Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149

Values and Principles are All In The Family

Firstly this is a personal and heartfelt podcast about Values and Principles and It’s All In The Family. Details in Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149.

Suggested By A YouTube Viewer

Secondly the idea for this podcast came from a YouTube viewer.


To begin with this viewer suggested I talk about the principles of Mountain Men and how I have adopted them.

Of course I don’t follow someone else’s principles. I follow my own.


But where do they come from.

Great Idea

So that’s a great idea for a podcast.

My Family

Accordingly I delve deeply into my own family for clues.


Therefore this became a rather personal and heartfelt podcast.

Four Generations

Because I went back four generations sharing what I know about my ancestors and what they were like.

That is to say what they might have believed in when it came to principles…

And how they lived their lives.

Where Did You Find These Stories

Because I’m going so far back you might wonder about the source.

With this is mind much of the stories come from my Grandfather.

All in all my mom as well.

Not only these…

But my own memories too.

Confuse Values and Principles

Above all I think people confuse values with principles.

Of course principles can come from values.

On the other hand I find principles more like hard and fast rules…

And values to be more flexible.

Hard To Adopt Principles

Given these points it’s difficult to see how this nomad could have adapted or adopted the principles of an historical figure.


In spite of the feeling you might get from watching a movie about some figure or character that results in a feeling like you can almost channel the them…

Eventually you’re left with your own history and family story.

Everyone Has A Different Story

Lastly of course these are different for everyone.

Certainly some of us would rather not follow principles of certain family members.

Nevertheless we learn our family’s principles in early childhoods.

Accordingly that makes Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149 a very personal and emotional podcast.

Follow Along

In conclusion it’s my hope the listener will follow along as I tell my story.

Think About Your Own Family and Principles

And accordingly remember your own childhood for ideas that apply.

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Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149



Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711

A tough little kid named Sal Di Leo, taken away from his mother and sent to live in an orphanage. That’s how this story starts. Follow the turns and twists as that 6 year old becomes a man. We’ll talk to author Sal Di Leo in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

Not A Crime Novel

Joliet, Illinois. Early 1960’s. When his father leaves his mother and his 11 brothers and sisters with no heat and no money, a 6 year old and his older brother cope by any means necessary. They are dirty and hungry. The only help they get is from the nuns at their school. Sounds like the beginning of a crime novel, right?

Turning A Life Around

Not so fast. Sal joins The Bob Davis Podcasts to tell a story of self discovery that leads to gratitude. It starts with the sisters at a catholic orphanage, in Joliet, Illinois. Sal’s story also includes 4 years at BoysTown and a few twists and turns in life after BoysTown. Hear the story in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

Gratitude and Service

These days there’s a lot of talk about character. More than a few thick books define character and preach about how to develop the attribute. Sal has packed more about character into “Did I Ever Thank You, Sister?” than many of those best sellers because he has lived it. Check out Sal Di Leo’s story in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

This is a story you don’t hear very often these days. So many documentaries and speakers are out to run down the church. Every now and then though, you find a gem. Especially relevant is the fact that the sisters at Sal’s orphanage provided a very real home and base for an angry little kid to grow into a man.

Sal is an inspirational speaker, author and businessman. (Editor’s Note: You can also book Sal for speaking at 612-382-3582)

For more about Sal’s story visit Sal Di

Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711





Tragedy Coverage Social Taboo-Talk About Death-Podcast 668

Shootings. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Floods. Lots of talk about what happened. Not much talk about the actual experience of death. That’s because Death isn’t easy to talk about. I do in Tragedy Coverage Social Taboo-Talk About Death-Podcast 668.

Overwhelming Tragedy Coverage

Check your social media feed. Turn on TV. Listen to the radio. There’s an avalanche of talk about the events surrounding a tragedy. What happened? How did this happen? Can it be prevented from happening again? From comedians to news reporters, it’s mostly people trying to remain relevant.

Nobody Talks About Death

In all of the coverage no one wants to talk about the experience of death. Death as a concept. The reality of death. Fact is, we live with death and we have an experience called death. However, we don’t ever talk about it. Death as a subject is not okay. In Tragedy Coverage Social Taboo-Talk About Death-Podcast 668.

What Is Death?

Death is the total and permanent cessation of the vital functions of an organism. We don’t really want to talk about that so we find other things to talk about. How do we deal with the shock of the unexpected, unexplainable and irreversible?

We Don’t Know How It Feels

Why do we grieve the death of the famous and barely pay a second thought to the deaths of hundreds in an earthquake in some other land? How is that different from how we react when someone really close to us dies? Talk about it in Tragedy Coverage Social Taboo-Talk About Death-Podcast 668,

Sharing My Experiences Of Death

In this podcast I share my own experiences. How I reacted to recent deaths of people very close to me. People who died unexpectedly.  This is in the hope that subscribers and listeners might think about and share their own stories and their own experiences with death. This is not easy to do. Talk about this is not a judgement.

We’re All Gonna Get There

Sooner or later we’re all going to have the death experience. Seems like everyone has different ideas about what actually happens. Death remains the great mystery for all of us. When you talk about death you have to talk about life. Do we regard life with the same wonder? Is life the same amazing mystery to us? Why not?

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Tragedy Coverage Social Taboo-Talk About Death-Podcast 668