Free Speech-Social Media-Bob Davis Podcast 829

Facebook Bans

Lots of talk about social media and free speech these days. Facebook just banned several top content creators. Learn more in Free Speech-Social Media-Bob Davis Podcast 829.

Byzantine Policies For Advertising

My personal struggles with Facebook’s byzantine rules for advertising my podcasts is especially relevant. In addition I provide some ways to circumvent the rules I am sure the Russians have already figured out.

Who Decides What Free Speech Is?

Moreover the question of whether the constitution or a company determines free speech, is key.

Alex Jones and Louis Farrakahn…Strange Bedfellows

Facebook banned Louis Farrakhan Alex Jones, Paul Nehlan, Mllos Yiannapoulis, Paul Joseph Watson and Laura Noomer last week. Twitter banned actor James Woods. Who’s next?

Russia Russia Russia

Some say this all started with Charlottesville a couple of years ago. Even more alleged Russian ‘election tampering’ through social media has really got the social media companies running scared.

Silicon Valley In The Dog House

A litany of testimony in front of House and Senate committees from big Internet companies and the threat of antitrust enforcement have Silicon Valley billionaires shaking in their sneakers. In a way I almost feel sorry for them. Politicians used to love social media. Now Zuckerberg’s in the doghouse. Details in Free Speech-Social Media-Bob Davis Podcast 829.

Opinions Are Suddenly Frightening and Dangerous

Consequently one wonders whether people in this country will ever be able to hear an opinion they don’t agree with, without being ‘triggered‘, or thinking there’s an international conspiracy against them.

What’s A Mother To Do?

Certainly users can block, mute or unfollow unsavory characters and people they don’t agree with.

However this isn’t enough.

Gag Them! Shun Them! How Dare People Express Opinions I Do Not Agree With!

As the result of their crimes, offenders must be gagged. Even more, permanently prevented from having their say. This is the corporate version of free speech, backed by a roiling mob.

Try Banning The Backlash

Finally the real truth is you can ban someone from expressing their opinions or entertaining, but you can’t ban the backlash. Sooner or later competitors to these companies will emerge. Content Creators will find other platforms.

In conclusion and in defense of Facebook, getting them to let me advertise podcasts has been clunky and frustrating…

Not impossible.

Moreover some of the worst trolls hide behind anonymity. In this sense, I can understand why ‘registration’ and ‘authentication’ is now part of the process for media businesses on some platforms.

No Longer A Democracy

There will be challenges to  gaggings. Some of those challenges will be based on the first amendment and perhaps equal protection clauses of the fourteenth amendment.

And there should be.

I may not agree with your crazy conspiracy theory or your opinion, but I defend your right to tell the world about it.

Without free speech, we are no longer a democracy or if you prefer a representative republic.

THAT is truly terrifying.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Free Speech-Social Media-Bob Davis Podcast 829


Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656

Well before the 2016 primary campaign I posted a podcast announcing the death of the conservative movement. Whatever was left of the right is the final casualty this past weekend In Virginia. In Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656.

A Deal With The Devil

During the 2016 presidential campaign Republican moderate leadership had the opportunity to allow the convention to move through the political process to select a candidate. Instead they chose to close ranks with a candidate famous for rhetoric and little else forcing that candidate on the American people. Surprisingly a week later, the democrats did the same thing. This faustian bargain resulted in a rhetorical presidency which has accomplished little.

Identity Politics Right Wing Style

In this way, the Grand Old Party closed ranks with the politics of division. Name calling and chaos. But wait! Right Wingers didn’t break windows or block freeways. It was the Left which used violence. Until now. In Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656.

It Wasn’t Us!

Is it too soon to suggest humor in the irony of every paid commentator, blogger, show host and agitator of the right suddenly trying to show the world those people carrying Nazi Flags in Charlottesville aren’t really conservatives? Is it too soon to decry the loud mouths hocking constitutional conventions, fife and drum, messaging seminars and civil war?

Who is to blame? Everyone

Especially the voters. This generation of Americans. Children who think the louder they yell the better chance they have to get what they want. People who think good citizenship is doing a FaceBook Live video or throwing up a You Tube Channel predicting the end of the world. Commentators who want to tell you what happened when they weren’t there.

All Hat and No Cattle

People who refuse to help during election season but won’t miss a tea party meeting to discuss messaging and their version of the constitution. People who want to protest but can’t be bothered to stand up and run for office or do any of the hard work citizenship in a democratic society demands. Block a freeway? Why not! Shoot a congressman? Sure. Destroy someone online? Fun! Carry a nazi flag in a parade? Awesome! We’ll just blame the Mercers or George Soros. Doesn’t Matter.

Government Is More Powerful No Matter Who’s In Charge

Whatever you scream when you protest, one thing is true. Government power is more absolute. A prison we have created for ourselves is bankrupting us and destroying our society. National debt is dangerously high and climbing. Little more than window dressing passes for action. Political news watchers concern themselves with the latest greek drama live from the White House. Issues? Policy? You won’t get clicks with that.

Losing Equation

Neither majority nor minority provides anything close to leadership. Attacks and Counterattacks. Name calling. Gleeful enjoyment of this House of Cards. Surprise when it results in death. This does not end well.

Sponsored by Brush Studio in the West End Saint Louis Park

Charlottesville Is Final Nail In The Right’s Coffin-Podcast 656



Podcast 299

Weekend Update! What starts as a weekend update ends up as a romp through the mind of Bob Davis. Oh yeah, this podcast looks at the latest numbers for Clint Eastwood’s winning ‘American Sniper’, and suggests petty Hollywood Envy is perhaps behind much of the snark. The fact that people are getting sub-prime and insanely long auto loans, goosing new car sales and endangering the financial system is a concern of Honda, which says it will not offer 84 month loans, concerned its customers might end up so upside down they won’t be able to buy another car for like, a while. And an Asteroid Fly-By has NASA atwitter since 2004 BL86 (that’s its name) is huge and is coming very close to earth this weekend. Don’t worry, it’s path takes it almost a million miles away from the Earth — well outside the orbit of the moon — but it would be crazy if an asteroid like this one hit the earth, wouldn’t it? Thus begins the listener’s off the rail journey, discussing bad documentaries on Netflix, Nazis and the Final Solution, stories and movies which might include asteroids hitting the earth and turning Minneapolis and Saint Paul into an equatorial (and wonderfully tropical) paradise, aliens living on the moon, or maybe its human beings on the moon ’cause they have a time machine, alien women in spacecraft and more. So. Much. More. Closing it all out, another ice age is on the way since there have been no sun spots and according to scientists, the last time this happened was the 17th century, when people wore ermine collars, and we can’t forget the rich environmentally conscious Davos attendees this weekend, shelling out forty thousand dollars a head to attend this ridiculously useless conference to complain about inequality, and global warming, and rub elbows with Pharrell Williams and Al Gore. Sigh. Get your weekend started right, with the Bob Davis Podcasts. Don’t forget to join Bob Davis this weekend at the SD-61 Chili Dinner AND CONTEST in South Minneapolis, Sunday January 25th. Sponsored by Baklund R&D.