Podcast 451

New Years Podcast 2015 and Heartfelt Thanks. Big thank you’s to listeners, clients and people who have helped me develop the Bob Davis Podcasts along the way. As I review all the podcasts for 2015 I am a little surprised at the breadth and depth of podcasting content. It’s also interesting to note the metamorphosis I’ve gone through, starting with the News Cleanse in the summer of 2014, through to content that reflects more of what is going on in my mind just beneath the surface. The need to go deeper, both personally and on the issues, rather than to chronicle the daily outrage machine has become a hallmark of these podcasts. Add to that the new mobility enabled with Mobile Podcast Command and you have the wrinkles added to these podcasts in 2015. Its hard to believe we started 2015 back in January with Podcast 284 talking about the ‘Polar Vortex’ and end 2015 with podcast 451, which focuses on the lessons of small business, content creation and entrepreneurship. First to thank the clients of The Bob Davis Podcasts, who have become more than clients, but advisors and mentors. Then to family and friends who have provided support in so many ways including my son – who recently appeared on the podcasts with his own content creation effort – and the General Manager of the Podcasts; My Mom. Finally to the subscribers, listeners and contributors to the Bob Davis Podcasts. As I review the podcasts I hope my goal of going deeper on issues with interviews, ‘study pieces’, coverage of the 2016 election cycle that takes you inside events, New Thinking, Walk and Talk Podcasts and talk about the issues that matter to you, the audio book and new radio show, pays off on the promise of what podcasting can be. Thanks each and every one of you for supporting this effort in 2015. Here’s to us doing great things in 2016. Sponsored by X Government Trucks and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 443

Do Something! Sick of Obama? Do something about it. Lots of emails from Bob Davis Podcast Subscribers asking for podcasts answering the President’s address to the nation last night. How about doubling the voter turn out in your neighborhood by organizing your precinct? You can bitch and moan about Obama this, and Obama that, or you can do something about it. In this podcast Political Activist Mitch Rossow introduces his new precinct organizing training program. This is a longer than normal podcast that tells you how to organize your neighborhood to win. We’re not talking about events. We’re not talking about lit drops. We’re not talking about messaging or attending your local Basic Political Unit Meeting. From the caucuses up, every citizen (in Minnesota at least) has an almost open road to become a precinct activist and having a direct impact on the 2016 election cycle. So, people have two choices. They can sit on Facebook and shake their heads, tweet a snarky analysis of the President’s speech, listen to another lecture about Jesus and The American Republic at a Tea Party meeting, or you can actually stand up and do something real. Mitch is ready to do Precinct Organizing Training Workshops. He can show you how to double the republican turn out in your precinct in one hour, and give you the tools to do it. Yelling and screaming, posting on social media, tweeting, being frustrated and angry isn’t going to win the election. Only organizing will. Let’s get to work. Sponsored by X Government Trucks and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Podcast 432 – Jason Lewis Interview Pt 2

Jason Lewis Interview Pt 2. A continuation of Podcast 431, live from Mobile Podcast Command in Lakeville, Minnesota, joined by Minnesota State Senator Dave Thompson, who represents the Lakeville area. Lewis, a candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd District talks about the issues and policy. Podcast 432 kicks off by continuing the discussion about a recent interview by the Bob Davis Podcasts with former 6th District Congressman Michele Bachmann. Bachmann’s views on foreign policy and those of the establishment republican membership , are at odds with Lewis’. Lewis does not support intervention by the United States in Syria and Iraq at this time. What is the republican foreign policy is these days anyway. What should it be? This leads us to touch on defense spending and the budget, as well as the value versus expense of defense programs like the Abrams Tank and the F-35. From our vantage point in current time it looks like the next Speaker of The House of Representatives will be Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan. What are the views of Jason Lewis on Ryan as speaker? If Ryan becomes speaker chances are his plan to reform Medicare and Social Security – a plan supported by republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush – which calls for vouchers and raising the retirement age, will be on the table in the next congress. What is the Jason Lewis position on this issue? One of the major issues in the next congress, if Republicans maintain a majority in both houses and win the presidency, will be the repeal of Obama Care, or the ACA. Problem is, repealing it means we’re right back where we started, and health care ‘reform’ again becomes an issue. How does this get done? Finally, running for Congress is expensive Are voters in Minnesota’s 2nd District, and the rest of the country, ready for change? Sponsored by X Government Trucks