Chaos-Confusion-Shut Down-Merry Trumpmas-Bob Davis Podcast 788

I love talking about current events. These days it gets harder and harder because of a volatile President Trump. Learn more in Chaos-Confusion-Shut Down-Merry Trumpmas-Bob Davis Podcast 788.

Genius Or Idiot

Moreover all this talk of political polarity isn’t republican or democrat. Either you think the president is a genius or an idiot. There’s no in between.

Especially relevant is the question of whether we are able to take a step back and look at recent key events with some perspective.

Economics and Diplomacy Nobody Wants To Discuss

Not too long ago I asked listeners and subscribers to think about what US economic and foreign policy should be. A presidential election and midterm election have taken place since then.

Suddenly foreign policy and economic policy are front and center. We’ll talk about it fireside in Chaos-Confusion-Shut Down-Merry Trumpmas-Bob Davis Podcast 788.

Syria and Turkey

First of all, the president made a snap decision to withdraw US Troops from Syria while on the phone with the Turkish president. In the aftermath the defense secretary resigned, as well as a senior diplomat managing the alliances to fight ISIS. Now the president is talking about withdraws from Afghanistan and Iraq. Is he right?

Combined with Trump’s executive order ban of Bump-Stocks the Syria Withdraw has usually fawning talk show hosts apoplectic.

Government Shutdown

In addition the ongoing struggle between the White House and Congress has resulted in a government ‘shutdown‘. What’s more the struggle appears to be between a Republican president and his Republican majority in the House and Senate.

Firing The Fed Head

On top off all this the president wants to fire the Federal Reserve Chairman. Concerns about economic performance are rising and finally financial analysts are writing about government spending accounting for most of the so called ‘boom’ in the US economy over the last two quarters. This is conservative republican economics?

End Of Conservative GOP

Finally there’s talk of a big split within the republican party. Moderate Republicans fighting Trumpers. Trump fighting with all of them to get a wall built along the US Mexican border. Through all of this there’s been no legislation on key matters like immigration even with republican control of the Legislative and Executive branches of the government. It sure seems like the lack of principles and republican populism is tearing the so called ‘conservative’ coalition apart.

Merry Trumpmas

In conclusion the question of whether people thought about policy during both elections is key. New ideas, and international structures are coming. If we the people don’t start thinking about what kind of country we want, and how will the next America function? Trumpmas will look like child’s play. All of this has me aching to hit the open road!

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Chaos-Confusion-Shut Down-Merry Trumpmas-Bob Davis Podcast 788


Donald Trump’s Fantastic Incredible Awesome Rhetorical Presidency-Podcast 620

Foreign Policy Based On Cable News and Twitter

Wars. Rumors of wars. In Donald Trump’s Fantastic Incredible Awesome Rhetorical Presidency-Podcast 620 Trump breaks another promise. Remember 2013? That’s when Trump said Obama should forget about Syria. Save his powder for something more important. In the debates, then candidate Trump said the same thing. Leave Syria alone. We’ll get nothing out of attacking Assad.

Trump Fine With Assad Until…

At the end of March Senators McCain and Graham were pleading to attack Assad. However as late as last week Nikki Haley was telling her UN Counterparts and the world Assad could stay. Then came the chemical attack on Syrian civilians. Children. Pictures on cable news. President Trump saw the pictures and got mad.

Cable News Made President Mad

As Trump and his team met with the Chinese at his resort in Florida, he ordered a counterstrike. 59 missiles. 70 million dollars. The runway where the planes took off is still intact. Syrian military aviation continues to fly sorties from that runway. On a dime this president has changed US foreign policy. Changed one of the cornerstones of his campaign. Another major promise broken.

North Korea Too

Over the weekend the USS Carl Vinson Strike Force was detailed to the Western Pacific. Off the Korean Peninsula. Suddenly Donald Trump has become George W. Bush. If you voted for Trump is this what you voted for? We’re a long way from building the wall and getting China to send all those jobs back now, Toto.

Alt Right Deeply Misinformed

Then there are the rumors. The bad reporting. The discourse on social media. One hundred fifty thousand US troops to Syria? Says so right here. China deploying another one hundred fifty thousand of their troops to the Yalu river, China’s border with North Korea. Russia and Iran say they’ll respond if there are any more US attacks. Word is the Russian Navy is very busy in Europe. More activity than the cold war.

How About Those Twins?

Voters who didn’t want to talk about foreign policy because it was too complicated might want to bone up. TV producers and Radio Program directors and talk show hosts may want to drop the banter about sports and the weather. Republicans should take a look at the bargain they made with this president and ask themselves just what they bought and must now defend.

Trust Me. It’s Gonna Be Great

Welcome to Donald Trump’s Fantastic Incredible Awesome Rhetorical Presidency-Podcast 620. Tax Reform, a trillion dollar stimulus program and another run at repealing ObamaCare loom. The US is twenty trillion dollars in debt. On top of that, perhaps a war in Syria he campaigned against and a crisis in North Korea. Don’t worry though. The president will tweet about it. Foreign Affairs crisis? Bah. More tweets. In Donald Trump’s Fantastic Incredible Awesome Rhetorical Presidency-Podcast 620.

(Editor’s Note: Late Tuesday the President told the New York Post, “We are not going into Syria”, and blamed the confusion on his ‘aides’. Which would be his ambassador to the UN among other fairly senior administration personnel. Oddly enough regime change remains a new goal. He also said, “We’re sending an armada” to North Korea. Rhetorical Presidency indeed.)

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