New Thinking Part II – Podcast 453

New Thinking Part II. Tyranny of The State? Browsing through today’s headlines yields a mix of factional outrage and emotion. Whether it’s the President issuing executive orders to ‘end’ mass shootings, or activist ranchers from Nevada showing up in Oregon to occupy a federal wildlife facility, or the UK parliament debating whether to ‘keep Donald Trump out’, it seems like the political world has gone crazy. With more and more people doing anything and everything to get on TV, or get clicks, eyeballs, ears, or supporters to show up at controlled events, one wonders whether the proverbial mob, feared most by the founders, has finally reared its ugly head. The second installment of the Bob Davis Podcast series ‘New Thinking’ looks at the desire factions seem to have to coerce ‘someone’ to ‘do something’ and the hypocrisy implicit in those demands. More ‘action’ these days is being taken by courts, unelected councils and boards controlling huge sums of money, their own police forces, are issuing edicts local towns and villages have to comply with. Local princes hold councils, in secret and behind closed doors to pound elected officials into submission. Protests are mounted by factional fronts with hashtag names and shadowy backing, all with the goal of dominating local or national television coverage. Presidential candidates vow to reverse executive orders of previous presidents, make promises that can’t and won’t be kept, and set unrealistic goals. Aren’t the people in this country supposed to be in charge? Isn’t the government supposed to protect our rights? How do we get things back on track when people operate on loose facts, when debate is a contest for the most slicing snarky comment, and name calling is the order of the day? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and X Government Trucks.

Podcast 145

Revolution? Really? Some people in America today have started to call for a revolution, and talk openly about how it would be great if it was peaceful, but ok if it was bloody. This is something that has to be addressed. In my view this is one of the most infantile, uninformed, and ignorant ‘movements’ — if you can call it that — in the American political experience today. What do our fathers and mothers and grandparents have to teach us about the adversity they lived through in the 30’s and 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and the 1970’s? They learned to work together, because the nation’s survival depended on it. How sad that some of the sons and daughters of the ‘greatest generation’ want to take their toys home and demand revolution … a revolution the young people of today will have to fight. Is this what you really want? Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Podcast 143

Operation American Spring expected tens of millions of liberty loving Americans to show up to support the militia that supported rancher Cliven Bundy in Nevada. Instead, between 200 to 500 showed up. Consider this podcast as a companion to Podcast 142 on the question of what constitutes a successful political movement for the right. Listener Lynne wants to pay Bob Davis to head over to Washington DC to cover the ‘encampment’ if the ranks grow, which is certainly possible. Should he? Podcast 143 poses a number of questions and some analysis of OAS goals with this ‘protest’ effort. Sponsored by Sedation and Implant Dentistry