Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795

It seems like the talking heads are always telling us what our problems are. The moralists are back trying to shore up their audiences. They are making the case our economic system and politics are making us unhappy. Learn more in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.


First of all, who or what is responsible for our happiness? Where does happiness come from? We’ll talk about it in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.

Happiness and Government

Furthermore I was trying to do a yoga podcast. Due to the political and social nature of the topic I have to explain why this question of happiness and government has come up.

The New Moralism

Most noteworthy this week is the fact that most of the moralism is coming from the supposed political right.

Moral Health Of America

Because of Senator Mitt Romney, Tucker Carlson and Armstrong Williams commentary on the ‘moral‘ nature of Americans I feel the need to respond.

Republicans Attack Capitalism?

Especially relevant are Romney’s attacks on the president’s moral character and Tucker Carlson’s attacks on capitalism and our political leaders’ responsibilities.

Republicans Embrace Chavez and Marx

Finally since when do so called conservatives start sounding like Hugo Chavez and Karl Marx? It isn’t the job of our politicians to ‘make us happy’. Certainly we claim the right to the pursuit of happiness, not the right to the condition of happiness.

Who’s Job Is It To Make Me Happy?

Also it is our job to make ourselves happy. I provide some suggestions for that in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.

The Devil Marijuana

Finally Romney, Tucker and Armstrong use unsupported assessments of marijuana usage, rape and sexual harassment and general economic ‘malaise’ to support their points. They say this country is in moral decline.

It’s Getting Better Not Worse

In conclusion things are actually getting better. All the world’s problems are not solved, but it is a shock to me that so called conservative opinionators can’t look on the bright side anymore.

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Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795




Sushi-Shutdown-Emergency-Bully-Pulpit-Bob Davis Podcast 794

These days we content creators have to post advisories and disclaimers. This podcast is not a list of reasons to ‘build the wall’. It does not include 5 reasons to impeach Trump. Learn more in Sushi-Shutdown-Emergency-Bully-Pulpit-Bob Davis Podcast 794.

Trump Blew It In 2018

Especially relevant is the fact that less than a month ago the so called conservative base was furious at the president and the republican party for taking a ‘shellacking’ in the midterm elections.

It Is Trump’s Fault

Furthermore I did several podcasts on the midterms explaining polling showed the GOP did not have to lose congress.

Raise The Stakes To Win

Therefore it is most noteworthy that the president opened the new year by raising the stakes. First a government shut down. Then threats to declare an national emergency.

What’s the issue?

A campaign promise by Donald Trump to solve what he has described as a crisis on the border.

Consequently, the solution he hit upon? ‘Build A Wall‘.

First of all. the president failed to get a republican congress to fund a wall. Now he has redoubled his efforts to get a democrat house to fund the wall, which they say they won’t. Enter the shut down. Enter the specter of a ‘National Emergency‘.

Outrage Controversy and Emotional Outpouring

If outrage and controversy over the shut down wasn’t enough, Trump is raising the stakes with threats to declare a national emergency. Under an emergency the military can build what is now described as a steel barrier by the president. Or at least he thinks so. Is he right? Find out in Sushi-Shutdown-Emergency-Bully-Pulpit-Bob Davis Podcast 794.

The Sushi Shutdown

After a late evening sushi happy hour, I came to my studio to tell the truth about this whole episode. It’s not about the shut down or even a national emergency. Trump is doing what Roy Cohn taught him to do many years ago. Make threats. Throw tantrums. Demand. Raise the stakes until the other guy gives you what he wants. Above all force the opposition to talk about what you want to talk about. Control the media battle space. Use the ‘bully pulpit‘.

Throwing Blood In The Water To Shore Up The Base

In conclusion, Trump does this again and again. And everyone takes the bait, hook line and sinker.

Every time.

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Sushi-Shutdown-Emergency-Bully-Pulpit-Bob Davis Podcast 794