New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710

Lots of talk these days about the fifties. The 1950’s that is. A time when we made stuff. When men were men and, you know. Was it so great? We’ll talk about it in New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710.

A Podcast Subscriber Suggestion

One of my subscribers recently suggested I take a moment or a time in history and talk about it. As it relates to the president, part of the populist political theme these days is getting back to a simpler time when America Was Great.

Back In The Day We Were Happy and America was Great

During the time of poodle skirts and Buddy Holly, Marilyn Monroe and amber fields of grain, lots of people worked in manufacturing. Americans ‘made stuff’. Prices were low compared to today. People were happy. Families were important. Sundays was for church. Cars were big and cool. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

Seeing Life Through The Gauze of Nostalgia

Nostalgia. A sentimental longing a past. Going back to a place or time with happy personal associations. Surprisingly people are sometimes nostalgic for the time just before they were born, or going back to when they were children. We see nostalgia for the 1980’s from millennials who weren’t even born until the 90’s or 2000’s. We’ll talk about it in New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710.

Politicians Want Your Vote So They Love The 1950s Too

Especially relevant are politicians who evoke these halcyon times. Movers and shakers who want to associate their name and image with a time that is thought to be idyllically peaceful and happy. While we all would love to experience such a time, by some measurements the 1950’s in the United States wasn’t necessarily the jazz age.

Things Were Simpler In Part Because Populations Were Smaller

In New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710 we’ll take a close look at the 1950‘s including some memories and stories about the early days of the suburbs and the vast differences in the size and makeup of cities and towns.

How Do You Build A Better Future Dreaming Of The Past?

In conclusion if we are always thinking about a time in the distant past that really wasn’t how we remember or think about it, we’re not thinking about the future. Is it so bad people can be themselves these days? What about being able to communicate. Share vast amounts of data easily? Build highly productive factories that make things better, that last longer and do more? Are things better today than in the 1950’s?

You be the judge in New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710.

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New Nostalgia-Really Want A Throwback To Fifties-Pros and Cons-Podcast 710

FaceBook’s Very Bad No Good Data Breach Elected A Bad Person-Something Must Be Done-Podcast 708

These days when something goes wrong seems like we want a new law. A new social media data breach links FaceBook to the 2016 election outcome. Due to the controversy regulation might not be far away. In FaceBook’s Very Bad No Good Data Breach Elected A Bad Person-Something Must Be Done-Podcast 708.

FaceBook Back In The News

A whistle blower says a data analytics firm duped FaceBook out of tens of millions of social media profiles. What’s more, right wing political operatives used the data to influence voters in the US possibly impacting the presidential race.

This Story Has It All

Shadowy political operatives, Russians, Social Media Companies, and crazy new tactics. Get ahead of the story with FaceBook’s Very Bad No Good Data Breach Elected A Bad Person-Something Must Be Done-Podcast 708.

Was This A Crime or Just Political Shenanigans

Especially relevant is whether this is a serious and illegal data breach. Or just another example of political shenanigans? Much as it stings, did they take your credit card numbers? Personal data? Nope. Probably just your FaceBook history and the histories of your friends.

FaceBook Is Back On The Hot Seat

Most noteworthy is Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s announcement that she wants FaceBook’s Mark Zuckerberg to testify. Because the social media giant tried to kill the story then admitted it was true, this testimony could be pivotal.

Your Data? Really?

Truth is, these companies sell data. Consequently, you sign over the rights to your data when you sign up. The question here is who owns the data? Did Cambridge Analytica use fraud to obtain the data from FaceBook? More importantly what election laws were violated if any? If not, it’s civil issue between FaceBook and companies and parties involved in the alleged fraud.

Break Up Big Tech!

Lawmakers on both sides of the political spectrum can’t wait to regulate evil Silicon Valley companies.

Get Your Grubby Government Hands Off Information

Nobody likes being manipulated. Yet, do we want the grubby hands of government all over free speech and information? Most of all, does this mean we have to pass laws controlling big tech? Seems like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

Bring On The Disruption

Seems like the digital revolution has effected media and politics lately. In addition the interest in regulation in this area is increasing. What if we accelerated the disruption instead?

Who’s to Blame? Where’s the Mirror

In conclusion, a question. Are individual citizens are responsible for themselves? If we get our news from social media and then become confused or feel controlled, maybe we ought to be looking in the mirror. Furthermore, politics is a dirty business. Operatives are always looking for an edge. Finally, while not excusing any illegal behavior, maybe we are all part of the problem rather than the solution.

We’re In Charge Of Our Own Culture

Consequently, it might be time to start taking responsibility for what we believe and the decisions we make.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing of Saint Paul

FaceBook’s Very Bad No Good Data Breach Elected A Bad Person-Something Must Be Done-Podcast 708


Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707

The economy is booming. Everything is getting better. Talk to a Trump supporter these days and that’s what you’ll hear. We’ll discuss it in Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

The Economy Is Booming

A few weeks ago the Atlanta Federal Reserve, known for its bullish predictions, announced first quarter 2018 economic growth might be as high as 5.4 percent. It sure seemed to make sense, to hear main street tell it. Wall Street seemed to agree. In Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

Wait! What? But You Said The Economy Was Booming!

This week the same Atlanta Fed announced a revision of its earlier prediction, suggesting economic growth for the United States might only be 1.3 percent. Less than the 2+ percent growth in the fourth quarter of last year, which was hardly booming.

We Have To Make Stuff, right?

We’ve been hearing it for awhile. America doesn’t make stuff anymore. Trump’s gonna fix it. Trade protection for the struggling manufacturers. Help for the broad shoulders of America’s industrial past. Trump’s gonna show ’em all. Find out if this is true in Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

Where Is The Greatest Generation When You Need Them Say The Baby Boomers

Whether it’s your local Tea Party guy or President Clinton’s former labor Secretary Robert Reich, the chant is the same. We don’t make stuff anymore. Sudden authorities on the subject of character point to World War II heroes and 1930’s social welfare warriors as paragons of virtue. The past sure seems sweet to the baby boomers these days.

Suddenly the 1950’s are back.

Forget Big Oil and Banking Go After The Tech Guys

Especially relevant are the Steel and Oil barons. They used to be the villains. Now it’s the tech guys. Republicans used to be against regulation right? Suddenly the republicans and democrats want to regulate social media and search engine tycoons, because ‘something’s got to be done’. Listen to Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

Smells Like Reagan But…

Administration officials talk trade protection and a weak dollar. So called conservatives add trillions of dollars in debt to pay for tax cuts. There’s talk about increasing taxes on gas and diesel and spending hundreds of billions more on building bridges and roads. There’s talk of US involvement in war in Syria and on the Korean peninsula. These are republicans?

Does that sound like the Reagan Revolution to you?

Everywhere an unseen revolution in technology is eroding and wiping away institutions, including government. The right and the left have lost their way. Big change is upon us. We’re going to have to figure out what comes next because our leaders never will

Are we?

In conclusion we can’t go back to the 1950‘s. However, we can’t seem to move forward. What’s our role in creating the future. What are the most important values in a world where human beings may live hundreds of years longer, robots will farm and manufacture, money will be on your hand held device, cars and trucks will drive themselves, drones will deliver and your robot girlfriend may be a lot smarter than you!

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Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707