Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667

When you get the last minute call to ‘fill in’ on the local radio station you have to prepare. As a podcaster it might be fun to try out some content for the radio in the podcast format. Late at night before the show I sat down to record Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

Where Do I Find The Radio Show?

If you want to hear the actual show this podcast spawned, you can find it here. It turned out to be significantly different from the rehearsal. Radio and podcasting are two different mediums. Podcasting itself is growing quickly. A good portion of what passes for radio listening might actually be people listening to their favorite radio show podcasts.

Where Partisanship Comes From

These days we’re crushed by an avalanche of advocacy media. Much of the content we see, read and hear is created by advocacy think tanks and is designed to persuade not inform. We’ll talk about it Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

Reacting Rather Than Thinking

My new thing is, with so much sharing and posting of advocacy pieces on social media we tend to spend a lot of time reacting rather than thinking. No wonder the country continues to grow more partisan every day. We hear so much we have to react to these days, there’s no time to think about what we need.

Presidential Tweets Distract

We miss major stories because we focus too much on things like presidential tweets. One of the big ones this week was the Federal Reserve’s decision to withdraw stimulus. With Puerto Rico controversy taking center stage next week, what else will we miss? In Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

There’s a lot of content on a lot of different topics in Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667. It turned out to be a great way to rehearse for the radio show Saturday afternoon.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul

Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667

Storm Clouds Gather Over The Bull Market-Podcast 665

We don’t see the storm building over the markets. Distractions. Shiny things that draw the eye and ear. A war of words between a North Korean dictator and the president. Kneeling football players and the Tweeter In Chief. Meanwhile, the long expansion in the markets may be about to end. A heads up for you on how and why in Storm Clouds Gather Over The Bull Market-Podcast 665.

Watch The Shiny Thing

We don’t look beyond the distractions in the media to see what they conceal. No amount of pointing and saying ‘look’ is going to change it. We have not had a serious market or financial crisis since 2008. Our economy has been on life support ever since. Now the DNR order has been signed. Find out why in Storm Clouds Gather Over The Bull Market-Podcast 665.

Market Shocks Have Political Consequences

Remember 2008? The market crashed. The banking system was going to seize up, they said. A republican administration suddenly bailed out the banks, insurance companies and big car companies. The shock changed politics. A new administration came in, in 2009. New banking regulations, more government spending and a very large stimulus package was passed by congress.

Hey! What Happened To The Punch Bowl?

The Federal Reserve, bank of last resort, began a program called Quantitative Easing in 2009. Over the next eight years the FED added trillions of dollars to its balance sheet as it ‘injected’ money into the US economy. QE one, two three and four indirectly supported the stock market through the purchase of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of securities. What happens when they take that away?

Pay Attention

So this is a simple heads up that it might be time to start paying attention. While we’re talking about things that don’t matter they are doing things that do. That storm roiling to the west, might be rolling in anytime. In Storm Clouds Gather Over The Bull Market-Podcast 665.

Sponsored by Brush Studio In The West End Saint Louis Park, and by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul.

Storm Clouds Gather Over The Bull Market-Podcast 665




Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662

A republican president who campaigned against profligate spending has made a deal with democrats in order to spend more. President Trump wants billions for disaster relief in the wake of two hurricanes. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662.

Drowning In The Swamp

The Man who was going to drain the swamp has joined the swamp rats. Conventional rank and file republicans are at a loss to explain. Trump’s a political genius who knows how to work it, is one explanation. Trump’s a Trojan Horse. A closet democrat. He tricked us from the beginning, is another explanation.

What is a Republican?

Truth is Republicans do not know what they are about. What are republicans for? What are they against? The so called conservative movement lost its way a long time ago. Trump is a symptom rather than a transformational leader. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662.

Red Tie Socialism

The President’s budget calls for spending increases. The US is sending more troops to Afghanistan. Elements of the Tax Reform bill actually cap mortgage tex deductions, eliminate corporate tax deductions, seek to tax 401K and other tax deferred savings accounts. It all adds up to tax increases, not tax cuts. Moreover a republican president and congress that campaigned on repealing The Affordable Care Act, did not repeal it.

Permanent Slumber

When will republicans wake up to the fact that the Grand Old Party, the Party of Reagan, is just as interested in taxing and spending as their nemesis, the democratic party? Where is the great conservative movement we keep hearing about? Where are the people to do the hard political work of building a movement? They don’t exist. They deserve a wolf in sheep’s clothing and now they have it. In Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662. (Editor’s Note: In listening to this podcast I just noticed I refer to the HBO Hit Series ‘WestWorld‘ as ‘West-WOOD’, which of course is the same of a radio network. Old habits die hard.)

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park

Trump’s Trojan Horse Democrat Embrace Confuses GOP-Podcast 662