Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787

An old picture and a lunch sparked my thoughts for Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787. These days the word ‘authentic‘ is often used to describe people who seem real. How does ‘authenticity’ translate to creative work?

Do You Believe What You Say?

Especially relevant, my friend wondered if I “believed the things” I say “on the radio and in podcasts?“.

It’s Complicated

First of all yes. Second, it’s complicated. How can you be creative and ‘real’? Learn more in Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787.

What’s ‘Being Authentic’?

What does ‘being authentic’ mean? Do a little research and you’ll find plenty of articles about ‘being authentic’. Most noteworthy is this list of attributes for authentic and inauthentic people.

Starts With Radio

As a result of all these lists of attributes for actually being authentic I realized my focus is about being authentic or real in my creative efforts.

Above all I am a radio guy. When I started in radio I couldn’t get enough of the ways and means and the lore of the business

Creative Freedom

Moroever in those days we were working in the ruins of faded AM stations. Therefore unlike radio today we had a lot of creative freedom.  Find out more in Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787.

Consequently we learned our business by doing. Especially relevant we also learned by imitating. Above all I’d always tried to be real when I was on the radio. When I got better at radio as a craft I returned to the idea of actually being real and natural.

Being Real

After many jobs and now as a podcaster, one thing remained key for me. Being real. Check out Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787.

Podcasting Formats and the Cutting Room Floor

Therefore, as a result of experience and commitment, authenticity seems like it is easier. However there is always something left on the cutting room floor. Certainly even in podcasting.

Authentic Isn’t As Easy As It Looks

In conclusion Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787 is a bit of a tutorial for podcasters, radio people and performers. Being real isn’t as easy as it looks. 

Years Of Work

Consequently when we see a performance by a master we should remember it probably took years to create that authenticity within the medium

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Artistic Authenticity-Radio Stories-Bob Davis Podcast 787



News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763

I was a little surprised by great response to my ‘Who’s Running The Country’ podcast. Lots of positive comments made me realize how unusual it is for commentators these days to break the news cycle. I talk about that in News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763.

Mainstream Media In A Playback Loop

How does media work today? Lurid Clickbait Headlines. Saying the same thing again and again. Predicting the future.

Telling Us What’s Going To Happen

Most noteworthy? It’s like they’re all talking to each other and not the audience. Moreover the obsession with telling us “what’s going to happen” gets in the way of the facts.

Never Watch

I have a ‘system’ to deal with this kind of media. Never watch TV News. Never watch the cable channels. Don’t listen to talk radio. I believe when we read we understand more.

Loose Moorings?

Consequently I feel insulated from nonsense. Furthermore my moorings aren’t coming loose from the constant hot air about protests and speechifying. Find out how and why in News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763.

Magpies On The Line

Finally whether a confirmation fight effects democrats or republicans negatively depends on who votes. We will find out in less than a month. Is it possible to wait a mere thirty days or so? Or is it necessary for the magpies to interrupt whatever we’re doing to sell their story line?

Organic Work

Above all it’s about building a business for me. How I spend my time. Relationships and Organic Work. These are the things most important to me right now. What’s really going on in our society?

Individual Interactions

In conclusion it’s the individual interactions and the wide scope of our lives that have the most impact. Do we really want to waste that time obsessed with what a bunch of politicians do?

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers and Water Butler Water Purification Systems

News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763

Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677

I think it is fair to say we’re living in a completely different time than just a few years ago. Messaging, alerts, constant interruptions. People complain they’re working twenty four hours a day because they have to be available around the clock. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677 I share my hacks to stay sane. What are yours?

Maintaining Composure

Especially relevant is the need to stay in a positive state of mind. This can be difficult when you’re responding to text messages, emails, clients or bosses at three in the morning. Content creators and creative people can find the need to stay connected constantly the most difficult.

Enjoying A Summer Storm

My contribution to your peace of mind? Sitting on the porch during a summer storm. What about the things that interest me. Excite me. Keep me in a positive, productive and creative state of mind? Hopefully my list will spur you to think up your own list. Things that really keep us going. In Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677.

Nobody Ever Said It Would Be Easy

Life is not easy. Turns and shifts happen without warning. Sometimes these changes are welcome. Sometimes not. People leave. Jobs end. Companies are sold. Plans shift. There are times when the changes are good. Finally, shifts and changes that are later looked upon as a ‘blessing’.

My Hacks

Travel is a big hack. A great way to shift my thinking. I don’t even care where I go anymore. Just going is half the battle. Especially road trips. Going to exotic far away places is also good. There are times though, when all you can manage is a weekend getaway.

The famous Bob Davis News Cleanse changed my life. It brought the realization that I did not need to maintain a twenty four hour news watch and freed me to create content outside of the confines of ‘the news’. Reading, walking, sitting quietly, or doing anything that shifts your thinking even short term are great for hacking the madness that is modern life.

The Old World Is Never Coming Back

In conclusion, we live in a great age. As we modernize we live among the trappings of an old world. Some of the old things are still around, but the pace of life will never go back to what it was. There are new pressures. New ideas. While we adjust to these new approaches its important to maintain our balance.

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Modern World Life Hacks Summer Storm-Podcast 677