Podcast 225

Superstition. Stevie Wonder wasn’t singing about your great grandmother, was he? We’re told we live in a complicated modern society, yet some of us believe things that can only be described as fantasy; superstition. While updating subscribers on the key stories for the week ahead, a question comes up? How does belief in conspiracy theory, apocalyptic theory and other fantasies detract from being able to make decisions based on fact, how do these modern-day superstitions effect rational problem solving? Especially since more and more adherents to these theories appear to be on the political ‘right’, which believes itself to be rational, as opposed to the ‘irrational’ and ’emotional’ left. We start with Ebola, and the rapidly spreading idea – usually through social media – ebola is a ‘weaponized virus’ being used to ‘scare’ the American people, or it is being brought over the border by illegals tasked specifically to infect Americans. This week features a full moon lunar eclipse. This is the second in a series of lunar ‘blood moon’ eclipses some say herald the apocalypse. (The other two are in 2015 so don’t worry, you don’t have long to wait.) Why are these eclipses called ‘blood’ moon eclipses? What’s special about this one? Did you know it’s Enterovirus Season? No, there aren’t any decorations for ‘Enterovirus Season’, or any special celebrations, but now adults are getting sick from the virus labeled ‘Enterovirus D68’, which is thought responsible for the deaths of at least one child, and paralysis in others. Enterovirus is a ‘common cold’ like virus, but apparently D68 packs a punch. A government that can’t provide security to its president, protect the borders or its embassies, collect taxes, or figure out how to solve the most vexing current problems is somehow managing a vast conspiracy to kill US Citizens? Finally, yet more fantasy coverage about the Republicans chances of winning the senate and gaining more seats in congress than they did in 1946. Admittedly always possible, but considering the democrat ground game in 2014 might sober up Republicans who believe this kind of hokum from the mainstream media. Or is it hokum? We’ll find out on November 4th around midnight. For Republicans, the question is, what are you doing to make this fantasy a reality? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul, and Depot Star

Podcast 212

And the Beheadings Just Keep On Comin’! The Bob Davis Podcasts, On The Road. Live from Scottsdale Arizona. Recorded in front of a live audience; Bob’s best friend Andy, treading water in the pool. A wonderful Sunday night reverie interrupted by more ugliness from The Islamic State. The White House must be pulling out all the stops as the New York Times runs a puff piece on how thoughtful the President is. The sources? Unidentified guests at a White House dinner held the night of the address outlining ‘The Strategy’ for ‘degrading and destroying’ ISIS last week. Meanwhile, ‘The Strategy’ is not going so well. Arab ‘allies’ responded tepidly, and ISIS just cut a deal with one of those Syrian ‘moderate’ groups John McCain and John Kerry are so hot to trot to make deals with, or maybe even arm. Don’t worry though, there’s a Hurricane Brewing in the Pacific that might wipe out Cabo, so that’s all you’ll be hearing about for the next 48 hours as cable news networks and the big broadcast networks send reporters and camera crews to cover. By the way, did you hear someone else got beheaded? What was his name? What’s the name of the other guy that got beheaded? Meanwhile, back to the historic landmarks in Scottsdale. A visit to the apartment where Hogan’s Hero’s Star Bob Crane met his demise, plus a conversation about Bob’s visit to Andy’s house — the very same house this podcast was recorded in — nearly 40 years ago. Then we veer off into discussion about Bob Crane’s porn addiction, Crane’s x-rated pictures, and pictures of the crime scene on the Internet, sex addiction, the movie Auto Focus, the work ethic of radio people, age reversal therapy and what it will mean, Bikram Yoga, Andy’s 1967 International Scout, growing up in the 1970’s, Paradise Valley, a a story about Prince, and for you political junkies, we talk about the real story going on beneath the headlines; The off year election. Organizing to win votes and raise money, means real influence in politics. If you want change, you have to change things by doing actual work, door to door, to make sure people vote for your candidates. Sponsored by X Government Cars. EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes, I am aware I have skipped podcast 211, which will become the new ‘Lost Podcast’. Watch for it. It’s a doosey.

Podcast 205

Another beheading? Our midweek is jarred with another heinous murder of a US Journalist by The Islamic State; A video which is reported to show the beheading of Steven Sotloff surfaced Tuesday. At the same time, ‘vacationing’ Russian troops appear to be making headway against Ukrainian defenders in Eastern Ukraine as Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine. What’s to be done? Warnings, more economic sanctions, presidential trips, conferences, discussions and the ‘creation’ of a ‘rotating’ NATO ‘Quick Reaction Force’ of 4400 European ‘Special Forces’ troops. Putin has more than 20,000 troops on the Ukraine’s Eastern Border with Russia. Watching Obama’s press conference last Thursday shows clearly how analytical this President is, and how that can get the United States into a lot of trouble. On another note, Reporters and analysts have suddenly discovered that polling data does not indicate the ‘Wave Election’ for Republicans which the same analysts and reporters confidently predicted a few months ago. Suddenly, as The Bob Davis Podcasts predicted last winter, the story line has become, “What’s wrong with the Republicans?”. Well, for starters, where’s the ‘get out the vote’ organization that all wave elections are built on? Where are the street troops to take senior citizens to the polls? Where are the door knockers, lit droppers, phone bank callers, absentee ballot hander outers and easily used vote tally software? Not to mention election judges, precinct captains and well, you know, organization. Republicans were convinced of an easy victory in 2012, and shocked when it didn’t happen. Is this old song playing again? As the saying goes, “You make your own luck.” Republicans are almost giddy over polls that show Minnesota Republican Senate Candidate Mike McFadden at between 41 and 45 percent, and Senator Al Franken at 51 to 57 percent. This predicts a victory for Republicans? Not so fast. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating