Podcast 407

Killing The Golden Goose. We’ve all heard the parable; The greedy farmer and his wife with the goose that lays the golden egg. As ‘back to school’ looms, the beginning of reengaging in the political process begins with a look at what the real issue might be in our economy and by extension, our politics in the United States. The question is, which is the goose and greedy farmer? Think of the economy – the sum total of all we consume and produce —  as a force of nature, like a hurricane rather than as some kind of Rube Goldberg device with dials and switches and levers. Or, as a golden goose. If the government takes more and more to sustain its operations and debt, where does that money come from? It comes from the individual. Can the government spend too much, and so require too much from the proverbial golden goose? You don’t hear this question discussed too much in the political arena these days. What you hear is a lot of nonsense about individual tax plans for the middle class, or taxing the so called ‘rich’. The fact is, the government takes your income — your wealth if you will — and uses it for its own aims. We’re supposed to have a conversation with our politicians regarding what those aims are, but we usually don’t. If government spending now, without calculating perpetual obligations like social security and other entitlements including medicaid, medicare and the so called Affordable Care Act is almost 40 percent of the country’s total economy, maybe this is the reason why our economy isn’t growing fast enough. Is it possible the greedy farmer is in the process of killing the golden goose? And if so, what do the perfumed princes on the campaign trail intend to do about it? The grey area between what is a public good, and greedy government is the crossroads where we are stuck. If we don’t figure out how to talk about it and to solve the problem, our goose is cooked. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 405

China Syndrome. As the China Market Meltdown story goes mainstream, it’s pundit tug-o-war between ‘China Doom’ proponents and ‘Nothing To See Here Folks’ adherents. Fun for the media, not so fun if you’re trying to figure out where this might go … could go wrong. Hopefully this podcast will be of some help. We start from the proposition that no one really knows what’s going on in China. It’s possible even the highest people in the Chinese Communist Government don’t really know what’s going on in China. Despite what is being said, there will be winners and losers if China actually does melt down, and surprises along the way. Does an economic collapse in China mean an end to the People’s Republic of China? What might that look like if it does happen? Or, will this problem simply be one of those momentary pauses, fodder for a couple of days relief from political nonsense in the US, before we get back to arguing about Donald Trump’s latest missive, Jeb Bush’s black hand, or Hillary Clinton’s email. It certainly feels like we’re nearing one of those strange historic pivot points, but whether the market meltdown in China, and the angst in markets across the world from Europe and Asia to the United States are in fact, that black swan pivot point. Could be. Hard to tell. Pivot points and Black Swan events don’t fit perfectly into decades, and are hard to predict. Its fun to hear people saying, “I’ve been predicting this for years” after something happens that looks like it could be a black swan event. In fact, historic pivot points have to be something more than just a Black Swan, but something that happens, that afterward people can clearly point to that event as the beginning of ‘when things changed’. One thing is for sure; Hold onto your hats (if you wear one), there is a strong feeling out there that what passes for current events today, may be about to change … for good. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 403 – Jason Lewis Part 1

Jason Lewis Part 1. Another visit with national radio host and Galt IO creator Jason Lewis, this time aboard the Mobile Podcast Command Unit 8. On a day when the US Markets were down over three hundred points, getting reconnected on The Bob Davis Podcasts after more than a year produces a wide ranging discussion between two ‘former’ talk radio pros that ended up going much longer than either planned. So, instead of one podcast, it will be two podcasts. Each installment is thirty minutes of solid discussion about The Economy, Immigration, the Federal Reserve, the 2016 presidential primary ‘campaigns’, the media, and much, much more. This is the kind of content you don’t hear much these days in the talk radio world, and certainly not on the mainstream media; The kind of content only digital media delivers. On a personal note, its interesting to me how much we have evolved over the years since working together at KSTP-AM in the two thousands, and at Clear Channel in Minneapolis in this decade, and yet how little some talk hosts have changed over the years. Jason in particular, has evolved what he likes to call a ‘Pacifist’ approach to foreign policy, passionately making the case that you can’t have big government abroad, without big government at home. It’s certainly an argument you won’t hear in the political arena these days from either side. We also talk about Trump’s appeal, political involvement and more. Jason’s audio book ‘Power Divided Is Power Checked’ is available here, and his podcast is available here. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul. (Editor’s Note: I’m posting this podcast for the weekend on Friday morning, August 21st, and I’ll post Part 2 for your Monday morning. Thanks again to Jason Lewis for joining me on the podcast and for keeping it real.