Podcast 257

Weekend Update. Extreme weather in Buffalo, New York drops at least 6 feet of snow; more in one day than they get all year, and that’s extreme, even for a place like Buffalo. This weekend the Bills have to play in Detroit due to the snow. Speaking of Football Stadiums. Minnesota has one of the worst professional sports stadium deals in the country. That is, Minnesota taxpayers will pay a larger share of the new Vikings Stadium than taxpayers in other states pay for theirs. Imagine Vikings fans surprise when they learned from The Minneapolis Tribune, the Vikings will pay a larger share for ‘their’ stadium. How much? A little more than half a million dollars. Yeah. Kudos to the Star-Tribune for providing the people of Minneapolis-Saint Paul and the state of Minnesota with a free ad for the Minnesota Vikings. We’d like to see them pay a lot more, like about 600 MILLION more, but that will never happen thanks to so called fiscally responsible republicans in the state legislature who did the stadium deal back in the day. Minnesota Senator Al Franken is all up in Uber’s grill because of comments made by an executive of the company ‘threatening’ a ‘journalist’ — and revealing the company keeps electronic records of all their clients’ travels. The Senator wrote an angry letter to the company demanding to know whether it is keeping data, confidential. Isn’t it nice, with all the other issues; immigration, Keystone, and War, the Senator found time to stand up for a journalist. By the way, that little ‘I Agree’ button is something he might want to take a look at. And speaking of parasitic capitalists: When Tesla’s Elon Musk isn’t profiting from energy subsidies or selling carbon credits to his direct competitors, he’s braying about artificial intelligence and how it will destroy humanity. Always good for positive media coverage from reporters who don’t know what AI is anyway. But the Japanese are forging ahead with FEMBOTS! Soon they will be receptionists, TV presenters, even companions! And Japan doesn’t care if they take over, since everyone is too old to work there. Then there is Bill Cosby. While the media acts as judge, and jury it is important to remember Cosby has never been charged, or convicted of anything. Is it ok that the media gets to decide whether someone is a rapist, murderer or thief? What about spy? Just sayin’. Finally some thoughts about work. More people these days are leaving corporate america to start their own small businesses. Never before have the tools been better for amplifying the individual.  With as much as 13 percent of the work force is checking out of the cubicle, into their own businesses who can blame them? Working for most of today’s corporations is nothing but drudgery and people are getting sick of it. What will the future company look like, and how will people work for them? Sponsored by Depotstar


