Father Son Talk-Media Relevance-Connecting To America-Podcast 681

As far back as I can remember, my son and I have had great conversations. These days those talks are usually over the phone. When he visits, it’s time to put those talks on a podcast. Father Son Talk-Media Relevance-Connecting To America-Podcast 681 is the result.

Welcome To New York

A recent move to New York City and a new job in media forms the backdrop of a conversation recently that is Father Son Talk-Media Relevance-Connecting To America-Podcast 681.

What’s A Media Family Like?

Especially relevant is the fact that both Andrew Davis’ mother and father have worked in media most of their lives. It’s a tough and sometimes thankless business, although fun. We did not necessarily want our son to work in the business. Our friends remarked to us, “What did you think he was going to do?”

Starting A Media Career

We welcome Andrew Davis into the ranks as the purveyor of his own You Tube effort and most recently a production assistant for a documentary unit in New York. We’re a media family, so media has always been topic number one at the table. What are the views of a young adult getting into the media? How do major news outlets connect with so called middle America?

How Does ‘The Bubble’ Reach ‘Trump’s America’?

With most news coverage these days focused on the latest accusations of sexual harassment in the political and media workspace, it seems like we’re hearing less and less about important issues facing the country. In conclusion, why isn’t the media covering and talking about North Korea, the Economy. and technology issues? Has the so called mainstream media (New York and LA) lost towns, cities and states ‘beyond the pale’? Where did it go wrong?

Put Down That Smart Phone And Get In The Combine

We don’t always agree on the conclusions though. In Father Son Talk-Media Relevance-Connecting To America-Podcast 681 there’s a fair amount of ribbing and catcalls across the generational divide. Finally all those discussions at the dinner table and on phones as we traversed the world are coming in handy.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

Father Son Talk-Media Relevance-Connecting To America-Podcast 681


Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678

What happens when two podcasters get together? We crosspost! Sunny Lohmann of The House of Sunny joins me to talk about ANTIFA, fashion, life and more in Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678. Part 1 and Part 2 of this marathon video podcast can be found here, and here.

You Tube

Sunny has been doing You Tube since 2010 and is now starting an audio podcast. You Tube and Podcasting have changed a lot since the early days. These days, You Tube and Podcasting has become more competitive, with better video, categories and better content. How does a You Tuber or a podcaster grow in this environment.

Winning With Content

Content is still king when it comes to getting viewers and listeners. Especially relevant is the question of what content works these days. Political content in general does not have the traction it used to have. We talk about why in Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678.

Media Bias

These days we hear a lot of complaints about broadcast TV shows like SNL about bias. Discussed on this podcast is the idea that these shows actually don’t have great ratings. To remain relevant, especially with younger viewers, broadcast TV shows are posting You Tube clips. Moreover huge percentages of people now say they get their news from social media.

Political Correctness Has Ruined Comedy?

In Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678 Sunny talks about political correctness in comedy. In her view, comedians cease being funny when they start worrying about whether what they say will be permissible. Artists lose their way trying to be relevant to an audience. Artists have to take risks, especially in comedy.

The Content Minefield

So many scolds are so quick to attack these days on both sides of the political spectrum. The result is a minefield any content creator will eventually wander into. We wonder whether the best thing is to go direct to the audience and consumer with your own channels and podcasts. How does a YouTuber or podcaster navigate around content control algorithms?


Finally we talk about how the former mainstream political content giants have ceased to be relevant, chiefly among them AM Talk Radio, which we both agree is unlistenable these days. A good lesson for the tech giants, which are more vulnerable to competition than many critics realize.

Sponsored by Reliafund and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Sunny Lohmann ANTIFA-Tipping-Fashion-Life-Podcast 678










Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

I think it is fair to say we’re living in a completely different time than just a few years ago. Messaging, alerts, constant interruptions. People complain they’re working twenty four hours a day because they have to be available around the clock. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677 I share my hacks to stay sane. What are yours?

Maintaining Composure

Especially relevant is the need to stay in a positive state of mind. This can be difficult when you’re responding to text messages, emails, clients or bosses at three in the morning. Content creators and creative people can find the need to stay connected constantly the most difficult.

Enjoying A Summer Storm

My contribution to your peace of mind? Sitting on the porch during a summer storm. What about the things that interest me. Excite me. Keep me in a positive, productive and creative state of mind? Hopefully my list will spur you to think up your own list. Things that really keep us going. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677.

Nobody Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Life is not easy. Turns and shifts happen without warning. Sometimes these changes are welcome. Sometimes not. People leave. Jobs end. Companies are sold. Plans shift. There are times when the changes are good. Finally, shifts and changes that are later looked upon as a ‘blessing’.

My Hacks

Travel is a big hack. A great way to shift my thinking. I don’t even care where I go anymore. Just going is half the battle. Especially road trips. Going to exotic far away places is also good. There are times though, when all you can manage is a weekend getaway.

The famous Bob Davis News Cleanse changed my life. It brought the realization that I did not need to maintain a twenty four hour news watch and freed me to create content outside of the confines of ‘the news’. Reading, walking, sitting quietly, or doing anything that shifts your thinking even short term are great for hacking the madness that is modern life.

The Old World Is Never Coming Back

In conclusion, we live in a great age. As we modernize we live among the trappings of an old world. Some of the old things are still around, but the pace of life will never go back to what it was. There are new pressures. New ideas. While we adjust to these new approaches its important to maintain our balance.

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Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677