Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672

First of all political content is everywhere. Seems like adding to it is spitting into the wind. Especially relevant is a reality star president who has turned government into a cartoon. In Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

Saturated With Political Content

Furthermore journalists, TV Stars, entertainers, and athletes have become players in the daily drama. The last refuge was sports. Most of all sports channels have now joined the melee.

Gets Older Everyday

Political content as entertainment emerged over thirty years ago. It was new then but these days, political content is saturating our lives. It wasn’t always this way. We’ll talk about it in Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

What Would Johnny Do?

Millions watched a decidedly nonpolitical show during the peak years of ‘The Tonight Show’ with Johnny Carson. The opposite is true today. Or is it?.

Hundreds of Millions Are On New Platforms

Most noteworthy are entertainment channels on new platforms like SnapChat, Instagram, and You Tube, with more viewers and subscribers than ‘The Tonight Show’ at its peak. Political offerings on any channel pale in contrast. Find out what the stats are in Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672.

Think Different

Much as we believe traditional media is king maybe it’s time to think differently. Furthermore digital platforms for newspapers and radio boast hundreds of millions of subscribers and listeners. As purely entertainment offerings on new platforms get hundreds of millions of views and subscriptions traditional media keeps banging away on politics.

It’s Wallpaper

In conclusion when something is everywhere it isn’t unique or interesting. With so much political stuff it’s natural for content creators to wonder whether audiences are getting bored with it.

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Political Content Boring Audiences-Podcast 672



Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Walk and Talk Podcast focusing on all the bad coverage of recent events. Late night. Moonlight. The smell of fall in the air. Perfect setting to try and sort all this out. In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

Lies and Fairy Tales

The theme of these podcasts has always been the fact that most of what passes as ‘news’ is opinion. These days though, the fairy tale nature of news coverage has reached a new level of mendacity. This time it’s digital media.

Digital Media Is A Sea Of Disinformation

That’s right. Anyone you talk to can give you a dissertation on the failure of the so called mainstream media to ‘do their job’. Almost no one talks about the failures of digital media. Especially You Tube ‘correspondents’. We’ll talk about it in Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

New Sources Require New Diligence

I watch a lot of You Tube stuff these days. Apparently so do many Americans. You Tube is the source of a great deal of what the American Public thinks it ‘knows’. While entertaining, You Tubers pump out a steady stream of false flag attack stories, end of the world proofs, predictions about the future, and ‘inside’ stories that can never be fact checked.

Aliens and False Flags

We’re walking around with a lot of nonsense in our heads when any new thing happens. Las Vegas? North Korea? Some kind of legislative initiative? We think we live in a society with a free exchange of information, but what do we really know about these things? In Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669.

It’s A Ken Burns World

The world does not sluice down into a documentary series with music and pictures. Historians spend years studying events. New information changes conclusions. Building a framework to understand it all requires reading real books about real history. A framework also comes with experience and life.

And every now and then, maybe a quiet walk on a tree lined, leaf covered path on a beautiful fall night.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in The West End Saint Louis Park

Misinformation Disinformation Red Alert-How To Cope-Podcast 669

Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660

There is a sudden nostalgia for the 1970’s. New TV Shows. Fashion. Summer’s end is a time of nostalgia. Something about the drier air and State Fair time in Minnesota. We’ll talk about it in Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660.

Where Were You in ’72?

Back in the day, the week before Labor Day we went to Sears. New Jeans as hard as concrete. Some collared shirts. Heavy t-shirts. New tennis shoes. New Hard shoes. By the end of the next summer those jeans would be tattered and worn. The shoes unrecognizable. T-Shirts worn out.

Summer’s Long Goodbye

End of Summer also meant new school supplies. Pencils. Notebooks. Things like protractors. Cartridge Pens. Fresh paper. The first day’s of school were hot and uncomfortable. They were also filled with hope and the promise of new romance. In Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660.

Midwesterners All Share

As summer winds down you can hear it. Feel it. Humidity goes out of the air. Trees start to change. Temperatures cool off. Doesn’t matter which decade you grew up in. This longing for more summer mixing with expectations and excitement for fall is something everyone of every age in the Midwest shares.

Hip Huggers and The Road Runner

As far as nostalgia is concerned. Steve Jobs once remarked that the 1960’s actually happened in the 1970’s. There were two parts of the 1970’s. The early part was good. Kind of like a continuation of the best parts of the 60’s. Muscle Cars and Bell Bottoms. Hip Huggers. In Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660.

1970’s Weren’t So Great, right?

The second half of the 1970’s wasn’t so good. Vietnam. Nixon. Violence and Protests. AM Radio and Black and White TV was fading. Things started to go bad. Inflation. Gas Lines. Watergate. Urban Decay. Racial Strife. Drugs. Why is the 1970’s suddenly imbued with all this power?

Nostalgia For A Strange Time

New shows about New York City in the 1970’s. Times Square a cess pool. Garbage in the streets. Bankruptcy. Perfect for the all seeing eye of dramatic television. The newest fashions these days are all throw backs to the 1970’s. How did the people who came of age in that time feel about it? In Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660.

Spinning Out Of Control

There was a sense, in that time, that things were spinning out of control. The 1970’s were not a fun time economically, especially the second half. Yet there was a sense of innocence. If you were born just after the 1970’s perhaps the decade holds a little more sway in the imagination.

Winter IS Coming

Something to think about listening to the sounds of summer, mourning the passing of the heat and intensity, welcoming the coolness and color of fall but not thinking too hard of the inevitable winter to follow. Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660.

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Hollywood Brings Back 1970’s-Nostalgia-End Of Summer-Podcast 660