Podcast 263

Nashville. Live from a hotel room in Music City. White Line Fever. Over eating on Thanksgiving and not enough sleep finally pushes The Bob Davis Podcasts to splurge for a hotel room in the heart of Tennessee, after a speed run through the Blue Ridge Mountains, across the Smokies. (Editor’s Note: We checked with the General Manager and the expenses have been approved.) The next leg of the trip will be north through Southern Illinois. In the meantime, throughout the holiday news stories have been brewing but our minds have been on other concerns; Family. Football. Eating. Sleeping. As we return to the new work week what stories will be making headlines? It was odd to hear protesters shouting, “No Peace, No Justice and no more Black Fridays” this weekend since the Bob Davis Podcasts advocated boycotting Black Friday weeks before the current spate of protests erupted. But not for the same reasons. Expect all sorts of hype from the National Retailers about what a great year it was in spite of the madness. Early estimates indicate lower numbers this year, but don’t expect to hear that. Black Friday has become nothing more than an excuse for publicly traded retailers to hype their stocks before the end of the fourth quarter. As the new congress prepares to be sworn in (one more election; a run off in Louisiana), get ready for the media to really push the ‘Republicans are Obstructionists’ story line, with full cooperation from the White House. Is that how it will be? Expect changes in Democratic Party leadership, and perhaps some changes on the Republican side too. Meanwhile the ‘shakeup’ at the White House turns out to be cosmetic as President Obama dumps Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, but his inner circle remains untouched as predicted by The Bob Davis Podcasts. With ISIS grabbing headlines (stoning homosexuals and threatening to behead women tend to do that), Russia continues destabilizing the Ukraine. New concerns about Russian pressure of Latvia, Estonia and Finland concern EU leaders. What about that NATO ‘Quick Reaction Force’ announced at the G8 meeting this year? Turns out NATO does not have the equipment or the budget. And you wonder how European countries are able to provide such lavish benefits to their people; They’re not spending it on defense. The United States still stands as the primary defense for Europe, and this could make the Russia Story very big in 2015. New numbers released this weekend say that Minnesota’s voter turn out in the 2014 election cycle hit lows not seen since 1986. And still, Republicans were unable to win state-wide offices. Is it the party? The Candidates? Or the Voters? Finally, another polar vortex dropping temperatures in the Upper Midwest, as The Bob Davis Podcasts makes its way north. Sponsored by Depotstar. [Powerpress]

Podcast 214

North Dakota. The final On-The-Road podcast takes us through Montana to North Dakota. When you travel, especially in a car, you get philosophical. Subscribers to the Bob Davis Podcasts suggested a trip to Williston, for a first hand look at what ‘Fracking’ has wrought. One does not have to go to Williston to see the effects of development and economic growth in North Dakota. Everything is new. Kicking off some musing about the different ways the American West Developed, how the West uses its resources for economic growth. The sheer geographic size and scope of Western States is truly impressive, not to mention innovation and opportunity from the coffee stands and whitewater outfitters in Moab, Utah to brand new service stations, franchises, apartment buildings, hotels and office buildings in North Dakota. While North Dakota leads the nation in economic growth and energy development, it is just one state. The whole trip through the so called ‘Mountain West’ definitely leaves a visual impression, but it also serves as a reminder of just how majestic the United States is, and how much potential there really is. From trains, to smaller cities all over the west, in states so large you wouldn’t even know there is growth and development, and innovation everywhere. One can’t help but wonder how much more potential for growth would exist if people enjoyed an easier path to following their dreams. The Minneapolis Tribune and New York Times don’t like North Dakota’s oil boom, but then again, the establishment ‘back east’ has never been comfortable with the diverse economic interests ‘Out West’ that have struggled with development, exploitation of natural resources, agriculture and ranching issues, for over one hundred years. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul. 

Podcast 179

Updates on all the big stories. Thanks for all the emails and comments about Podcast 178, outlining the very latest facts on the MH-17 story. This is one of the things podcasting allows us to do very well. Updates for the week continue with the latest on the MH-17 story. Allegations about MH-17 swirl while the President eats hamburgers and hits the hustings to raise money. What do we know about this story and what is conjecture? What can the US do, and what IS the president doing? What about Europe? Meanwhile the crash site in the Ukraine is under the control of ‘Drunken Separatists’ (which sounds like a band name). Actor James Garner of ‘The Rockford Files’ fame is dead at 86. The upper midwest is under a heat advisory, which means heat and humidity and uncomfortable Minnesotans. Think there’s no inflation? Why are two pairs of jeans that used to be 40 dollars suddenly 130 dollars! Sponsored by X Government Cars!