Podcast 311

Brian Williams and Truth. An Update Podcast that takes a foreign policy turn. As NBC News Anchor Brian Williams tries to maintain some credibility in the wake of his admission that he ‘conflated’ a helicopter he was in with another that received RPG and small arms ground fire in Iraq in 2003, veterans and viewers are furious with Williams. In a week in which a man was burned alive in a cage, and buried, Americans are concerned with the antics of a perfumed television presenter. Why do we expect integrity from television news? Much less journalism. For years, the line between entertainment and journalism has been blurring. Perhaps now people see it for what it really is. Meanwhile back on the ranch in the middle east, suicide bombings, and decapitations of hostages and prisoners aren’t apparently enough, so IS decided to put a captured Jordanian pilot in a cage, soak him in gasoline, burn him, then bury the cage with a bulldozer. Incredibly enough this provoked a theological discussion of whether such burnings are justified under Islamic Law. It was decided such barbarity is not acceptable, but the fact that it was even submitted as a theological question is instructive. What is to be done about the Islamic State? The Kurds will only go so far in defending Kurdish Iraq. The Jordanians are understandably angry, but are already asking for bullets, fuel, guns and American Forward Air Controllers in order to attack IS. Is America ready to send troops? The President has correctly described the IS as a death cult, with an Army. It seems, though, as if the United States is underestimating the Islamic State, which some say has a much deeper and stronger appeal to a base of young people world wide, and in the region. Eliminating it may take more than airstrikes and advisors. Now the question is what is he going to do about it? And in the Ukraine – a far more serious matter to the security of Western Europe – Russia is being presented with a peace offer this weekend, which may actually give Putin everything he wants. The end of sanctions in return for allowing Eastern Ukraine provinces self determination, and self government within Ukraine. This allows Russia to reactivate the separatists at any time as well as denying Kiev vital natural resources from these regions. It’s a win for Putin because it allows him to destabilize Kiev at will. Finally, what are the foreign policy ideas of the potential candidates for president in 2016? What are your concerns? Sponsored by X Government Cars and by Depotstar

Podcast 292

Free Speech. The founding principles of the US Government guarantee freedom of expression, without qualification. Americans have gone to war to protect their rights, and to fight for the same kinds of rights for the people of other countries. It might be said, at the very least Liberty is the main tenant of Western Society. Why then do we tolerate ‘leaders’ who insist on qualifying these unalienable rights? The White House has qualified its assertions of freedom of expression and this was a week in which President Obama was shamed for not showing unity with our French allies in their time of need. But, Pope Francis didn’t attend the massive march in Paris either. While both President Obama and The Pope initially condemned the Paris attack on Charlie Hebdo, they seem to be back pedaling their remarks. The Pope, in his shiny big airplane, on the way to wave his scepter at the dancing peasants in the Philippines, says Freedom of Expression has limits, echoing similar statements from the White House. The Pope says killing in the name of God is an ‘aberration’; a factually incorrect statement since the Church has advocated and killed quite a few people in the name of God over the years. In the next breath the Roman Prelate asserts there are limits to free speech. Um, no your communist Holiness, actually, there aren’t. And to the qualifiers; Please stop comparing Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons to yelling fire in a crowded theater. The idea of free expression was made for just this kind of thing. If our leaders won’t stand up for core western values without qualification, what is the point of western civilization? If protecting unalienable rights is in fact virtue in its purest form, and the reason for the existence of our government, and our leaders won’t protect our rights, or are afraid to stand up for them when we are threatened, where is virtue? What, then, is the purpose of government? Let’s put it this way; The Pope is certainly no Winston Churchill. If he isn’t confusing economic philosophy, jumping on board with Global Warming Believers (a religion in itself), now he’s exhorting supposedly free people to act as though they are actually not free at all. Is the Pope morally bankrupt? Sponsored by X Government Cars. (Editor’s Note: I may have referred to Pope John Paul II, in this podcast as Pope John Paul the 23rd, which of course is a mistake. I hate when I make mistakes!)

Podcast 289

Terror Attack In France. In the aftermath of the attack on the offices of French satire magazine, Charlie Hebdo, standout questions. France bans semi automatic rifles, what they call ‘weapons of war’, but somehow the attackers used AK-47’s. How is that possible? Second, is Sharia law at the center of this attack? Acceptance of Sharia Law started in Europe at the end of World War II, and has reportedly progressed to the point where now there are ‘sharia enclaves’ where it can be said that the ‘secular’ law of the country in question isn’t recognized. The US does not recognize Sharia law, but some places have begun to recognize certain elements of Sharia law. Minneapolis, Minnesota for instance, allows Sharia compliant banking. Does the US face ‘creeping’ Sharia law acceptance? Writing just after the attacks in France, a Muslim Cleric claimed dishonoring ‘The Prophet Muhammed’ which carries capital punishment administered by an ‘Islamic State’. Was the attack a sentence allowed through Sharia law, carried out by the Islamic State? If so, what do we intend to do about it? Third, The President’s response to the attack was muted, and President Obama refused to attend a unity march in Paris in the present time frame. His refusal is the biggest story in the third week of January 2015. What’s more, the US sent the Ambassador to France, not the Secretary of State, Vice President, or Attorney General, in lieu of the President. Events may have taken place so quickly the President’s usual, plodding method of decision making was overtaken. This is a pattern with President Obama. Prepare for the explanations, apologies, articles about competence, and eventual subject changing executive orders, or fights with congress until things stabilize. At the root of the problem is a chief executive who cannot or will not, act decisively to do the right thing … which in this case is to support an ally who is suffering in spirit, word and deed. Given the economic situation in Europe, Asia, diplomatic tensions with Russia, an ongoing war in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan one must question whether The President’s policies are making things worse … dangerously worse. Is America ready for random, single or multiple shooter events on our soil? Are American citizens prepared, aware and able to defend themselves in our public places. And, for the future, what is the policy mix that solves this problem? Can ‘The Clash of Civilizations’ be avoided? Because if it can’t … it will be the clash of the century. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, and by Depotstar