Podcast 550-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-44

Podcast 550-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-44. This week it’s been all Hillary All The Time as the media thrives on a new story line. The health of Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. In this week’s radio show, two new segments of original content, and two excerpts from the podcasts the previous week as the story broke. From the speculation on social media, to the You Tube conspiracy theories, to the political fall out, to the polls, a comprehensive view of the Hillary Clinton Health Scare, starting with her collapse at the memorial service in New York City on September 11th, 2016, in Podcast 550-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-44. Already a poll of ‘rust belt’ states shows Trump in the lead in Ohio. The poll was taken on the weekend of September 10th on the heels of her ‘deplorables’ comment and the collapse during the 9-11 memorial in New York. The state by state polls already show a tightening race. With 50 days left until the election, it remains to be seen how damaging what happened to Clinton, for whatever reason, will be politically. If the polls show significant damage to the Clinton campaign, the democrats still have time to win the race, if they handle this right, so Republicans counting their chickens might want to be a little less exuberant. On the other hand, this is a race which Clinton has been firmly leading since the conventions in August, so this is a significant development. Unfortunately, the voters will probably never know what ails Clinton because the newspapers and television networks with the resources to investigate this issue, have clearly shown they’re not interested. A day after Clinton was sent home with medications for ‘pneumonia’, the New York Times front page and the Minneapolis Tribune front page didn’t even mention the story. CBS edited out former President Bill Clinton’s comments suggesting Hillary Clinton has fainted ‘frequently’. So, we’ll probably never know what’s wrong with her, win or lose. Meanwhile conspiracy theory You Tubers, websites and radio shows continue to disservice of speculating on her health with diagnoses from charlatan ‘doctors’ on her ‘condition’ based on videos. Is there something wrong with her? Yes. Do we know what it is? No, despite a release of her medical records (probably incomplete) from the campaign. The worst two mainline party candidates in a hundred years continue to battle it out down to the wire when Americans cross their fingers and roll the dice, on November 8th, 2016’s bad bed election. Sponsored by X Government Cars.

Podcast 547-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-43

Podcast 547-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-43. Back after a Labor Day Week Hiatus with Podcast 547-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-43, which puts the election of 2016 in context. The party system in the United States has changed several times since the ratification of the US Constitution and the establishment of the Republic. From the first election in 1796 to today. Left and Right in this country have changed poles, and political parties have come and gone. From the Federalists and Anti Federalists, to the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, to the Democrats under Jackson and the Whigs, to the Republicans and Democrats parties, and the issues they advocate for have shifted. Are we undergoing another one of those seminal shifts in American Politics, or is the election of 2016 going to result in a presidency without much long term impact? Polling suggests Americans have strong negative feelings about both mainline party candidates. It’s a ‘hold your nose and vote’ election, where voters try to make a choice that is ‘least bad’ for them. Meanwhile local, statewide and congressional candidates are left to fend for themselves. Moreover the things both parties advocate don’t seem to make much sense in terms of addressing the salient issues on the minds of voters, as well as the challenges of the future. Technology, the developing countries of the world, immigration and the borders, the economy, the changing demographic picture of the country and more. From a population of about 3 million in 1800 to a population of over 320 million today, the country’s demographics, occupations and output have changed frequently. What do we need from government given new tools and ideas? Do we need a government? As the country changes quickly, politics in 2016 hasn’t kept up. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 537-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-39

Podcast 537-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-39. This week’s radio show contains 3 segments of new content for radio listeners and podcast subscribers. While the mission of the radio show is to bring content from the podcasts back to the radio, the political situation this week requires some additional thinking and reworking some of the ideas in Podcast 536. Podcast 537-Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-39 takes a look at what’s wrong with our political party system and makes some policy suggestions on the economy as thought starters for listeners and subscribers. These aren’t so much policy advocacy as a method to provoke thought and conversation around the idea that we have to do better. We have to hold our politicians and the political system to a higher standard, because we deserve better. As we progress to the final stages of the worst presidential election cycle in one hundred years the realization comes that no matter who takes the oath of office in January of 2017 the chances anything will change are remote. In fact, our national situation will either muddle along the same lines, or chaos will ensue. Your guess is as good as anyone else’s when it comes to which mainline candidate will produce muddle, or chaos. I’m not even sure which of both negative outcomes I would prefer, if such a thing is something you contemplate. Later in the show, questions about our national political themes. What happened to the America that was strong, not afraid to compete in the world, not afraid of the world, and ready to take risks to achieve. How did we become a nation of depressed, conspiracy theory mavens and people demanding someone ‘help’, ready to attack anyone for their view if it is contrary to their own? What happened to our money? What happened to our leadership? I believe what happened was too much government, expected to do too much, with mediocre ‘leaders’ who go along to get along, so they can keep their cushy jobs. We have to take it back. Taking it back means creating a new political movement in this country that pushes past the crust of the political party and primary systems, designed to keep the establishment in control. They tax us, divide us, scare us and control us, all to the purpose of making sure we’re good boys and girls. Remember, the people are the sovereign in this country, not Washington. Sponsored by X Government Cars and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.