Nomads-Navigating-Change-Bob Davis Podcast 1007

Nomads Navigating Change

Above all when it comes to nomads navigating change freedom on the road comes with a cost. Find out more in Nomads-Navigating-Change-Bob Davis Podcast 1007.

Embracing Change

Firstly when I made the decision to downsize into a 2000 Ford E450 ambulance I was embracing change in a big way.

New Life

Secondly I found a new life on the road.

And I love it.

Letting Go Of Old Life Can Be Difficult

But these days I’m having to let go of parts of my old life.

Struggle With The Old and New

Even more most nomads I am sure struggle with the old and the new.

Business Networking

Case in point. My business networking group.

Video Conferencing Platforms

To clarify one of the great changes was the adoption of video conferencing software.

Mobile Tech Means Flexibility

Certainly platforms like Zoom provide digital nomads with tremendous cost effective flexibility.

For Some It’s A Struggle

However some companies and groups struggle to integrate video conferencing and remote work into their operations.

On The Beach

Therefore we nomads often find ourselves ‘on the beach’ when decisions are made to do away with remote work options and video conference platforms in the day to day.

Buh Bye

Consequently I will be saying goodbye to a business networking group I’ve come to depend on.

Easy Come Easy Go On The Road

In short some might say ‘easy come…easy go’.

Emotional Effects Of Decisions

The surprise for me, is the discovery of how emotionally I was effected by this development.

Never Question

Most importantly I have never questioned my decision to become a digital nomad and ply America’s back roads.

Never Look Back

Best decision I ever made.

Doesn’t Make It Easier

But that doesn’t make it any easier when you have to say goodbye to people you care about and have loved working with.

Nomads Deal With Change Issues

Finally I know all digital nomads deal with these kinds of issues.

Crossroads Opportunity

Even more we find crossroads like this a challenge and opportunity for growth.

Not Easy

Doesn’t make it any easier.

Communications and Connectivity

To sum up communications options and connectivity have never been better or easier.

My Mobile Internet Is Rad

To clarify I’m going to explain how my new mobile internet connection works flawlessly.

Better Mobile Tech Every Day

Therefore it’s too bad when groups and companies don’t realize mobile tech is getting better and better every day.

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Nomads-Navigating-Change-Bob Davis Podcast 1007

Rural-America-Urban-Covid-Refugees-Bob Davis Podcast 934

Covid Refugees Head Up North

For people in the upper Midwest summer means ‘Up North’. Especially relevant to Rural-America-Urban-Covid-Refugees-Bob Davis Podcast 934 even city people might find Up North a little crowded these days.

Not Just An Old Cabin In The Woods Anymore

Even more cabins in the woods these days are becoming sophisticated enough to qualify as second or even first homes.

Designated Meet Up When It All Goes Down

Firstly for most extended families ‘The Cabin’ or ‘Up North’ is the designated meet up if things go south.

Relatives Who Bugged Out

Therefore Father’s Day weekend seemed like a perfect time to get together with my son who bugged out from New York City.

Pandemic Panic Brought Them From Big Urban Centers

Secondly since then other family members from New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have jumped on the refugee bandwagon.

We’ve Been Here For Generations

On the other hand we have a lot of relatives who’ve lived ‘Up North’ for generations.

How Are The Rural People Getting Along With The Urban Denizens

Consequently I wondered how everyone is getting along.

Chicken, Steak and Conversation

Time to grill out and have some conversation.

Getting Along

You might think fur would fly between the locals and the refugees but it turned out great.

Millennial Approach To Collaboration

Moreover one of the things I was impressed with is how the millennial generation handles working together across cultural lines. We’ll talk about it as we get the ‘Up North Experience’ in Rural-America-Urban-Covid-Refugees-Bob Davis Podcast 934. This a standard topic on the podcasts these days.

Plenty Of Room For Everyone

Certainly there are funny stories and things to talk about. However as my nephew put it, there’s plenty of room here for everyone.

Not Done With ‘The Covid’, Though

Finally I think it’s fair to say we’re not done with Covid.

Second Wave?

For example spikes are reported already in areas that have opened up. Of course there’s also the official ‘second wave‘ predictions to think about.  Not to mention unrest in the cities.

No Urban Or Rural Emphasis

In conclusion I am impressed with our ability to pivot to working from home and anywhere, and doing it successfully or even better. Maybe the future doesn’t have an urban or rural emphasis.

Sponsored by Auntie B’s Rentals and Realty One Group

Rural-America-Urban-Covid-Refugees-Bob Davis Podcast 934