Podcast 225

Superstition. Stevie Wonder wasn’t singing about your great grandmother, was he? We’re told we live in a complicated modern society, yet some of us believe things that can only be described as fantasy; superstition. While updating subscribers on the key stories for the week ahead, a question comes up? How does belief in conspiracy theory, apocalyptic theory and other fantasies detract from being able to make decisions based on fact, how do these modern-day superstitions effect rational problem solving? Especially since more and more adherents to these theories appear to be on the political ‘right’, which believes itself to be rational, as opposed to the ‘irrational’ and ’emotional’ left. We start with Ebola, and the rapidly spreading idea – usually through social media – ebola is a ‘weaponized virus’ being used to ‘scare’ the American people, or it is being brought over the border by illegals tasked specifically to infect Americans. This week features a full moon lunar eclipse. This is the second in a series of lunar ‘blood moon’ eclipses some say herald the apocalypse. (The other two are in 2015 so don’t worry, you don’t have long to wait.) Why are these eclipses called ‘blood’ moon eclipses? What’s special about this one? Did you know it’s Enterovirus Season? No, there aren’t any decorations for ‘Enterovirus Season’, or any special celebrations, but now adults are getting sick from the virus labeled ‘Enterovirus D68’, which is thought responsible for the deaths of at least one child, and paralysis in others. Enterovirus is a ‘common cold’ like virus, but apparently D68 packs a punch. A government that can’t provide security to its president, protect the borders or its embassies, collect taxes, or figure out how to solve the most vexing current problems is somehow managing a vast conspiracy to kill US Citizens? Finally, yet more fantasy coverage about the Republicans chances of winning the senate and gaining more seats in congress than they did in 1946. Admittedly always possible, but considering the democrat ground game in 2014 might sober up Republicans who believe this kind of hokum from the mainstream media. Or is it hokum? We’ll find out on November 4th around midnight. For Republicans, the question is, what are you doing to make this fantasy a reality? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, and Depot Star

Podcast 224 – Twila Brase – Ebola

Ebola. Now playing in the United States. Even though the President assured the nation two weeks ago that the government had procedures in place to make sure people infected with the ebola virus would be detected if they tried to fly here, we now have at least one confirmed case of the Ebola Virus in the US. As this story has the potential to take over US media, what is our government up to? Twila Brase, President and co-founder of the Citizens Council for Health Freedom , has some chilling information about what many State Governments are empowered to do in case of a pandemic. Why hasn’t the government flat-out barred people from countries with Ebola outbreaks from entering the United States? When the President doesn’t seem able to make sure his own security is functional, how can we expect him to be responsible for the security of the citizens of the United States, even though that’s one of his primary responsibilities. Why haven’t governors barred flights potentially carrying anyone from a ‘hot zone’ into the airports in their cities? The United States is thought of as a sophisticated, even complex society; Modern. Doesn’t a virus like Ebola understand we’re a sophisticated and complex society? Can the kind of panic we see in Sierra Leone, and Liberia happen in the United States? As one of the country’s authorities on the Affordable Care Act, Twila also talks about a new storyline these days that claims Obamacare is working. With the ACA part of debates in the Senate race in Minnesota and across the country, as well as gubernatorial races, what’s the latest status? Finally, it’s fair to say that authorities in Texas, Atlanta and Washington may have the expertise and tools to contain this Ebola infection, and there’s no need for unnecessary alarm. However, studies show we can manage one, or even two crises, but a third causes a cascade of problems that can lead to catastrophe. Considering Benghazi, the Border, ISIS, the Secret Service and now Ebola in Dallas, being slightly concerned about this administration’s demonstrated incompetence might be warranted. Sponsored by Depotstar

Podcast 215

Back In The Studio. After almost ten days on the road, back in the home studio for this podcast. And what a news weekend it was. The US sends ‘troops’ to Africa to provide logistics support and training in the effort to combat the spread of Ebola. Meanwhile, a movie executive says ‘apocalyptic tentpole movies’ are boring audiences. When you consider people getting their heads chopped off, and a raging epidemic of the world’s most deadly disease, maybe some people actually think we are living in a future-post-apocalyptic-dystopia. What does the media report, and what are the real facts on-the-ground in any of the situations we’re watching in the world today. We have no way of knowing. Do our subconscious minds know the difference between the news, and Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead, or any other end-of-the-world themed venue? More and more the commentariat really is an echo chamber, where pundits and presenters are talking to each other. This was one of the primary reasons for the ‘News Cleanse’, and the ‘Road Trip’. It doesn’t appear that these events – as horrible as they are – have negatively effected the people in the many states I drove through last week. I hate to say it, but life looks like it is pretty good for some pretty normal looking people, despite The Pope saying we’re in a sort of ‘low-grade’ world war three. Are we? What do really know about anything going on these days. The pollsters told us Scotland would break off from the UK. Scotland voted No. Do we make our own luck, or live in fear? Also some quick views on what passes for local TV Broadcast news, how the most quiet Atlantic Hurricane season since the early 90’s has effected cable television news, and the latest scare in the virus world (besides Ebola) EV-D68, now ‘flooding’, ‘mobbing’ and ‘crowding’ ER’s in New York State, where there have been dozens, dozens mind you, of this respiratory virus which is also known as a bad summer cold. It never ends. But…that’s what makes my job fun. Sponsored by Baklund R&D