Trump Rebuild America Infrastructure Plan Not Conservative-Podcast 689

President Trump has convinced republicans he is a conservative. But his spending and building plans will pile on the debt. We’ll talk about it in Trump Rebuild America Infrastructure Plan Not Conservative-Podcast 689.

Debt and Deficit Spending Is Conservative, right?

Republicans sell their tax plan as a boon to the economy, despite a potential 1.2 trillion dollar budget hole by 2025. Moreover, after the new year President Trump will introduce an infrastructure plan that will add more debt. Deficit spending and public works projects are not conservative economic ideas.

Its Supply Side Economics Right?

For years republicans have touted the idea of shifting our economic approach to producers rather than stimulating consumer demand. That’s what they think this president is doing. Truth is President Trump and the GOP will not actually be testing so called supply side economic ideas.

In Trump Rebuild America Infrastructure Plan Not Conservative-Podcast 689 I review exactly what Supply Side economics is. What’s more, I’ll explain how Team Red might be more than a little surprised to learn their economic policies are more closely related to the famous progressive populist Huey Long than Ronald Reagan.

Rah Rah Team Red

Holiday season is a great time for get togethers with friends and family. Politics is a topic of conversation during these get togethers. Republicans celebrate an economy that’s growing wildly, already. Since government spending is a component of our calculations for ‘the economy’, spending and borrowing can create what looks like growth.

It’s The Spending

Lower tax rates, especially for corporations can help producers and spur economic growth. What about higher spending and bigger deficits? Sounds to me like republicans and democrats are practicing two sides of the same approach to economics. Deficit spending and more debt to spur economic growth.

Welcome To Louisiana

In conclusion team red people may cheerlead for anything their president and congress does as it is their right. Just be honest. Go ahead and wrap yourself in the flag and religion, but Team Red isn’t conservative and neither is President Trump.

Sponsored by Brush Studio In The West End and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Trump Rebuild America Infrastructure Plan Not Conservative-Podcast 689

Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656

Well before the 2016 primary campaign I posted a podcast announcing the death of the conservative movement. Whatever was left of the right is the final casualty this past weekend In Virginia. In Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656.

A Deal With The Devil

During the 2016 presidential campaign Republican moderate leadership had the opportunity to allow the convention to move through the political process to select a candidate. Instead they chose to close ranks with a candidate famous for rhetoric and little else forcing that candidate on the American people. Surprisingly a week later, the democrats did the same thing. This faustian bargain resulted in a rhetorical presidency which has accomplished little.

Identity Politics Right Wing Style

In this way, the Grand Old Party closed ranks with the politics of division. Name calling and chaos. But wait! Right Wingers didn’t break windows or block freeways. It was the Left which used violence. Until now. In Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656.

It Wasn’t Us!

Is it too soon to suggest humor in the irony of every paid commentator, blogger, show host and agitator of the right suddenly trying to show the world those people carrying Nazi Flags in Charlottesville aren’t really conservatives? Is it too soon to decry the loud mouths hocking constitutional conventions, fife and drum, messaging seminars and civil war?

Who is to blame? Everyone

Especially the voters. This generation of Americans. Children who think the louder they yell the better chance they have to get what they want. People who think good citizenship is doing a FaceBook Live video or throwing up a You Tube Channel predicting the end of the world. Commentators who want to tell you what happened when they weren’t there.

All Hat and No Cattle

People who refuse to help during election season but won’t miss a tea party meeting to discuss messaging and their version of the constitution. People who want to protest but can’t be bothered to stand up and run for office or do any of the hard work citizenship in a democratic society demands. Block a freeway? Why not! Shoot a congressman? Sure. Destroy someone online? Fun! Carry a nazi flag in a parade? Awesome! We’ll just blame the Mercers or George Soros. Doesn’t Matter.

Government Is More Powerful No Matter Who’s In Charge

Whatever you scream when you protest, one thing is true. Government power is more absolute. A prison we have created for ourselves is bankrupting us and destroying our society. National debt is dangerously high and climbing. Little more than window dressing passes for action. Political news watchers concern themselves with the latest greek drama live from the White House. Issues? Policy? You won’t get clicks with that.

Losing Equation

Neither majority nor minority provides anything close to leadership. Attacks and Counterattacks. Name calling. Gleeful enjoyment of this House of Cards. Surprise when it results in death. This does not end well.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End Saint Louis Park

Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656



Death Of The Political Junkie Rest in Peace-Podcast 645

Are you a political junkie? Wake up in the middle of the night to check headlines? Scan social media in the bathroom? Watch the 24 hour cable news channels? Listen to talk radio on the weekend? Inbox full of political emails? We’ll talk about it in Death Of The Political Junkie Rest in Peace-Podcast 645.


TV Stars and channels just want to keep their brands and their personalities foremost in your mind. Same with politicians. This is what people in the media call ‘Being Relevant’.

Inside Baseball

The problem is, the twenty four hour political chatter is less relevant every day. Those addicted to what we call politics these days are driving a conversation about tweets, traded insults, and stunts by people who seem more and more unhinged as each minute passes. In Death Of The Political Junkie Rest in Peace-Podcast 645.

Lies Conceal Truth

Politics and those who cover it are talking about each other more than they actually report on the news. The result? The actual political community continues to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants.

Mika Joe and Donald

Even though we have all kinds of ‘news’ coverage, it seems like the function of our government is a mystery to most people. Relating new things to the audience becomes more and more difficult in a sea of nonsense. Television presenters who poke at public figures getting a taste of their own medicine is news? Featured in Death Of The Political Junkie Rest in Peace-Podcast 645.

Meanwhile We’re Bankrupt

Puerto Rico is bankrupt. Illinois, California and New York are next. Debt is at record levels. Both political parties promise more and more. Someone, somewhere, someday will have to pay for it.

People vote for personalities. When their ‘guy’ takes office, it is expected he or she will do what ‘the voters’ want. That is not what happens. Why? Political Junkies these days know it all. They can tell you why Trump is a sociopath or why Loretta Lynch should be in federal prison but they can’t tell you what a republican stands for or what a democrat is. Maybe it’s time to watch less and do more.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and X Government Cars.

Death Of The Political Junkie Rest in Peace-Podcast 645