Real Time 2018 Election Results-Live-Bob Davis Podcast 774

These days election results in real time without BS is a tall order. Experience the results in real time with me in Real Time 2018 Election Results-Live-Bob Davis Podcast 774.

Working America Into A Froth

It’s especially relevant how the media and politicians managed to work most of America into a froth for this election. Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives. Republicans did better than predicted in the Senate. The GOP also managed to surprise in a couple of governor’s races.

How Predictions Stack Up To Results

It’s Most noteworthy how results stacked up to the predictions. I see it this way. Democrats managed to cobble together a few pick ups in house races here and there into a majority. Republicans could have prevented some of these losses. What happened? How could the GOP manage to increase it’s majority in the senate but lose it in the house?

Minnesota Republicans Got The 8th District As Consolation Prize

Moreover for my Minnesota subscribers and listeners, there were major losses for incumbent republicans in the 2nd and 3rd House districts, all the statewide races and the state legislature. The consolation was one of the few republican pick ups in the House is Minnesota’s 8th district.

Blue Wave?

Was it a blue wave? My analysis says no. Democrats won some hard fought victories in key house races to control the house but they failed to win key governor’s races and lost ground in the Senate. More details in Real Time 2018 Election Results-Live-Bob Davis Podcast 774.

Some Outcomes Still Out

I am still waiting on the outcome of key races. Just learning the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has lost his bid for a third term, and waiting for some House races, Senate bids in Arizona and Montana. In coming days there will be plenty of post analysis, celebration and blame to go around.

Hard Drives Humming and Pizza

In conclusion there’s still something about a quiet night at the Broadcast Bunker. Results came from the Internet. The hum of hard drives and processors kept me company.

(Editor’s Note: A late development Monday in Minnesota. Republicans can add another pick up with Jim Hagedorn’s victory in Southern Minnesota’s 1st District. Minnesota republicans managed to lose all the statewide races and the state House of Representatives, making victories in the 8th and 1st even more bittersweet.)

And we had pizza

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Real Time 2018 Election Results-Live-Bob Davis Podcast 774

American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

These days political violence, mobs and otherwise boorish behavior are all the rage when it comes to politics. I’ll talk about it in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Safe Spaces And Don’t Let The Other Guy Talk

Our politics is more about not letting the other guy talk than it is about discussing issues and solutions. From open attacks to never ending investigations. From confronting politicos while they eat to running innocents over with a car or shooting congressmen. Most noteworthy are recent mailings of bombs to prominent democrats, although at the time of this writing it has not been determined who sent them.

Tear Down This Wall, Cause I said So!

Especially relevant are demands to tear down whatever the other guy wants. Through it all, continuing complaints about how the other side is ‘destroying American Democracy’.

Conspiracy Theory and Rumor

In addition ‘news’ is mostly conspiracy theory and rumor. No wonder Russia and China find it easy to erode Americans’ faith in their political institutions, using social media platforms.

It’s A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Forget for a moment the United States is technically not a democracy. In fact, our government is a representative republic. We The People are the sovereign. Our government is supposed to have limited power to solve the problems we want it to solve. Has it become to big? Find out in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Fear The Mob

Finally what our founders feared the most was the mob. Throngs of louts pushing their will onto the minority. Makes you wonder whether we could actually recreate a republic dedicated to limited government and liberty if we had to do it all over again.

Civil War Talk Is Foolishness

In conclusion all this seems to encourage fools who write and talk about civil war. Who would win? What would happen? Meanwhile we spend, tax and borrow more and more to do less and less.


Truth is people can barely name more than two presidents, don’t know when the actual American Civil War took place, and are fine with government power when it benefits them. Sounds like Idiocracy to me.

Sponsored by Citizens Council For Health Freedom and John D Scott Personal Injury Attorney

American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759

Hard to believe it is already fall. These days change is a constant. The fall Equinox every year is a big shift in the midwest. We’ll talk about it live from the deck in Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759.

Walk and Talk

Rules of the walk and talk podcast are that it has to be ‘stream of consciousness’. No plan. No prep. A welcome change for me after a long series of deeply prepped podcasts on the elections.

Free Wheeling Talk

Most noteworthy for me is the opportunity for free wheeling talk after weeks of research.

Podcasting As A Medium

We’ll start with the difference between podcasting as a medium and other forms of media. It’s especially relevant that as a podcaster people always ask me how to do a podcast?

Compelling Content

Can a potential podcaster create compelling content for more than a few podcasts?

We’ll talk about it in Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759.

What worked Yesterday…

Moreover podcasting has the ability, as I have pointed out recently, to dig deeper into issues. As podcasting evolves things that worked a few short years ago may not work today. As podcasters are we taking advantage of these new opportunities.

Most Media Spreading Poisonous Despair

In addition and perhaps most importantly, most media is focused on creating a sense of urgency that is poisonous. Predicting the future. Telling people whatever is happening is ‘the worst ever’. Rants designed to convince people to think one way or another.


We’re pushed to think and worry about things that have nothing to do with our lives. It all adds up to a huge manipulation of our emotions. I think it gets in the way of living our own lives the way they were meant to be lived.

Nuclear War Anyone?

Finally what’s in your movie queue? What’s in your You Tube feed? For me, suddenly, it’s nuclear war. Why?

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers, Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Fall Equinox Full Moon-Walk Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 759