Podcast 292

Free Speech. The founding principles of the US Government guarantee freedom of expression, without qualification. Americans have gone to war to protect their rights, and to fight for the same kinds of rights for the people of other countries. It might be said, at the very least Liberty is the main tenant of Western Society. Why then do we tolerate ‘leaders’ who insist on qualifying these unalienable rights? The White House has qualified its assertions of freedom of expression and this was a week in which President Obama was shamed for not showing unity with our French allies in their time of need. But, Pope Francis didn’t attend the massive march in Paris either. While both President Obama and The Pope initially condemned the Paris attack on Charlie Hebdo, they seem to be back pedaling their remarks. The Pope, in his shiny big airplane, on the way to wave his scepter at the dancing peasants in the Philippines, says Freedom of Expression has limits, echoing similar statements from the White House. The Pope says killing in the name of God is an ‘aberration’; a factually incorrect statement since the Church has advocated and killed quite a few people in the name of God over the years. In the next breath the Roman Prelate asserts there are limits to free speech. Um, no your communist Holiness, actually, there aren’t. And to the qualifiers; Please stop comparing Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons to yelling fire in a crowded theater. The idea of free expression was made for just this kind of thing. If our leaders won’t stand up for core western values without qualification, what is the point of western civilization? If protecting unalienable rights is in fact virtue in its purest form, and the reason for the existence of our government, and our leaders won’t protect our rights, or are afraid to stand up for them when we are threatened, where is virtue? What, then, is the purpose of government? Let’s put it this way; The Pope is certainly no Winston Churchill. If he isn’t confusing economic philosophy, jumping on board with Global Warming Believers (a religion in itself), now he’s exhorting supposedly free people to act as though they are actually not free at all. Is the Pope morally bankrupt? Sponsored by X Government Cars. (Editor’s Note: I may have referred to Pope John Paul II, in this podcast as Pope John Paul the 23rd, which of course is a mistake. I hate when I make mistakes!)

Podcast 286

Speaker Boehner. US Speaker of The House Boehner has survived a challenge from so called ‘insurgent conservatives’ to replace him. According to some reports this was the strongest effort to replace a sitting speaker since the 1860’s. As many as 24 Republican members voted against the Speaker. ‘Insurgents’ are unhappy with the Speaker because they do not feel he fights for principles. Freedom Works had urged its followers to write, call and email their Congressmen to vote against Boehner. Once again so called Conservative Insurgents across the country are learning an important lesson about politics. That would be money talks, you know what walks. Whatever you want to call them; Tea Party, Liberty, Insurgent … until this group commands a political machine that actually holds real political power, these kinds of demonstrations (or stunts as some call them) will continue to be just that. When you have the power, you win the vote. Nice try though. There is a lot of snark on this story, which ignores the fact that the insurgent movement — people who actually think our legislators should govern from principle rather than expedience — is growing in strength, contrary to reports of its demise. Meanwhile, what is the agenda for so called ‘moderate’ Republicans in Congress? Make changes on the margins? ‘Restore’ faith in the IRS? Vote tax breaks to teenagers? Really? There are rumors the Keystone Pipeline will come up for a vote soon. As usual all the ‘journalism’ concentrates on the GOP majority in the Senate as being ‘filibuster proof’. This isn’t the question. The question is whether the House and Senate can muster the two-thirds majority needed to override an almost certain Presidential Veto, unless moderates cram all sorts of goodies into the bill. If you want to use email, your phone or write a letter to someone in the government, you might try send a letter to the FCC to demand it does NOT reclassify the Internet as a Utility. The last thing the world needs is regulation and taxation on the Internet. How expensive will Obama Care be in 2015? Aside from some who are now earning more than they did when they qualified for ACA subsidies in 2014, having to pay those subsidies back (yes, it’s true), copays and insurance fees are increasing so much and so quickly the Harvard Professors who supported and demanded the ACA pass, are now protesting those same copay and insurance increases! For Thee, not me, these perfumed princes and princesses are saying. That’s why we trust their positions on other political issues so much. Meanwhile, as the US makes nice with Communists in Cuba, they’re cracking down on dissidents sending thousands to jail. Same thing is happening in China and North Korea. One thing about Maoists, they don’t like dissent. And what happens when a Chicagoan rides his bike to the Police Station to report a theft? Sponsored by Baklund R & D

Podcast 282

Live From The Living Room 2. Here comes the flu! States across the East and Midwest are starting to see a high number of cases for this year’s flu, which may or not be covered by this year’s flu vaccine. Advice? If you get the flu embrace the suck, get yourself some Mexican Coke, and settle in. This New Year’s Eve may be ‘marred’ by protesters seeking to deny Americans the pleasure of celebrating a fresh, clean New Year. So after a high pressure Christmas with the relatives, the one night you want to spend with your friends having a good time is going to end up being ruined by a bunch of idiots in Guy Fawkes masks? Oh Hell No! This is a move that will backfire on so called protesters, who do more and more dumb stuff in an effort to continue grabbing attention and media after two police in New York were assassinated by a criminal, in support of the protests. Meanwhile the most visible Ferguson protester Joshua Williams (is he even from Ferguson?) has been arrested for arson in Berkely, Missouri. Another shining example of the virtue of a protest movement rapidly losing its credibility. Speaking of Credibility, The Communist Pope has now decided to take up the ‘Climate Change’ cudgel in an effort to remain relevant despite all the robes and opulence in the Vatican. Just forget about all that brocade and architecture, diamonds and silk, he’s Argentinian, you know, which means he’s down with the people. People like Castro, and old Uncle Joe. The Pope will soon ‘issue’ a large heavy document, for which many trees will die, in which he will lecture all of us on the dangers of global warming and the need to have a radical change in our economic and social system. Sayeth ‘Pope Che’, ‘These systems are based on the worship of money’ and God is against that. No sir, our system is supposed to be based on our Liberty and personal sovereignty, which is God given, and subject not to the whims of any Pope in Rome. And now we see why. And an addendum to Podcast 280, which focused on social media and political discourse. A professor says Washington has been dumbed down, because America is dumbed down, and what we can do about it. Step one; Don’t expect politicians to become academics or intellectuals. Sponsored by Baklund R&D