Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735

These days commentators use sexy titles for their blogs, articles and on-air commentary. It needs to be said sometimes these guys go too far. Find out how in Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735.

Use ‘Civil War’ In Your SEO Title

Civil War‘ is working its way back into the current American political discourse because it sells.

At least three so called pundits recently suggested there will be ‘another Civil War’ if democrats don’t ‘win’ the midterm elections this year.

Battle Of Gettysburg

So it is most noteworthy we remember a Fourth of July in 1863.

During those days in 1863 men who spoke the same language killed and maimed more than fifty thousand of their fellow citizens. Get the details in Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735.

One Million Killed

Especially relevant; the bloodletting went on for two more years. Our real Civil War was a disaster for this country. It took one hundred years for the American South to begin to fully recover. We are still dealing with the aftermath of that war in this country. One million people were killed when we the whole country had a population of only 31 million. In terms of population our most costly war.

All because politicians couldn’t solve a problem.

War Is Not A Protest

War is not a protest. It is not an expression of outrage. A sit in. Blocking the highway. Civil War isn’t a bunch of people shouting someone out of a restaurant or refusing to bake a cake.

War Means Killing

War is a state of armed conflict. In war the most ruthless combatant eliminates his enemy’s will to fight. This is done by killing or maiming as many of the so called enemy as possible, and destroying the means of production. People and property do not do well in war. Worse in a civil war.

Civil War Is No Joke

Civil War is much more bloody than a conflict between sovereign state actors.

In short, civil war is no joke.


It is an outrage for talk show hosts and pundits to suggest we in the United States are already in a state of Civil War. It’s folly that honest disagreements about policy and personalities are characterized in such a lazy and irresponsible manner.

Chaos Would Be The Norm

If we did have another civil war in America the cost would be enormous

Chaos would be the norm throughout the world.

In conclusion I can only ask those who like to say we’re ‘in a civil war’…

Is this the world you want to bequeath to your children?

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Gettysburg-Real Cost of Civil War-Bob Davis Podcast 735


Time to talk about the elephant in the room. These days Trump gets better and better at causing a hurricane then standing in the eye of the storm. Find out why in Trump-Cognitive-Dissonance-Chaos-On-Border-Pure-Genius-Podcast-733.

Children Detained Since 2014

First of all everyone now knows some details about the children of illegal immigrants being detained at the border. Pictures of children in cells from the Obama era have been around since 2014. At the root of these detainments is something called ‘Flores‘.

Trump Promises Trump Delivers

President trump made two promises specific to Immigration during his 2016 campaign. Trump said he wanted to build a wall on the southern border and that he would enforce immigration laws if he became president.

Media Firestorm

Due to enforcement efforts and the courts, there’s a new batch of kids on the border. Welcome to the latest media firestorm.

Plenty of Blame To Go Around

While there are two sides to every story there’s plenty of blame to go around on this one. Find out why in Trump-Cognitive-Dissonance-Chaos-On-Border-Pure-Genius-Podcast-733.

A Public Relations Nightmare? Not So Fast

Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing. This is a travesty and a public relations nightmare for the US. Is it the same for the president?

Finally Trump retreated and used his favorite means of ‘legislation’. He issued an executive order, to keep detained families together.

Another Trump Stunt

Especially relevant here are officials within the Trump administration who have argued for years this kind of stunt is just what the doctor ordered to get congress to act.

Immigration Law And Texas History

In Trump-Cognitive-Dissonance-Chaos-On-Border-Pure-Genius-Podcast-733 some history of immigration law and the southern US Border in Texas. In addition some details on the ‘Flores Decision’ which is central to this issue.

How Would We Solve This?

More important, what do we think of this issue as citizens? How would we solve this problem? Most noteworthy is the fact that Americans do not agree on this issue. At all.

Cognitive Dissonance

Finally, these kinds of stunts on both sides of the so called political divide don’t solve anything. This is what Trump wants. When you add emotion to the mix no matter what new information comes to light, people only fight harder for their original position.

Midterm Elections

Republican voters don’t care about their local candidates in the midterm elections. They care about Donald Trump. My sense is the president figures whatever it takes to get the so called republican core off their asses and to the polls is good enough. Besides, we’ll all forget about kids in jails after the next stunt, coming to a television near you soon.

Trump In The Eye Of A Storm He Created

In the final analysis, this kind of thing works politically, until it doesn’t. Trump can stand in the eye of the storm. He can be proud of not knowing all the details, until one of these days he causes a real crisis.

Until then. Enjoy the party.

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Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730

Due to legal weed in many states, Legal Recreational Marijuana is coming to your town or state. As a result, a position on weed may not define a party loyalty. Hear what the movers and shakers behind Colorado’s legalization effort say. Download Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730 now.

Politicians Love This Issue

If you’re a politician looking for an issue that cuts across demographic and party lines, weed is the ticket.

Especially relevant is the fact that legalization starts with medical applications. Moreover as with any new law, problems, opportunities and benefits resulted. Get informed in Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730.

Roving bands of stoned hippies are not invading suburbia

Colorado enjoys very low unemployment and is collecting more tax from cannabis sales. Roving bands of stoned hippies are not invading suburbia. The sky has not fallen. Check it out in Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730.

So Far It’s Working

Because of Amendment 64, Colorado now enjoys low unemployment. The state is also collecting more tax revenue from cannabis sales. Finally, many in Colorado view the law as a win-win. Much as opponents predicted the worst outcomes the opposite has happened. Most of all lower regulation has led to lower prices and free market advocates love that!

In addition Trump, like Obama, has not enforced federal marijuana laws. Will weed retailers will run afoul of federal banking laws? Furthermore what happens if the federal government decides to raid pot farms in Colorado? Maybe the reason the Feds haven’t done this is they don’t want to challenge the tenth amendment?

Strange Bedfellows

Probably most interesting are the strange political bedfellows this issue creates. Republicans and Democrats working together? Republican congressional candidates advocating for repealing federal drug laws? Law and Order pols pushing for legalizing weed?

Legal Weed Is Coming

As a result, legal weed is coming. Many states already have medical marijuana laws. Moreover polls show fewer opposed to legalization. And more studies show the medical benefits of certain cannabis products. Finally considering the problems created by alcohol abuse, there’s no question which is a better heath bet.

Hard Pressed To Find A Reason Not To

In conclusion I’m pretty hard pressed to find a reason why marijuana should still be illegal. Maybe even drugs like Special K and low dose LSD have their applications. Especially relevant are drugs you get from your doctor which seem even more dangerous than some so called ‘street drugs’.

Restrictive Laws No One Obeys

Most of all I don’t know why anyone drinks or uses drugs. In a perfect world no one should do either. Thing is, people do. Why do we have so many laws restricting how we behave, especially when they don’t seem to work?

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Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730