Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651

Where do you draw your inspiration? Where do your dreams come from? What pushes you to keep going. These days, none of us have an easy task. Some days you’re just grinding it out. We’re talking about inspiration in Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

You Don’t Have To Be A Pilot

Let me say it. I am not a pilot. My interest in this amazing event at Osh Kosh’s Wittman field started with Alpha Systems, a client and supporter of the Bob Davis Podcasts. One of my passions is history. History lives everywhere you look here at OSH17.

The Essence Of What Makes A Great American Event

Listeners and subscribers wonder whether they should bring their kids to this event. What’s it like? Think of the AirVenture show like a well run state fair, where everyone is focused on one idea. For me, this is the essence of what makes a great American Event. In Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

A Dream That Inspires

Flying is like a dream. Clearly it’s a dream for the people who fly. It’s also a dream for those who come to these shows. We all wonder, “What’s it like up there?”. For me though, it’s history that inspires. Whether it is homebuilders, ultra-lights, warbirds, and especially the vintage planes that made so much history in the United States in the 1920’s and 1930’s before World War II.

You hear a lot of talk these days about the political process. What ‘they’re’ doing in the state capitol, or Washington DC. Lots of head shaking and concern.

One of the things that inspires me about this event is the evidence of pilots, engineers and dreamers who focused on their passion. People who made huge contributions to the world through flight. In Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

Don’t Let It Bring You Down

Yes things are changing. Fast. You can see each generation’s contributions flying over your head, parked on the field, or in the exhibition hangers. Some are worried about their personal future. Others have concern about the future of the country. When you come here you realize it’s always been that way and yet, inspired people still made great contributions.

My Airstrip In The Desert

Podcasting is my air strip in the desert. Mobile Podcast Command is my old plane. When you do something that is so new it can be difficult to get businesspeople to understand. Sometimes you wonder why you do it at all. Then you come to an event like this. In Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Flight Dreams And Inspiration At EAA OSH17-Podcast 651

Playing The Something Is Going To Happen Game-Podcast 644

You can already feel it. The long fourth of July weekend approaching. We’re starting to slow down. So, for the ride to the lake. During periods of rain. It’s fun to think about what might happen. In Playing The Something Is Going To Happen Game-Podcast 644.

Podcasts Have To Go Deeper

I podcast a lot about media’s role in our society. For a deeper look at angst listen to Podcast 643. We’re awash in media informing us of the latest developments. ‘Breaking News’ is the norm these days. Podcasters have to go deeper. We’ll do that in Playing The Something Is Going To Happen Game-Podcast 644.

The Next Black Swan Event Is…

Truth is, I do feel a growing sense that ‘something is going to happen’. A true ‘Black Swan’ event is something unpredictable. An event that changes the course of history. Black Swan events like the stock market crash of 1929 or the September 11th Terror Attacks were not predicted, although some might have had some forewarning. Some predicted the financial crisis of 2008, but on the whole, it was a surprise.

A Personal Story Of A Shocking and Unexpected Event

A recent example of an unpredictable event in my own life illustrates the kinds of changes we go through when things change, unexpectedly and unpredictably. Moreover in my experience a sense expectation can mean something good is about to happen too. Especially important and relevant is an expectation of a major event that changes history. This kind of expectation is a sense of foreboding.

Not The Latest Dispatch From Washington

In a broader sense our social angst is driven by constant coverage of breaking news and new opinions on every little thing that happens in a place called Washington DC. Playing the ‘Something Is Going To Happen’ game is not anticipating news out of Washington.

Making History

A true Black Swan event is something out of the so called left field. An event in the financial world. Something breaking loose from the sense of normalcy in the rest of the world. An unexpected and totally new development from the world of invention. An event that changes history.

We Don’t Change on A Dime…Or Do We?

We think of eras as decades. The 1950’s, the 1960’s, and so on. We think of changes taking place when governments transfer power. So, the Obama era gives way to the Trump era. Except that is not the way it works, Steve Jobs said what we think of as the 1960’s actually happened in the 1970’s. Events actually determine when we move from one era to the next.

To sum up, a new president took office in January. After a lot of chatter and fireworks, nothing substantial has really happened. The test of the new president hasn’t really emerged yet. Fertile ground for our imaginations to break free from the daily news feeds and imagine what could happen. Enjoy the July 4th holiday! (Editor’s Note: In This Podcast I refer to Nouriel Roubini as the person who coined the term ‘black swan’. It was in fact  Nassim Nicholas Taleb.)

Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Playing The Something Is Going To Happen Game-Podcast 644



Podcasting Life and Business After Four Years-Podcast 622

What’s it like to support yourself as a podcaster? I looked up the other day and asked, “How long have I been doing this?” 2009 was the actual start date. I’ve been in business supporting myself as a podcaster exclusively since 2013. Learned a lot of lessons in that time. It seems like I’ve been in business a lot longer than nearly four years. Hear some of those lessons in Podcasting Life and Business After Four Years-Podcast 622.

Soul killing corporate jobs aren’t for everyone

Some business owners wish for the peace of collecting a paycheck and doing what the boss wants. Not me. Going into business for myself has been a path of self discovery and self realization. You say goodbye to eight hour days and regimented work schedules. No more guaranteed paychecks. Some months are great. Some aren’t so great. You’re ‘On It’ pretty much 24 hours a day. Freedom is one of the rewards. Wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Self Realization

Surprisingly, how I spend my time has become one of the top priorities. I can do anything I want. Is what I am doing with my time going to benefit the business? How does the business grow? What is the core business? How is that going to change? Self Realization is one of the big benefits of being in business alone. No one around to give orders. Good decisions accrue to the business owner. So do the bad decisions. Thus, you spend a lot of time thinking things through.

Content Creators

Centuries of business have been about consolidating physical space. Farmers need more land. Ranchers need more space for more cattle. Retailers always want to open new locations. Content creators have real estate in cyber space. With the right tools we can make that space as big as it needs to be. A new world requires a complete change in thinking. Content creators don’t just have to change the ‘working for the man’ mindset, but how we think about what we do as well.

Podcasting As A Business

Podcasting is still a fledgling ‘industry’. We podcasters are cutting a new trail. As an advertising medium Podcasting works. Smaller podcasts can yield very good results too. Podcasts big and small tell stories and provide basic information on highly specific topics unavailable anywhere else. Podcasters make an authentic human connection with the listener not found in broadcast media.

Walk and Talk

The rules of the Walk and Talk Podcast are no prep, no plan. Just talk. Join me. What came up in this podcast are the life and business lessons I’ve learned since I started podcasting. If you’re considering going into business for yourself, especially as a content creator, do what you love. Passion for the work will get you through a lot of rainy days.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcasting Life and Business After Four Years-Podcast 622