America’s-Road-To-Oblivion-Bob Davis Podcast 888

Is Populism The Road To Oblivion?

First of all, I’ll say it if no one else will. I think our politics is too focused on ‘the little guy’. Is populism the road to oblivion for us? Learn more inĀ  America’s-Road-To-Oblivion-Bob Davis Podcast 888.

What’s Populism?

What is Populism? Where did it come from? I’ll tell you in this podcast.

Give The People What They Want, Right?

Certainly populism as a tactic does not have a cohesive ideology. I will point out it’s not about addressing specific issues. It’s about giving the people what they want.

Business As Usual Especially When They Say They It Won’t Be

Moreover I think politicians playing to the cheap seats risk making very bad decisions. Finally, it’s not just politicians.

Voting Against Yourself

It’s especially relevant to remember voters often make choices against their own best interests.

Democrats AND Republicans

Furthermore populism doesn’t call one of the two parties ‘home’. Populism is present in both party’s ‘business as usual’ politicians.

That’s Right…Populism

Consequently when democrats promise free basic incomes, free education and free health insurance. Or when republicans promise trade policies to protect coal miners, steel workers and farmers. It’s all the same. Populism.

A More Powerful Government

Meanwhile it sure seems like this trend leads to a more dangerously powerful and expensive government. Learn more in America’s-Road-To-Oblivion-Bob Davis Podcast 888.

Banana Republic Or Rome?

Due to masses lining up with their hands out, blaming capitalism or the deep state for all their problems we’re on the road to oblivion. We might end up banana republic, joining the other dead societies in history. Hence, Oblivion.

Don’t Hold Your Breath

Therefore I offer a small quiet voice of protest. Will it get fixed? Not anytime soon I am afraid.

Sorry but…

This just has to run its course.

(Editor’s Note: I refer to William Jennings Bryan as Wilson’s ‘former’ Secretary of State when discussing the election of 1896. Obviously Jennings became Secretary of State much later.)

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America’s-Road-To-Oblivion-Bob Davis Podcast 888


Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887

Christmas Is Indeed A Pagan Holiday

I know there are religious people who don’t want to hear this but Christmas is a pagan holiday. These days we’re disconnected from history and our ancestors. I’ll explain in Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887.

Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is especially relevant here. The shortest day in the northern hemisphere. December 21st. The next day the sun starts its journey back toward us and the days will start getting longer.

A Time To Rest, Repair And Recharge

Second people have taken this time to hunker down, rest and prepare for the coming brighter and warmer months. This goes back millennia.

The Shortest Darkest Days

In contrast to those in warmer and brighter places those of us who live in the far northern reaches of North America and Northern Europe know only too well how dark it gets. Even more how long those dark and cold nights can be.

Jesus Was Not Born On December 25th

We are told Jesus Christ the bringer of light, was born in December. Truth is the bible doesn’t say when the savior was born.

The Bringer Of Light Was A Summer Baby

Moreover astronomers believe Christ was probably born in the summer, or fall somewhere between 6 or 7 BC, and 3 or 2 BC.

Rome and Saturnalia

Finally it was the Roman Catholic Church that set Christ’s birth on December 25th. Oddly enough, the new celebration would coincide with the celebration of the Roman God Saturn.

Santa IS A Pagan Symbol

Even more, Santa’s origins are rooted both in a Greek Saint in about 300 AD, and the Norse god Odin. Above all once Artist Norman Rockwell and the advertising industry shaped and advanced the idea of Saint Nick as a rosy cheeked white bearded grandfatherly symbol. Our modern Santa. For more on Odin, click here.

Holiday Season

This year I spent a little time and thought about our Winter Holiday Season, which starts with the celebration of the harvest on Thanksgiving, includes a parade of totems in New York City, and ends with New Year’s.

Natural Rhythms

Are we immune to natural human rhythms? Were our ancestors dumb? How has commerce and communication in the modern age obscured the pagan roots of Christmas, and New Year’s? Does this change the nature of Christmas for the faithful? I don’t think so.

Happy Holidays

And of course, Merry Christmas

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Pagan-Roots-Of Christmas-Bob Davis Podcast 887

Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886

Living In The Past?

These days it sure seems like there’s a lot of people living in the past. Glory Days. Happier Times. Why? We’ll talk about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886.

Friends Have A Deep Conversation

One of the great things about friendship are the deeper conversation friends often have. Recently a good friend and I had a talk after dinner. The country is changing. There were regrets, a memories of a world that was maybe simpler and more predictable.

Obsession With The Past

Especially relevant is the question of when in life does this obsession with the past begin?

This Time Is The Best Time

I think we’re living in extraordinary times. Despite the difficulties I wake up every day excited about what’s going to happen next.

Where do you live in time?

Certainly children live in the now. Most adolescents probably live in the future. In contrast it seems like people start mentally residing in the past at some point in middle age.

When does the past become an obsession?

Because this is the time when the days are shortest maybe we have time for more reflection. It’s natural we would yearn for the traditions of a bygone age. But I have recently encountered some evidence that suggests we’re doing more than yearning for traditions. For instance…

Losing Trust

First of all a Pew study was released recently which says most of us don’t trust the media. ‘Conservatives’ are much more likely to distrust the media than their so called ‘liberal’ counterparts.

YouTube Is My Bellwether

Second because I watch a lot of YouTube I come across some pretty weird stuff. Moreover my favorite genre are the people who predict the apocalypse.

Three Days Of Darkness

Recently I ran across a vein of gold when it comes to apocalypse videos on YouTube. The three days of darkness people. I’ll tell you all about it inĀ Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886. However sometimes I think those predicting the end of the world are really seeing their own world end.

A Preoccupation With Death For Boomers

Most noteworthy? We don’t usually want to talk about death but a preoccupation with it can begin pretty early in life. I wonder if the result of that is an increasing reliance on memories of an easier, simpler time.

Avoiding That Mindset

Finally I try to avoid that mindset. I really do think this is an amazing time. Even though we have many challenges today.

We Remember The Good

In conclusion the one truth about the past is, we generally remember only the good things.

Journey Through Time

Furthermore all of us alive today are on a journey together through time. Like a train trip. Some of us will have to get off the train before others. Also new people will get on as we get off. We all have a role to play on this trip, but eventually it dawns on us…No matter how much we might want to, we’re not driving the train.

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Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886