Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704

I’ve been practicing yoga for almost twenty years and so have experienced a few of the promises of yoga. These days I’ve noticed much stronger effects. We’ll talk about it in Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704.

How Yoga Effects Chakras

Most noteworthy is the fact that I have never been one to believe or study chakras. I practiced yoga because it calmed me down and made me feel good.

After twenty years it’s clear yoga is doing much more than that.

Don’t Care About Petty and Nasty Political Fights

After years spent in the radio industry and a talk show host focused on politics I find it almost impossible to engage in what I perceive as petty and nasty fights about personalities.

How Yoga Changes A Student’s Vibration

One of the promises of yoga is that after a time a practitioner’s vibration changes. We operate at a higher octave. In Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704 I’ll share some of my experiences on the mat leading to a higher vibration and how that has effected my life.

Higher Anxiety Levels In Society

Especially relevant is the trigger for this podcast. More Americans report increasing anxiety levels about the future. We often feel like some terrible thing is one step away from happening. Analysts blame our mobile devices and twenty four hour cable television news.

Don’t despair. It’s possible to disconnect and stay aware of what is happening in the world. What’s more, practicing yoga takes away the desire to be connected, so you can stay on top the latest developments without losing it. It’s a good thing.

Yoga Every Damn Day

Daily practice. Chakra tuning. Doing 108 sun salutes on New Year’s Day. Posture clinics. Yoga every damn day has given me greater empathy, allows me to tune into the moods of other people and slows things down enough for me to understand what’s going on. For a type A, intense person, that is a a huge change.

Oh I still have an interest in analysis and history, news events and dare I say it, politics. However, my approach and how I talk about those subjects has changed. For the better.

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Vibrating At A Higher Frequency With Yoga-Always A Student-Podcast 704

Podcast 421

Ignore The Polls. We are awash in polling data early in the 2016 election cycle, enabling politics to be covered like sports. In sports though, teams actually play the games, generating the scores and statistics. Champions emerge during and at the end of the season based on real results. The media, political pollsters and charlatans are deciding what candidates we’ll listen to, and perhaps vote for based on political opinion surveys called ‘polls’, not to be confused with voting. When people actually vote, or caucus, then it will generate actual data. In the meantime, why don’t they consult astrologers and tarot card readers, because it would be just as reliable and accurate as political opinion surveys. Conversations over the weekend convinced me to do another polling podcast, to explain what it is, what its limitations are, and why you are better off reading a book or raking leaves, than watching the soothsayers on Fox News. No, the poll that shows Trump in the lead does not mean a ‘plurality’ of ‘voters’ want Trump. Yes he could win a general election, so could Hillary Clinton, or any other potential candidate if conditions are right. One thing is for sure; Once people actually vote and caucus there will be surprises. There will be surprises through the primary season, conventions, until the actual election on November 8th, 2016. Or not. The travesty is that we allow television networks, pollsters, and the cartoonery of pundits and loud mouths to decide for us who debates, who wins, and who polls. The result is someone — maybe the exact wrong person — ends up in charge of the most expensive and dangerous government in the world. Are you alright with Fox, CNN, and MSNBC in concert with three or four pollsters, deciding the candidates for that job? Sponsored by Pride of Homes and Luke Team Real Estate and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul