Sick-Of-Myself-Bob Davis Podcast 1030

Sick Of Myself

Firstly how do you journal? I record voice notes. Then months later I transcribe them. You know where this is going right? After 6 weeks of transcribing I am pretty sick of myself. Learn more in Sick-Of-Myself-Bob Davis Podcast 1030.

Inventory and Review

Secondly there is no better way to inventory and review what’s going on in your life.

Kept Journals

Most importantly I have kept journals off and on since I was a kid.

Notebooks Give Way To Voice Notes

However recently with travel I’ve found the simplest way to express inner feelings is to record voice notes on my phone.


In the same vein the idea of transcribing those voice notes allows me to gain some perspective on what’s really been happening in the past year or so.

Tedious Work

But spending hours transcribing my voice gets a little tedious.

Now I am Sick Of Myself

Even more I am left with the being sick of myself.

Got It Done

But I got it done!

Of course I say this somewhat in jest.

Creative Projects

On the other hand transcribing voice journals provides me with a lot of basic material for future creative projects.

Stopped Down In The Desert

In addition I have had the time because I am stopped down in the desert.

Change From The Usual

To clarify usually I am barnstorming around the country.

Stay Put

But this winter I have decided to stay put

High Price Of Fuel

Firstly there’s the high price of fuel right now.

Having Fun Boon Docking

And secondly I’ve really enjoyed boon docking in the desert.

Hanging Out

Therefore I’m hanging out in this little South Western corner of Arizona for the time being.


Above all I’m rededicating myself to the creative side of my business.

Fun Experience

To sum up it’s quite a fun experience to get to know yourself a little more intimately.

Ups and Downs

Certainly the past year has had it’s ups and downs.

Story Arc

But there’s a real story arc there and I am pretty excited about some of the things I didn’t include in the podcasts during 2020 and 2021.

Scratched The Surface

Finally I feel like I have only scratched the surface on this nomad thing.


Consequently it has been good to stop down, review, take stock and prepare for the future.

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Sick-Of-Myself-Bob Davis Podcast 1030


Goodbye To 2017-Hello 2018-Happy New Year-Podcast 690

As the year closes time for a look back at 2017. Some of the experiences, helpers, clients and some big thank you’s. Any look back also includes a look ahead. In Goodbye To 2017-Hello 2018-Happy New Year-Podcast 690.

Fast Changing World

The theme of 2017 for almost everyone seems to be fear and anxiety in a fast changing world. Boy is it changing fast. Biggest change in 2017? Our politics. Still, there was a lot of great travel and fun this year.

These days things change so fast. One story that is still with us? The so called Russian Hack and the Russian Collusion story. The media is still trying to predict the future, getting stories wrong or advocating for a point of view. It’s a theme of the podcasts this year and we’ll talk about it in Goodbye To 2017-Hello 2018-Happy New Year-Podcast 690.

The Truth Is On The Back Roads

With all the talk about political civil war and surreal protests this year, travel on the backroads of this country convinces me the real America is significantly different from the America we hear about in the media in general. There were some great trips this year. Sturgis, the Air Show, a crumbling home town and more. Too bad Burning Man didn’t happen for the Bob Davis Podcasts in 2017. Maybe next year. In Goodbye To 2017-Hello 2018-Happy New Year-Podcast 690.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Principles

Political fighting was all the rage this year. Especially relevant is the fact that most of the partisan bickering was free of principles. This was a year in which both mainline political parties seemed to have forgotten what they stand for. Good thing I can talk about small business and the role of the podcaster helping people in business.

Opening Up

This was also a year in which I started a podcast specific to Yoga, which has really enhanced my life in these crazy times. I’ve experienced some big personal losses this year. Between yoga and travel podcasts, it became clear to me there is a whole world out there which doesn’t turn on political develops in Washington. Thank God. In Goodbye To 2017-Hello 2018-Happy New Year-Podcast 690.

Thanks To Everyone

Whether its analysis, business, yoga, travel, storm chasing and the eclipse it’s been a big year for me. There have also been a number of great local stories to cover as well. Thanks to the clients, contributors, subscribers and listeners who make podcasting a great medium and help The Bob Davis Podcasts everyday.

Happy New Year!

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Goodbye To 2017-Hello 2018-Happy New Year-Podcast 690