Podcast 306

Political Polarization. This Podcast is live from the backyard, on a warm summer night. This is made possible by the magic of on demand audio. How did politics get so personal? How did Political Polarization become something written and talked about all the time. These days it seems like the media tries to divide Americans by slicing and dicing poll data. What’s the real divider in America today? The Government. What’s the solution? Maybe getting the government out of the people’s lives. Is the solution a third political party? Former Minnesota Governor Jessie Ventura is saddened by the news that the Independence Party has lost major party status in his home state. What about Ventura’s one term as Minnesota’s Governor? How did that work out? Meanwhile, how does one explain the fact that ‘divided’ Americans keep putting up moderate candidates like Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and Jim Webb? If American Politics is so polarized, why do moderate candidates consistently end up as favorites? Mitt Romney continues toying with a presidential run, trash talking Clinton and Obama, but offering no solutions or plans of his own. (Editor’s Note: And you wonder why I say Republican arguments so far are nothing by rhetoric.) Is it possible we Americans run a little deeper on the issues than polling data can show? Is it possible people are divided on different issues, yet not necessarily ‘polarized’ when it comes to the leaders they choose? Has the growth of government in our personal lives made everything political? Is it possible the divisions, and frustration and anger might be mitigated if Washington and Saint Paul would just get out of the way? Sponsored by Depotstar

Podcast 304

Snow Storms and Drones. Midweek update on the top stories, starting with the New York Blizzard of the century that fizzled. Now the Governor of New York, Governor of New Jersey and Mayor of New York City look like Chicken Little. A National Weather Service Meteorologist has apologized – profusely – for going so far as to suggest the city be evacuated. This is the same meteorologist who perfectly predicted Hurricane Sandy. Maybe he got lucky, or Pride Goeth Before The Fall. The Justice Department has investigated the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri last summer, and has decided – drum roll please – not to press charged against Police Officer Darren Wilson. Will there be apologies from the ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ crowd for lying? Don’t count on it. Remember the fanfare that greeted the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl last summer? Almost immediately his brothers in arms said he was a deserter. Now Bergdahl will have to go through a Court Martial to determine whether its true. Bergdahl stands to lose rank and at least three hundred thousand dollars in back pay and benefits. Finally a man described as a drunk ‘federal employee’ lost control of a drone Monday night while he was flying it ‘at an apartment building a few blocks from the White House’. He went to bed, woke up the next morning, heard it had crashed onto the lawn of the White House, and called the Secret Service himself to tell them that, yeah he was the guy. The employee works for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which provides the NSA and the Department Of Defense with … you know, stuff. This shows what off the shelf disruptive technology can do to centrally controlled structures, like give the secret service another black eye. Just what they need. The President was traveling Monday, and wasn’t at the White House, although his kids were. Sponsored by Depotstar

Podcast 298

Heavy Stories. In the first of two podcasts for the weekend of January 23rd, 2015…the heavy stories. Lots of talk about the State of The Union, whether or not a Republican Congress can govern, factions forming in the House, and all the other static. These stories have obscured for the time being, discussions of the effects of the price of oil. The low price of gas is almost always celebrated by the media as a ‘good thing’ since ‘reductions in the price of gas, act like a tax cut on the economy’. While it is a pleasurable to experience to fill up your tank for less than thirty dollars, throw in a car wash and come away with change from your fifty, we still have a long way to go before the ‘tax cut’ experience kicks in. Suddenly though, the story line has changed. Media outlets and pundits who enthusiastically endorsed lower oil prices as ‘acting like a tax cut’ are suddenly decrying ‘deflation’ in the economy, and writing stories about how deflation can only lead to ruin, and ‘something’ must be done. Meanwhile, the price of beef, milk, cheese, rice and other staples at any store, whether it is a Walmart or a ‘Whole Paycheck’ aren’t ‘deflating’ very quickly. And since wages have not kept pace with even moderate inflation, Americans will need to see further reductions in the rate of inflation (Disinflation) before the celebration begins. And what about those media outlets? Why they have found a new story line … horrible and giant oil companies that are suddenly laying of noble workers in North Dakota and Texas. What will happen when companies start laying people off, due to reduced pricing power? (Editor’s Note: They don’t mention that energy price inputs for companies are also getting cheaper.) Why is the specter of deflation terrifying? Because as money becomes worth more (lower prices mean you can buy more) if you are in debt, it makes paying back the debt that much more difficult. And, the world’s central banks are carrying a lot of debt. So are companies and individuals, and your good old Uncle Sam. Moreover, this nonsense about the United States being economically decoupled from the rest of the world is being exposed. If the rest of the world slips into recession because of bad economic policy and bad monetary policy, and bad political leadership, why would the United States escape the pain, since our policy and political leadership is just as bad as say, Europe, if not worse. This — and many other issues — will also be discussed this weekend at the SD-61 Chili Dinner AND CONTEST in South Minneapolis. Come on out! Sponsored by Mycompletebasement.com.  (Editor’s Note: 06:38 Hours: Well, I just google mapped Midland Texas and characterizing it as in the Dallas metro, is a bit of a stretch, in fact it’s more like the splits. Midland is west of Fort Worth, close to Odessa so it really isn’t as to Dallas as Plymouth, Minnesota is to Minneapolis. I seem to remember a trip to Dallas, seeing an exit for Midland and it seemed a lot closer than it looks on the map.)