Podcast 547-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-43

Podcast 547-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-43. Back after a Labor Day Week Hiatus with Podcast 547-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-43, which puts the election of 2016 in context. The party system in the United States has changed several times since the ratification of the US Constitution and the establishment of the Republic. From the first election in 1796 to today. Left and Right in this country have changed poles, and political parties have come and gone. From the Federalists and Anti Federalists, to the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, to the Democrats under Jackson and the Whigs, to the Republicans and Democrats parties, and the issues they advocate for have shifted. Are we undergoing another one of those seminal shifts in American Politics, or is the election of 2016 going to result in a presidency without much long term impact? Polling suggests Americans have strong negative feelings about both mainline party candidates. It’s a ‘hold your nose and vote’ election, where voters try to make a choice that is ‘least bad’ for them. Meanwhile local, statewide and congressional candidates are left to fend for themselves. Moreover the things both parties advocate don’t seem to make much sense in terms of addressing the salient issues on the minds of voters, as well as the challenges of the future. Technology, the developing countries of the world, immigration and the borders, the economy, the changing demographic picture of the country and more. From a population of about 3 million in 1800 to a population of over 320 million today, the country’s demographics, occupations and output have changed frequently. What do we need from government given new tools and ideas? Do we need a government? As the country changes quickly, politics in 2016 hasn’t kept up. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 529

First Night at EAA. Sunday nights are load in nights for exhibitors, fly-ins, and media at the EAA AirVenture Air Show at Osh Kosh, Wisconsin. I always celebrate with a regular podcast, live from just under the control tower as we start a new week, on the First Night at EAA. It’s late. Everyone is asleep, but I am getting in the last few thoughts on the coming show, and new developments in the political world this weekend. Having just come from the RNC at Cleveland and witnessing the divisions in the Republican party firsthand, it’s a little weird to see the same kinds of fissures developing with the democrats at Philadelphia with the specter of the democrat establishment killing the grassroots too. Throughout this hot and stormy Sunday I’ve been thinking about a recent email exchange with a Trump supporter that says so much about American politics today. A gentleman who normally sends me great jokes via email suddenly swerved into politics exhorting me and a few score others on his email list to ‘vote Trump’. Why? Because Trump is going to get rid of NAFTA and the TPP and bring all the jobs back to the United States. I decided to press him to find out exactly why he thinks what he thinks and why he would take the unusual step of pushing his friends to vote Trump. It took several emails to learn he just ‘feels’ Trump is the best guy, Trump is like Lincoln, Trump knows what to do and he’ll do it, and don’t make me explain this stuff, google it. Then he asks me what I think of the questions I asked him! That serves as a debate in the land of Trump. A place where everyone gets what he wants, when he wants it, because Trump said so. A place where one bright morning a box will arrive from China and everyone will open it up and find a note that reads, “Sorry about taking your job at the bucket factory way back in 1997 but we needed it. Here it is back, slightly used but we hope you’ll forgive us”. There it is people. Donald J. Trump is going to get Uncle Joe his job back at Bethlehem Steel so he and Martha can buy back the 1993 Buick Regal, which the GM plant in Flint will be making again thanks to old ‘I’ll make the trains run on time’ Trump. I realized, while ordering coffee at the concessions stand next to the beautiful B-25 out here on the airfield, that there are a lot of 50+ children out there. Thinking is just too hard. Researching facts takes too much time. Actually learning the contours of an issue is a job no one wants. Lots of final thoughts — for the time being — on the convention, the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the DNC chair, and the impending Trump presidency. Or not. Thank God I can talk about airplanes for the next few days! Sponsored by Hydrus Performance.

Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30

Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30. This week marked the last primaries of the 2016 presidential preference primary season. With primaries in New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico, California and South Dakota there were a lot of choices when it comes to Mobile Podcast Command, covering the final primaries, in Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30. I decided to spend the last day in the primary season in Deadwood South Dakota. Rolling into town around midnight on June 7th, seeing all the casinos, I thought, “I don’t know about this”. After spending the night in an RV Park, I was having my morning coffee the next day when an old friend messaged me. “Guess what? I moved to Deadwood”. Enter Brad and Laurie, not so amateur historians with a boatload of information about Deadwood’s history, how it is today and it’s people. Plus we got some ‘man on the street’ interviews with people who had just voted. This week also marked the beginnings of the efforts to discredit New York Developer and ‘presumptive’ republican nominee Donald Trump. It’s death by a thousand cuts as he is attacked alternately as a racist, or fascist. Beware of what the media says, and who says it. I believe there is another shoe yet to drop in this race, and it may drop in Cleveland at the Republican convention this summer. Democrats are not to be outdone with intrigue. As Bernie Sanders continues his fight to the final primary in Washington DC (a territory of the United States by the way, not a state), we shall see whether the much vaunted democratic unity emerges. Sit back and enjoy this week in review, as we post Podcast 511-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-30. Sponsored by Hydrus Performance and Brush Studio in The West End, Saint Louis Park.(Editor’s Note: Here again I refer to the Homestake mine as the Homestead mine. It’s Homestake.)