Podcast 255

Immigration Reform. (Midweek update, a little late due to a long podcast with Andrew Richter and Jason Bradley. The point of podcast 254 is that you can stop unelected regional boards from encroaching on your town. While critics of organization say you have to have candidates who inspire people to get involved first, where will the candidates come from? Local politics is one of those areas were individuals can have a huge impact. Thanks again to Community Solutions MN for joining the Bob Davis Podcasts.) President Obama prepares to issue executive orders granting amnesty to some three million illegal immigrants across the US, igniting a political fire storm. The President wants Republicans to pass the Senate Immigration ‘Reform’ bill, which has been languishing since last year, Republicans don’t want to pass it. So, the President will issue orders that accomplishes the same thing. Sort of. The idea of using executive orders to ‘legislate’ from the White House is controversial; one of the oldest constitutional arguments in the Republic. Courts have supported Presidents who use executive orders in an ’emergency’, but that doesn’t make them any less controversial and politically provocative. George W. Bush got into hot water with detentions , surveillance and ‘Gitmo’. Obama questioned how far he could go on immigration as late as last year, suggesting to supporters in the Latino Community that he could only use executive power related to existing legislation. Now he appears to have changed his mind. Since the President and now minority Democrat leadership in the House and Senate are moving to the left, expect more executive orders designed to ignite debate and draw attention to their issues, and their agenda in preparation for 2016. Don’t expect President Obama’s actions to be designed to help Hillary Clinton. Rather, it might be suggested the President, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are moving to the left, to lay the groundwork for an Elizabeth Warren presidential run. Deflation is now the number one financial news story after being featured on the Bob Davis Podcasts last month and earlier in November, 2014. With Japan in recession, Europe on the brink and China in trouble, central bank stimulation and big government public works projects are not working. The solution? More central bank intervention and public works projects! Really? Meanwhile, depending on what fourth quarter US economic numbers show, get ready for sandbagging. Already defenders of more public works projects and cotton candy from the central banks are pointing to ‘cold weather’ as the reason for potentially (hasn’t happened yet, but just in case) negative economic numbers. We have had earthquakes, hurricanes, hot summers and cold winters during economic boom times as well, but suddenly ‘the cold’ (which has lasted two weeks) is causing an economic slow down? Keep in mind as late as a week ago the media was telling us the reduction in oil and eventually gas prices would act as a boon to the US economy. What happened to that line of reasoning? “Cheaper gas acts like a tax cut” they say. Really? Bottom line is, Keynesian economic policies don’t work. One thing cheaper gas means, according to Bloomberg.com, is people will be flooding onto the nation’s highways for the Thanksgiving Holiday. A whopping .1 percent increase as compared to air travel this year. The Bob Davis Podcasts will be out on the road to report on this story. If you plan on driving to this year’s Thanksgiving feast at the relatives, Podcast 255 has some suggestions on how to avoid the traffic. Sponsored by Baklund R&D.

Podcast 251

Boycott Black Friday. Updates for your midweek from The Bob Davis Podcasts. Observations from the most recent speaking engagement at the Liberty Tea Party Patriots meeting in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, caps final discussion of Election 2014. If CNN and MSNBC ratings (getting beat by the Weather Channel) are any indication, most people have moved on, or are ready to move on. We’ll save discussion of what could, should, might happen until after the new congress is sworn in, after January 7th, 2015. Meanwhile it has started again. ‘It’, is the incessant need of the media to dissect and predict the ‘outcome’ of Black Friday sales numbers, and what they mean for the greater ‘economy’, or the indication of the ‘mood of the consumer’. Can we please give it a rest? Every time a retail chain announces it will be open on Thanksgiving day, more coverage ensues. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. Yes, the Pilgrims prayed, but these days it’s more about Turkey, Football, three bean salad and the cheese ball than anything else. If people want to go shopping, let them, but we should boycott Black Friday, and Black Thursday Night, and Black Saturday and Black Sunday just to stymie the National Retailers Propaganda wing and the news channels crowing. Meanwhile, women no longer want to be thin. They want booty. Big Booty. According to French Sociologists its about economic security. In tough times men are drawn to the hips and buttox of women, and psychologically they want to comply, to the extent that sales of padded panties, botox buttox injections and implants are skyrocketing. Sir Mix A Lot is a prophet! The President has a new executive order initiative; In a deal with China, the US pledges to cut carbon emissions (again) 25 to 30 percent lower than 2005 levels, and China pledges to (wait for it), work on the problem. Question: Does President Obama ever actually get anything in a negotiation? You’ve seen the movie ‘Birds’, right? The Alfred Hitchcock Thriller Classic? Double Crested Cormorants – 800 of them – are holding up demolition of the old Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge. Authorities have decided to spend 33 million dollars (forty thousand dollars per bird) to move them. Just blow the bridge. They’ll move. Does news like this make you want to go underground? A developer has turned an old SAC Missile Silo into a luxury ‘doomsday bunker’. Several 1800 square foot apartments, swimming pool, recreation space, and special forces trained armed guards make your ‘Walking Dead Scenario’ sweet! A new lost gospel says Jesus was married, had two kids and was connected to Elite Romans. And finally, the Mormons are finally saying Joseph Smith had as many as forty wives. His first wife only knew about four of them and she was not pleased. Sponsored by Xgovernment Cars and by Depotstar