Podcast 555-The Bob Davis Radio Show-46

Podcast 555-The Bob Davis Radio Show-46. An all new podcast doubling as the radio show for this week. There’s two considerations here. First, if you’re a subscriber to The Bob Davis Podcasts, repeating content in the radio show is, well, repetitive. Second, the podcasts this week, whether Podcast 554 (State by State poll run down) or Podcast 553 (Interview with AgoraFest‘s Nik Ludwig), the content doesn’t lend itself well to be excerpted. So, for Podcast 555-The Bob Davis Radio Show-46, I did a completely new segment updating the polling data for just the so called ‘Toss-Up’ States in Election 2016 with special attention paid to the Senate races in key states. I also added a segment with a little bit more of a primer about polls, and how they are used or misused in media coverage. These two benchmarks; Podcast 554 and Podcast 555-The Bob Davis Radio Show-46 are great to listen to because then when you hear or see new information on state by state polling, you’ll understand which states are important and how the polling in that state may have changed. You’ll also understand trending polls from different pollsters isn’t necessarily providing an accurate picture of what’s going to happen when people actually vote. I use the electoral map from Real Clear Politics and you can follow along if you want. Others are available. Almost all of them are interactive. Finally, some words about Individual Sovereignty. There’s a lot of back-and-forth in this election cycle and a lot of coverage of the back-and-forth; What this one said about that one, whether this is going to effect his or her poll numbers. There’s a lot of content from shills defending one candidate or attacking another. There’s been very little actual discussion about what freedom is or how these new representatives, senators and presidents are going to insure we get to keep it. We can get distracted by the shiny things in the woods, or we can stay focused on claiming our personal sovereignty. How we personally define freedom in the coming months and years is going to become very important. The current two-party system is coming to an end. That is; The Republican and Democratic parties have lost touch with the people. Something new is coming and we need to make sure whatever that is protects and defends our individual freedom. Sponsored by X Government Cars.

Podcast 552-The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-45

Podcast 552-The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-45. Four segments of new content for this week’s radio show, live from AgoraFest in rural Western Wisconsin. Really, four ‘mini-podcasts’ for your weekend. We’re back in a news rich environment, which means there’s no reason to excerpt content from this week’s podcasts for the radio show. How much of a role does escapism play in our lives? What constitutes healthy escape, versus unhealthy escape. IS there unhealthy escape? How much of a role does escape play in our national political picture in the current time frame. Next, a discussion of new thinking versus old thinking. An experience at a digital marketing seminar, and networking meet up sparks a discussion about how old thinking can permeate the mind of a person who’s already worked hard to eliminate old thinking from their day to day thought processes. With revolutionary methods of marketing and communication, new tools for amplifying the individual and the very real idea that we’re on the verge of a revolution in what we make, how we make it, how we market, and how we communicate, it’s always a surprise to realize how much old thinking can still be a thought of your day to day processes. Finally, we close Podcast 552-The Bob Davis Podcasts Radio Show-45 with a discussion of the political landscape just ahead of the first presidential debate the week of September 26th. With two more presidential debates and one vice presidential candidate debate ahead in 2016, we’re nearing the end of the 2016 presidential election cycle. It’s been the express policy of this podcast not to endorse either candidate or either party, but to allow licensers to do their own work, and pick their own path. A short discussion here of what level news story provokes valid discussion in these podcasts, versus day to day news and reaction to the news that doesn’t have much of an impact. Moreover, the story lines promoted by the big news organizations, whether intentional or subconscious, don’t inform or enlighten anyone. Thus, the nomination of Donald Trump, the movement of the Trump campaign to ‘the center’, and the collapse of Hillary Clinton have been the big stories of late. The debates will have tremendous influence on the outcome of this election. What are some things to look for, and what might be ahead when we next examine the state-by-state polls in detail. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and X Government Cars.

Podcast 549

Hillary’s 911. Finally the mainstream media is picking apart the vagaries of the Clinton response to her health scare in New York on September 11th, 2016. After months of harping on the republicans with Trump this and Trump that, suddenly the former Secretary of State is the lead story, and it is not flattering. After Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton had to leave a 9/11 memorial event, and collapsed on the street before she got into a van, every news source, advocacy media, You Tube Video, Podcaster, and blogger including yours truly, is speculating on what her problem might be. The answer? No one knows. No one knows no matter what they tell you. No one will know whether Hillary Clinton becomes President, or loses the race to Donald Trump. In the short term the video from this weekend is damaging enough that one would expect future polls – state by state polls – might dip in favor of Donald Trump. On the other hand, don’t count your chickens Trump supporters. First, there’s always the sympathy vote, and second democrats might conclude that Clinton would make a better president on her worst day than Trump on his best. In a race characterized by high negatives, the two worst presidential candidates in a long time continue a comedy of errors, lurching from one rhetorical flourish to another, up to and including Clinton’s latest health scare. Either way, voters will have to make a choice in November to vote for one of the mainline candidates – unless she drops out and don’t count on that – or one of the so called independent candidates. Meanwhile speculation continues with social media denizens and yes, conspiracy theorists armchair and otherwise, telling you she’s an alien, suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, a cancer victim, a stroke victim, a victim of brain damage and anything else that can be ‘proven’ by slow motion video, short cuts of her responses to question, speeches on the campaign trail and whatever people can get their hands on. None of it proves anything other than, we don’t know. We won’t know in the near future and we may never know. We’re still going to have to vote. As predicted the democrats have trotted out pictures of FDR in a wheel chair, campaign staff are crying ‘mea culpa’ in response to questions about who knew what and why the media wasn’t told about ‘pneumonia’ and on and on. Yep. Hillary’s 911. All Hillary All The Time. One more necessary breaking news political podcast in this worst-election-in-memory-and-maybe-in-all-history podcast. Sponsored by Brush Studio at the West End and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.