Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738

Some people turn off their air conditioning as some kind of statement. I just don’t like air conditioning and it doesn’t matter how hot it is. It’s perfectly still outside at midnight. Storms on the way. Time for a walk and talk podcast in Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738.

Back To Reading

These days in my world I feel the need to start reading in depth again. During my talk radio days it wasn’t uncommon to read two to three hundred pages of information a day. Most noteworthy here is podcasting doesn’t require that level of prep. Unfortunately you lose the detail on key issues.

So it’s back to scanning, printing and reading. I feel like I am in summer school!

Two Big Stories

In Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738 we’ll take a look at two big developing stories with an eye toward pointing out how story lines force us to anticipate outcomes rather than waiting until a story plays out.

Telling Us What’s Going To Happen Again

It has been a week since the president slapped tariffs on US trading partners. There has been no measurable economic effect to this date but that doesn’t stop commentators and reporters from telling us how Trump’s actions are already ‘having an economic effect’.

In addition the president’s comments on NATO are generating all kinds of talk. What’s going to happen? Why don’t we wait and see?

No Information Means Shouting Matches Not Conversations

Do you feel confident discussing trade and international defense agreements with strangers? Maybe it’s because you don’t have enough information.

Finally if we’re being fed a constant stream of speculation with no real information, is it any wonder our conversations about issues turn into shouting matches?

Join me on the walk and talk as the storms roll in and we’ll talk it out.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Summer Without Air Conditioning-Reading More News-Midnight Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 738

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Walk and Talk Podcast focusing on all the bad coverage of recent events. Late night. Moonlight. The smell of fall in the air. Perfect setting to try and sort all this out. In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

Lies and Fairy Tales

The theme of these podcasts has always been the fact that most of what passes as ‘news’ is opinion. These days though, the fairy tale nature of news coverage has reached a new level of mendacity. This time it’s digital media.

Digital Media Is A Sea Of Disinformation

That’s right. Anyone you talk to can give you a dissertation on the failure of the so called mainstream media to ‘do their job’. Almost no one talks about the failures of digital media. Especially You Tube ‘correspondents’. We’ll talk about it in Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

New Sources Require New Diligence

I watch a lot of You Tube stuff these days. Apparently so do many Americans. You Tube is the source of a great deal of what the American Public thinks it ‘knows’. While entertaining, You Tubers pump out a steady stream of false flag attack stories, end of the world proofs, predictions about the future, and ‘inside’ stories that can never be fact checked.

Aliens and False Flags

We’re walking around with a lot of nonsense in our heads when any new thing happens. Las Vegas? North Korea? Some kind of legislative initiative? We think we live in a society with a free exchange of information, but what do we really know about these things? In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

It’s A Ken Burns World

The world does not sluice down into a documentary series with music and pictures. Historians spend years studying events. New information changes conclusions. Building a framework to understand it all requires reading real books about real history. A framework also comes with experience and life.

And every now and then, maybe a quiet walk on a tree lined, leaf covered path on a beautiful fall night.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Podcast 479

Midnight Moonlight Talk. Spring is here. A lunar eclipse is hours away, so the time has come for a midnight walk and talk in the full moon light. The rules of the walk and talk are, no prep, no notes, just walk and talk. That’s the agenda for Midnight Moonlight Talk. The origins of the ‘walk and talk’ are probably the walks with my grandfather and grandmother back in Ohio on hot summer nights when I was a little kid. We talked about everything on those walks. I learned a lot, and became a night-owl. After the mega-cast about media in Podcast 478, I promised some discussion about coping. Given that there is no prep for this podcast, listeners get a glimpse in how we prepped for shows back at KSTP around 2000, how that has changed, and how the media has changed. How do you cope with the onslaught of highly partisan, snark-media these days? You start by cutting the cable, keeping your WIFI so you can watch what you want, when you want it, and you don’t have a constant, twenty-four-seven audio track of people telling you what to think. Every now and then a news cleanse is necessary. If you’re reading books, or newspapers you’ll find that your analysis will actually get better, because your powers of discernment will improve. Why? Because you’re actually reading the news rather than skimming, and you’ll start to recognize how much of today’s news is gleaned from other websites and rewritten. Getting out and doing whatever it is that you do outside, and perhaps some kind of exercise that teaches you how to breathe — martial arts, CrossFit or Yoga — or even just walking whenever you can, clears your head and deglazes all that nonsense. It doesn’t hurt to stand outside, drink a cup of coffee (or whatever it is you drink) and take in the night air and the moon on an early spring night. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, Pride of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate and X Government Cars.