American Cultural Revolution-Bob Davis Podcast 745

These days the United States is fast becoming a place where you cannot speak your mind. A country founded on free speech faces mob rule. Learn more in American Cultural Revolution-Bob Davis Podcast 745.

A Sea Of Nonsense

Furthermore misinformation and disinformation fill the sea of our thought. Even the news sounds like conspiracy theory. Everything is personal. People expect tolerance but give no quarter.

One Slip Up

Especially relevant is the reality that one slip up can turn a friendly conversation ugly. Consequently I wonder if we’re living through the early stages of what the Chinese went through in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Sure seems like it.


During those years in China millions of people suffered a wide range of abuses. Public humiliation, sustained harassment, resettlement and worse. Historic relics and artifacts were destroyed. Religious sites ransacked. Sound familiar?

Political Minefield

Our world today is a political minefield. Stripped bare of decorum and decency. Long gone are the founding concepts protecting the rights of political minorities through free speech and republican government. They have been replaced by the unpredictable grievances of the mob, and its solutions.

Enemy Of The People

Finally the mob doesn’t necessarily have to follow a specific political direction. While one side is driving people out of restaurants the president is telling the country the ‘press is the enemy of the people‘. More shouting and demands.


Most noteworthy is the penchant for labels that make the old republican and democrat divide quaint. Alt-Right, Democratic Socialist, Populist, White Nationalist, Conservative, Liberal, Right and Left, up and down in a dizzying tornado of deadly serious nonsense.

Setting The People Back Decades

When the Chinese Cultural Revolution finally ended under Deng, the party recognized it had set the country and people back decades. Perhaps the only reason China wasn’t torn apart by Mao sponsored mobs running amok is because it was and is a tyranny. Maybe that is our future.

This Doesn’t End Well So Grow Up

In conclusion, this doesn’t end well. I know it seems like years but Trump has been president for only a year and eight months.  Eventually some test will come up for Donald Trump. The question is whether our politics these days can weather it.

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American Cultural Revolution-Bob Davis Podcast 745










Podcasting Meets Broadcasting-Bob Davis Podcast 744

Suddenly broadcasters have discovered podcasters. These days that means broadcasters will soon be telling podcasters how to do what they do. Is that a good thing? In Podcasting Meets Broadcasting-Bob Davis Podcast 744.

Doing Radio Is Pure Joy

In the first week of August 2018 I got a chance to do some fill in at the legendary WCCO Radio in Minneapolis and Saint Paul. My experience was rediscovering the pure joy of doing radio. The takeaway for a podcaster is how different the two mediums are. If you know how to do it, radio is pure joy.

Podcaster And Broadcaster

Furthermore after 40+ years in the radio industry and almost ten years of podcasting I am uniquely qualified to wax poetic on the differences, good and bad. Podcasters and broadcasters will enjoy Podcasting Meets Broadcasting-Bob Davis Podcast 744.

All About Show Prep

First and foremost the prep work required to do a good radio show is off the charts compared to a thirty or forty five minute rant in a podcast.

Moreover to pulling all the elements together for a news talk show, for me, means reading. Hundreds of pages of news stories. Not scanning my smart phone. Reading everything you can find written in any particular news cycle. Yes, you end up throwing most of it away but you come away with granular information.

Deep Dive Of Podcasting Won’t Work On Radio

For me, podcasting is an opportunity to go deeper into the psyche. It means sharing ideas in a format you probably would never be able to make work on the radio.

Digital Disruption

Finally broadcast is being disrupted by digital. Broadcast will evolve though. Radio isn’t going away. Neither is podcasting. Fact is podcasting and broadcasting are two different mediums. Most noteworthy is radio’s penchant for formula and formats and it’s desire to force those ideas on other creative communities.

In conclusion authenticity is probably the most important thing for both broadcasters and podcasters. A short story about Aretha Franklin and Atlantic’s Jerry Wexler provides a little background on how to handle talent.

(Editor’s Note: I mentioned two legendary recording studios in this podcast. I called it ‘Studio City’ but it’s Sound City and Muscle Shoals. Also here’s some info on the legendary Atlantic Records.)

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems

Podcasting Meets Broadcasting-Bob Davis Podcast 744