Podcast 244

Halloween 2. The second of 2 Halloween podcasts. This one is a final, relaxed analysis of the political landscape before we head into Election Day next week. Now the election ‘moneyballers’; so called analysts who have been predicting a ‘republican wave’, or not predicting a ‘republican wave’ have begun to hedge their bets as the polls and races tighten. This is a continuing disservice to Americans, because we are being set up to believe the polls show a specific outcome. The 2014 election cycle is 435 local congressional districts, one third of the Senate in statewide races, scores of state legislature races (for example the Minnesota House, but not the Senate.) and races for the Governor’s mansion. The idea that any poll or any number of polls can be predictive of this disparate election terrain is and always has been ridiculous. Did you know, for example, that Colorado’s entire election this year is being conducted with mail in ballots, almost 2 million of which have not yet been received. Meanwhile opinion polls are too close to call across the country, and races that were republican ‘locks’ have flipped, and races that were democrat locks have flipped. And here come the sandbaggers. People who are still sour grapes because they predicted Romney would win in 2012, and have never lived it down. (Editor’s Note: I said all along Romney would lose, and the polls never showed he would win.) Republicans are criticized for talking about ‘momentum’ which seems like a pretty harmless thing to claim, less than a week before election. And then there is Tom Steyer, the turn-coat fossil fuel hedge fund gazillionaire who has put over 50 million dollars into various midterm campaigns and is now the largest contributor to candidates in this cycle. Hey! What about the Koch Brothers? Nope. Steyer and the Unions, pulling a Ben Bernanke, dropping money from helicopters at the last minute in an attempt to win tough senate and house races, and beat people like Wisconsin’s Scott Walker. Finally, a general discussion of how the podcasts intend to cover election night, and the next podcast on the polls. Waiting now for the last spate of polls in the pipeline to be released before election day, and we’ll see if there are any hard and fast ‘predictions’ that can be made. The media continues to set people up emotionally on both sides of the political spectrum to believe predictions that you can’t factually make, and the result is a sense of futility, frustration and disenfranchisement when the expected scenario does not materialize. Elections throughout American history have always been unpredictable, even before 24/7 cable news coverage, screaming roundtables, table pounding talk show hosts and polls. Before the election, a prediction about what democrats will suggest to President Obama after the election, whether the Republicans win the senate or not. Finally a few words about the state of Minnesota Politics, after a visit to the Eastern side of the Saint Croix River, in Wisconsin. Sponsored by Baklund R&D


Podcast 186

4 Percent Economic Growth? Ebola. Hamas. Aliens. Updates on all the big stories for your weekend, from the Bob Davis Podcasts. The Podcasting world welcomes Jason Lewis and Jessie Ventura to its ranks. Both broadcasters can’t find a home with traditional ‘over-the-air’ radio stations, so are moving to podcasts. This means more and more talk listeners will be using their home computers, portables, iPads, iPhones and other devices to get good talk radio, not the radio. Good for us Podcasters, bad for the rapidly imploding world of broadcast, especially what passes for talk radio in broadcast radio. The economic news is good, and while it is celebrated, there are some caveats everyone should know about. And, inflation is back, despite people like Professor Paul Krugman denying it. Ebola continues to spread, and while authorities caution that the disease has to be in an advanced stage and you have to have very close contact with the infected to get it, they’re restricting flights in and out of the areas of Africa infected. On the US Southwestern border, Scabies, TB and Chicken Pox are emerging among the illegal aliens being held, and moved all over the United States. In the Middle East, the Israeli left is furious with John Kerry, and now President Obama, who is doubling down on what many on the left in Israel and the US believe was a terrible mistake by the US Secretary of State; A cease fire agreement which seemed to grant all the advantages to HAMAS in Gaza, and not Israel. Is this another foreign policy debacle brewing, as the Israeli left – big supporters of Obama – now consider the US President to have switched sides. While unions fight for higher minimum wages for Retail and Fast Food Workers, look out … robots and machines are taking their places at the biggest companies. And, over 3500 days without  a major hurricane in Florida, and the great lakes are inverting — with very low water temperatures for this time of year. What happened to Global Warming? Sponsored by Baklund R & D

Podcast 184

Ebola! Midweek updates! Ebola is sweeping Africa. With modern Air Travel could the disease ‘spread like a forest fire’ in the United States? What is a mosquito killer? Does it carry a virus? As the Israeli assault on Gaza continues, US Secretary of State John Kerry has caused an international incident with a poorly thought out cease fire proposal. Is this another Foreign Policy disaster? People have asked for comments on the banking system and Dodd Frank. According to Richard Rahn, the one to watch is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. If they get their way all of your financial data may soon be shared with all nations of the world. Last week a major Coronal Mass Ejection nearly hit the earth. This week some analysts are warning the electro magnetic pulse from such an explosion on the sun, or a nuclear device detonated over the continental United States would do untold damage to the country’s electrical infrastructure. The feminists are after Comic-Con saying ogling of scantily clad women representing adventure and science fiction characters has to stop! And Michele Bachmann is in the headlines again, or not. Sponsored by Baklund R & D.