Really? Podcast 618.

American Dream Grows Up

What is The American Dream? James Truslow Adams tied it to the Declaration of Independence. All men are created equal. We have an unalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Who Says You’ll Be Happy

When did it become The American Dream? Do we expect our government to help us be happy? Are we supposed to be guaranteed success in our pursuit of happiness. A house in the suburbs? Two cars? A great job? Happy children? Retirement? Health Insurance?

Economic Inequality

Robert Samuelson thinks economic inequality is the cause. Inequality causes slow active social forces accumulating and destroying the hopes and dreams of white people with a high school education or less. It drives them to despair. Drink. Drugs. Death. Writers like JD Vance add to the ‘White Trash‘ ethos with stories of poor, dumb white people living in Appalachia.

We All Have Tough Times In Our Family Histories

In The American Dream Is Killing Us? Really? Podcast 618 I tell some stories of my own family’s history in the coal mines. I wonder what people think we’re responsible for these days. All of us have some kind of despair but we fight it. We get knocked down and get back up. Live to fight another day. Never give up.

Get Up And Fight

Life is a challenge. It does not come with a guarantee. How we define winning and success changes with age and time. Happiness doesn’t require a house in the suburbs and two cars. Happiness requires a warrior mentality to some degree. Sometimes you just have to reach down and get it.

The American Dream Is Killing Us? Really? Podcast 618

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