Podcast 306

Political Polarization. This Podcast is live from the backyard, on a warm summer night. This is made possible by the magic of on demand audio. How did politics get so personal? How did Political Polarization become something written and talked about all the time. These days it seems like the media tries to divide Americans by slicing and dicing poll data. What’s the real divider in America today? The Government. What’s the solution? Maybe getting the government out of the people’s lives. Is the solution a third political party? Former Minnesota Governor Jessie Ventura is saddened by the news that the Independence Party has lost major party status in his home state. What about Ventura’s one term as Minnesota’s Governor? How did that work out? Meanwhile, how does one explain the fact that ‘divided’ Americans keep putting up moderate candidates like Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and Jim Webb? If American Politics is so polarized, why do moderate candidates consistently end up as favorites? Mitt Romney continues toying with a presidential run, trash talking Clinton and Obama, but offering no solutions or plans of his own. (Editor’s Note: And you wonder why I say Republican arguments so far are nothing by rhetoric.) Is it possible we Americans run a little deeper on the issues than polling data can show? Is it possible people are divided on different issues, yet not necessarily ‘polarized’ when it comes to the leaders they choose? Has the growth of government in our personal lives made everything political? Is it possible the divisions, and frustration and anger might be mitigated if Washington and Saint Paul would just get out of the way? Sponsored by Depotstar

Podcast 285

Summer Sound. With the temperature several degrees below zero, and the snow blowing in the upper midwest, winter has set in. Just staying warm in a streak of sub zero weather can be a challenge physically. Eventually the cold starts to wear people’s spirits down. What can be more uplifting than summer? So, The Bob Davis Podcasts delivers a therapeutic dose of heat, humidity, sun, water, boats, fireworks, thunderstorms and a warm summer rain. Summer in the Upper Midwestern United States is the best in the world. What goes through the mind of a person in a deep freeze? Walking on grass barefoot? Weekends at the lake with friends and family? Boating? White clouds and blue sky? Walking through the forest, or searching through the brush for firewood? What about the sound of screen door? The wind through the trees. A bonfire? Of course the high point of summer is usually the Fourth of July, which means fireworks. Lots of fireworks. It always seems like the fireworks bring the the tornado sirens, thunder and the rain. Winter has its own kind of silent beauty, and Minnesotans know if you get out in it, you start to appreciate it. But, its strange how silent it can be in winter when you think about how loud the bugs actually are, all summer. Whether it is a walk through the short, velvet summer night, or sitting in a city park on a Saturday, the bugs are always present, as well as the birds. And a loon or two. And a barking dog. Sound from summer may depress you, or it may just get you through the tough parts. (Editor’s note: Obviously in putting this together, I listened to it a few times, and my mood is already improved!) A few years ago The Bob Davis Podcasts posted a summer sound podcast, using some older technology. This new summer sound podcast includes mostly new sounds as well as some of the old favorites from summer’s past, and uses newer technology so it sounds better. Get out a pair of headphones, find a chair, or lie down, turn up the volume and be enveloped by your old friend summer. Remember, it’s only five and a half months away! Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Depotstar

Podcast 201

Live from the Lake! A family celebration of music sparked thoughts about these summertime family rituals. Friends and families getting together at ‘the cabin’ or in their backyards in the upper Midwest, where summer is so short and so sweet. Whether it is a bar-b-que, bonfire, games at the lake, or someone’s birthday, family celebrations can be enriching for everyone involved. We live in a time of cynicism and negative judgement. Our media thrives on conflict. Yet, on this Saturday in August, 2014, a family, friends and neighbors gathered for a recital of beginning adult musicians and everyone got into the act. Some say ‘America’ is ‘lost’, beyond ‘redemption’ and that the country ‘we’ once new is dead. And yet, people are capable of doing truly incredible things. Whether it is art, crafts, or passing down lessons learned from elders on how to fish, or hunt, or just to play games, people are getting together and sharing with each other all over this country. And…it’s always been that way. We just never hear about it anymore. This is a chronicle of one Saturday in late August, at the lake in Wisconsin, and the lessons learned. Sponsored by X Government Cars.