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Inflation For Nomads

You might think inflation for nomads is something we don’t think about. However we nomads might be in the best position to deal with inflation. Learn more in Inflation-For-Nomads-Bob Davis Podcast 1024.

Hitting The Road

Firstly I have been hitting the road for extended periods of time since 2014.

Life On That Road Forever

Secondly about a year ago I decided to chuck it all and hit the road permanently.

Will Higher Prices Kill The Vibe?

However as oil and food prices rise some people wonder how long any of us nomads will be able to continue.


But it might be surprising to learn I think nomads are in the best position to deal with rising prices.


Certainly I have some disclaimers in this podcast.

No Politics

That is to say this podcast isn’t about politics.

For example I am not going to tell everyone what ‘the government’ should do to deal with this problem.

System Of Thinking

On the other hand I have been employing a system of thinking about these things that has yielded some observations that can help anyone concerned about rising prices.

What Might Be Going On

Even more I conducted an organized observation of grocery stores and truck stops from coast to coast in the last few months and I learned a few things about what’s going on with consumers.

For Nomads

Finally for nomads the real question is where the most significant price increases are coming from and how long they can last.

Changing Up The Vibe

In short the ‘go where my intuition sends me’ vibe is the first casualty.

What’s The Mission

Moving further along that line of reasoning the only task left for me is the mission for the second full year of nomad life.

Slowing Down

And slowing down the velocity of travel.

Careful Planning

Above all careful planning and controlling expenses suggests nomads can get through this insanity and prevail.


In conclusion there’s something about then nomad experience that allows us to forget the rest of the world.

For a time.

Reality Breaks In

Every now and then reality breaks through the bliss.

Most importantly this doesn’t have to be a death sentence for the mission or the experience.

Only The Disciplined Can Be Truly Free

In short what is required is a disciplined way of thinking and operating to stay on the road and in the flow.

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Beating-Travel-Blues-In-Arkansas-Bob Davis Podcast 993

Beating The Travel Blues In Arkansas

Firstly you would be forgiven for wondering why I would even need to beat the travel blues in Arkansas. Above all other places. But the travel blues can bite you in the ass without warning. Learn more in Beating-Travel-Blues-In-Arkansas-Bob Davis Podcast 993.

Goal Oriented

Secondly we live in a goal oriented culture.

Need Must Do Or Die

Want to becomes need to. Must do. Do or die.


More importantly when I’m pursuing a goal I can be relentless.


Consequently I found myself in Arkansas the other day, frustrated and ticked off.

Preconceived Notions About The Day

To clarify I had this image in my head of just how the day was going to go. I would end up at the perfect campsite, right by the side of the road!


Certainly I had meticulously planned my transit through Arkansas.

Coffee Filters?

And then I ran out of coffee filters.


As a result my day went haywire.

Off Intention…Off Course

In short I ended up on a highway I never intended to be on and wasn’t sure where I was going.

Change Your Attitude Brah

On the other hand it ended perfectly. Find out how in Beating-Travel-Blues-In-Arkansas-Bob Davis Podcast 993.

Ride Up Front With Me

Even more in this podcast you get to ride up front with me!

Lessons Learned

In the same vein there are many lessons I learn on the road.

Where’s The Fire?

For one thing I can forget I don’t have a tether and I don’t need to press on as though there’s no tomorrow.

How I Learn

Moreover this is how I can learn lessons that have applications to every day life.

Bliss Isn’t Always As Easy As It Looks

In addition though I talk about travel zen, reaching that state of bliss isn’t always as easy as I think it will be.

Ouachita National Forest

Finally I had to shift gears as I headed through the gorgeous Ouachita National Forest on my way to Dallas, Texas.

Short But Complex

In conclusion this is a short podcast about a complex issue.


To sum up what happens when life doesn’t quite go the way we planned and expected?

We Don’t Need No Stinking Plans

In short sometimes the best things in life are the results of mistakes and miscalculations.

Now About Those Coffee Filters!

Or because someone runs out of coffee filters.

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Beating-Travel-Blues-In-Arkansas-Bob Davis Podcast 993