Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678

What happens when two podcasters get together? We crosspost! Sunny Lohmann of The House of Sunny joins me to talk about ANTIFA, fashion, life and more in Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678. Part 1 and Part 2 of this marathon video podcast can be found here, and here.

You Tube

Sunny has been doing You Tube since 2010 and is now starting an audio podcast. You Tube and Podcasting have changed a lot since the early days. These days, You Tube and Podcasting has become more competitive, with better video, categories and better content. How does a You Tuber or a podcaster grow in this environment.

Winning With Content

Content is still king when it comes to getting viewers and listeners. Especially relevant is the question of what content works these days. Political content in general does not have the traction it used to have. We talk about why in Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678.

Media Bias

These days we hear a lot of complaints about broadcast TV shows like SNL about bias. Discussed on this podcast is the idea that these shows actually don’t have great ratings. To remain relevant, especially with younger viewers, broadcast TV shows are posting You Tube clips. Moreover huge percentages of people now say they get their news from social media.

Political Correctness Has Ruined Comedy?

In Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678 Sunny talks about political correctness in comedy. In her view, comedians cease being funny when they start worrying about whether what they say will be permissible. Artists lose their way trying to be relevant to an audience. Artists have to take risks, especially in comedy.

The Content Minefield

So many scolds are so quick to attack these days on both sides of the political spectrum. The result is a minefield any content creator will eventually wander into. We wonder whether the best thing is to go direct to the audience and consumer with your own channels and podcasts. How does a YouTuber or podcaster navigate around content control algorithms?


Finally we talk about how the former mainstream political content giants have ceased to be relevant, chiefly among them AM Talk Radio, which we both agree is unlistenable these days. A good lesson for the tech giants, which are more vulnerable to competition than many critics realize.

Sponsored by Reliafund and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678










Podcast 490

Just Getting By. This was a big weekend. Doing business stuff for The Bob Davis Podcasts, which includes doing some final work on taxes – yes filing late for the first time in many years – and discovered many people who have donated to Mobile Podcast Command who need to be thanked for their generosity. Finally with a complete list, we work our way through the people who have been instrumental to the road trip podcasts both for the sake of travel – a new topic category with The Bob Davis Podcasts – and for covering the 2016 primary campaigns earlier this winter/spring. Another subscriber asked me to talk about the economy, and it’s been awhile, so this podcasts focuses on the Just Getting By economy. We start off with how to inform yourself about economic news, then move onto a discussion of the problem areas with the US and world economy. A slow down in demand and low inflation has hit emerging economies like China, Brazil, Russia as well as basket cases like Venezuela. Meanwhile central banks keep pumping cash into these economies, encouraging more government and corporate debt. In the US, there have been as many corporate defaults this year as 2009. Not a good sign despite economic growth and improved employment numbers. Yes we’re out of recession, no it doesn’t feel like dynamic growth because it isn’t. We’re Just Getting By. Don’t expect the next president, or congress to solve any problems because no one is discussing how to spur the growth of new technologies that will form the building blocks of a new economy and a new society. Our political leaders are still talking like it’s 1999, or maybe even 1909. Employment may be higher, but the quality of those jobs isn’t as good as it was before the 2008 recession, many of them are part time, and don’t cover benefits. Many people are freelancing, which many writers don’t seem to think is a great idea, although some people in the so called 1099 economy love the freedom, and some make pretty good money if they hustle. While companies are hiring they are being more cautious. Stories about the ‘hell’ of the modern workplace proliferate these days, although working is better than not working. Meanwhile autonomous machines, self driving cars, single seat drone aircraft you fly by wire, dirigibles, supersonic airliners, robots who can operate like human beings, artificial intelligence, new advances in communications, anti aging, advances in medicine, compounds used in manufacturing and construction, changes in money, and many more new ideas are coming down the pike at a frightening or exhilarating speed, depending on what your fear level is. The new economy is coming, whether we want it or not, and if the government gets out of the way, it might just be pretty great. Let’s work through it and figure out what to do, because clearly this crop of 1900’s trogolodites doesn’t know what to do. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, Brush Studio, and Hydrus.

Podcast 368

Asteroid. As a huge asteroid comes within striking distance of the Earth – relatively speaking – one wonders whether the now controversial Jade Helm exercise in the American West, and the mood of people in the last few weeks is connected somehow. While the object in question (1999 FN53) will come only within about four million miles of earth it’s the one they don’t see that will hit us. Begging the question, if they knew an object that was over a mile wide and could do catastrophic damage to the planet, would they tell us? This is a great story that provokes all kinds of questions. So much of our lives these days depends on supposedly making precise predictions about the future that are expected to be correct, even about outlier events. Yet life is rarely predictable and very messy. A person’s life can be changed in a blink of an eye, as can the life of a nation. This podcast shares one friend’s story of instant change. Probably everyone has a story about something that happened, and after that, their lives were different. There’s plenty of books, TV shows and movies about these kinds of situations, from The Walking Dead to Jericho and of course the Mad Max movies. What happened? Sometimes the show’s story line tells us and sometimes they don’t. Not knowing is half the fun, and maybe that’s what keeps us watching. Oddly enough, at the same time a new survey from Pew says that fewer and fewer Americans identify with the Christian Faith, provoking an honest personal observation about religion, religious people and the movie ‘Left Behind’, with Nicholas Cage. What role does religion play in our lives? After 9/11, people were more likely to go to church and identify with a faith. As the old saying goes, there’s no atheists in Fox Holes. Or are there? One of the topics of the Bob Davis Podcasts is often technology, disruption because of technology, and the impact it has on the way we work. This has been a topic of discussion on these podcasts since almost the start. Suddenly a lot is being written about autonomous machines, robotics, 3D printing, and automation in industries that have never been automated before. Now, we’re starting to see the first impact of truly autonomous machines in retail, fast food and semi skilled labor and a lot is being written about the impact. Sometimes the writer tries to persuade the reader that it must be stopped, other times writers appear to be trying to predict a jobless future because of these machines. What will happen and how do we get ready for it. A lot of things to think about in this unusual, candid and off beat midweek update. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul