General Motors Plant Closings Ruin Trump’s Day-Bob Davis Podcast 783

General Motors announced deep job cuts and plant closings recently. President Trump got angry. Find out what the real story is in General Motors Plant Closings Ruin Trump’s Day-Bob Davis Podcast 783.

Thousands Laid Off On Cyber Monday

Thousands laid off. Plants closed. People in Michigan and Ohio stunned. Now Trump is threatening the pull US Subsidies for Car Companies. See how it played out on Cable News here.

GM Says Cars Aren’t Selling

Most workers in Michigan and Ohio wanted to know why. GM says the Chevy Volt, Cruze, Impala, Buick LaCrosse and the Cadillac XTS aren’t selling.

Everyone Is Mad

Workers, unions and consumers are mad. So is the president. Most noteworthy are the taxpayers on the hook for billions in borrowed money to bail out the auto companies.

Can The Mighty Trump Fix It?

Moreover it’s the government’s job to create jobs and make sure we make what we consume in the US. Right? That was Trump’s campaign message to voters in Ohio, Michigan in Wisconsin. But, Trump represents a new “Republican Conservatism“, right? Learn more in General Motors Plant Closings Ruin Trump’s Day-Bob Davis Podcast 783.

A New Day For Republicans

It’s a new day. These days Wisconsin spends four billion dollars to create thirty thousand jobs. Trump can force Carrier to keep a plant in Indiana open.

The same plant that just announced 200 job cuts.

Obama’s Fault?

“It’s Obama’s Fault” say social media conservatives. Which president and which party urged bipartisan action to bail out the automakers? The answer is most noteworthy. To find out, download General Motors Plant Closings Ruin Trump’s Day-Bob Davis Podcast 783.

Bail Outs and Picking Winners

Finally, do conservatives believe the government should use tax dollars to bailout companies that are failing? What about higher taxes on companies as well as trading partners overseas? Furthermore do republicans believe the government should borrow money to subsidize plants for Elon Musk? Or stadia and other local building projects in cities?

In conclusion we can only wonder where all this leads. Isn’t it more like Italy in the 1920’s than the liberty and freedom we associate with the United States? That is a question especially for republicans?

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General Motors Plant Closings Ruin Trump’s Day-Bob Davis Podcast 783

Podcast 522-BobDavis Podcasts Radio Show 34

Podcast 522-BobDavis Podcasts Radio Show 34. A tumultuous week ends in chaos and violence . Two officer involved shootings, and a sniper attack on police in Dallas, Texas which killed and wounded several officers. Further threats against police. People saying absurd and terrible things with no basis in fact, and that’s just the elected officials. News anchors, talk radio hosts, people on social media hurling accusations, name calling, explanations of what happened (especially by those who were not there), and terrible information on all these stories. A woman live streams an extraordinary event and the first reaction by FaceBook and some citizens is that people should not have the ability to live stream or post videos that might be considered ‘offensive’ or ‘controversial’? The original plan for the radio show this week was to condense Podcast 521 into three more palatable segments:  A segment focused on the decision by the FBI not to recommend indictment in the Hillary Clinton email scandal, which seems to have surprised only so called conservatives. One focused on how ill served we are by the media in general and a segment focused on a story no one is reporting; the financial situation internationally and the potential for a major breakdown due to the bad decisions that have been made by leaders on the economy. After delaying production of Podcast 522-BobDavis Podcasts Radio Show 34 to wait for more details on the big stories to break, I decided to change the opening segment and continue with the plan. Oddly enough, it all seemed to fit together. There are many problems in our society, but one of the big ones is how our media is not up to the task of dealing with the kinds of stories we’re seeing this week. Rather than investigate and report news, it advocates. Rather than investigate and advance the story so we’re better informed, it leaves that to cheeky types who yell at each other around a so-called roundtable, or interviews bystanders and calls it coverage. The population as a whole does not have the patience to learn the contours of an issue, is keen to argue and defend a position without any real knowledge on these stories, and social media seems to magnify the worst traits of the human character. Previous podcasts have discussed the possibility of unpredictable events to change our lives irrevocably. After what happened this week, I feel even more strongly that the black swan is just below the horizon. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Hydrus.