Almost-Perfect-Road-Trip-Bob Davis Podcast 882

Travel Is A Romance

I love to travel. I cover a lot of ground in a short period of time. All on back roads. This time it all came together. Learn why in Almost-Perfect-Road-Trip-Bob Davis Podcast 882.

Podcasting All The Way

Even more I’ve been podcasting the whole way. If you’re interested in where I’ve been and what it’s been all about, check out some of the travel podcasts here.

Back Home By The Fire

I’m home now here in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, so it’s time for a podcast from my home studio. Most noteworthy are the first impressions and takeaways from a trip that took ten days and covered thousands of miles.

11 States…Ten Days

Moreover all in the central United States. Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Virginia going out. North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and up through Indiana and Illinois again, sliding through Wisconsin and Minnesota on the way home.

Like A Dream

First of all a complete ‘takeaway’ is improbable. It takes time for a trip to gel. There are so many experiences. What’s especially relevant today, might not be a few days from now.


Certainly I have some takeaways though and I share them in Almost-Perfect-Road-Trip-Bob Davis Podcast 882.

Back Roads Baby!

My back roads navigating effort came together almost perfectly this time. A few glitches here and there to be sure, but all in all, in conclusion I have to say it was one of the best trips I have taken so far.

The Heartland Is Not A Petri Dish

These days everyone wants to know what’s going on in America’s heartland. The media prefers to use statistics and tie ins to existing top line stories to make their points.

Learn By Going There

I prefer to go to places, actual towns and cities to get the feel of things myself.

Sick and Tired Of Washington DC News

Perhaps due to all of this gas bagging about the state of our nation and so on, more than one person remarked to me how sick and tired they are of political news.

When It Comes To Economy Some States Are Better Than Others

Maybe I pay more attention to the media than I should. One of the biggest surprises is the general prosperity of the central United States. In contrast to the states that have not adjusted their taxation rates and incentives to businesses, those that have seem to be booming.

Amazed and Humbled

I continue to be amazed at the beauty and scope of this country. Indiana on a cold misty morning. Winding mountain roads in West Virginia. A sunset drive up Minnesota’s Highway 61.

Through it all, Mobile Podcast Command just kept right on rolling!

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Almost-Perfect-Road-Trip-Bob Davis Podcast 882




Thanksgiving-Backroad-Bliss-Illinois-Indiana-Bob Davis Podcast 878

One Of My Best Trips

I am willing to say now this is one of the most noteworthy roadtrips I’ve taken yet and I have taken a few. Time to talk about this route. Let’s discuss what it’s like to drive and create on the road as well. Learn more in Thanksgiving-Backroad-Bliss-Illinois-Indiana-Bob Davis Podcast 878.

Back Roads Rules

First of all I am obsessed with back roads. I would rather take a back road anywhere than save some time on the Interstate. Especially anywhere in the mythical Midwestern United States.

Fields Like Oceans

In the fall the skies and fields seem to open up. It’s like being on an ocean of brown and black, set against blue skies. Certainly the sunrises and sunset pastels of orange and red are unforgettable.

Why I Do This

Above all in Thanksgiving-Backroad-Bliss-Illinois-Indiana-Bob Davis Podcast 878 I take a moment to reflect on why I do this. In addition I’ll make some special notes on very inviting towns in the Land of Lincoln and the Hoosier State.

Rust Belt? Downtrodden? Don’t Believe It!

These days you can’t turn on the TV or read political commentary without some reference to the long suffering ‘rust belt’. The downtrodden in America’s ‘former’ industrial centers. Most of the time the people making those observations have never been here.

Good Old Days and Changes

Even more, sons and daughters of Chicago, Indianapolis, and place like Fort Wayne may pine away for the good old days.

I like to get the feel of what’s going on in these places.

For example Peoria has always been a hard bitten industrial town.

Moving Caterpillar’s corporate HQ to Chicago was a blow, but the plant is still there.

Some Of The Best Secret Small Towns In America

Especially relevant are Logansport and Peru Indiana, as well as scores of little towns along the way.

I wanted to shack up in every one of them.

Back To The WalMart Parking Lot

Finally I think the most challenging thing dealing with the stress of travel and creating at the same time. Sometimes just finding a place to shut down and get some sleep can be frustrating. Especially when you don’t stay in hotels and cook your dinner on a camp stove in the WalMart parking lot.

Challenging and Satisfying Work

In conclusion this kind of travel and creating is some of the most satisfying work I have done. After about a thousand miles, you start settling in and having a good time.

That’s when the trip begins.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Thanksgiving-Backroad-Bliss-Illinois-Indiana-Bob Davis Podcast 878







Thanksgiving-Road-Trip-Planning-Bob Davis Podcast 876

Mega Road Trip!

I have started the countdown clock for departure for my 2019 Thanksgiving Mega Road Trip. Find out why I only do back roads. In addition, why am I taking a trip through the American Midwest. Learn more in Thanksgiving-Road-Trip-Planning-Bob Davis Podcast 876.

Back Roads Only Please

As far as I am concerned back roads are most noteworthy. I don’t do freeways or toll roads. The back roads are where you learn what is really going on in this country.

Podcasting From The Road

Moreover I really have a passion for podcasting from Mobile Podcast Command, a ‘repurposed’ 2000 ambulance.

Places No One Ever Reports On Or Goes To

On America’s two lane state, county and farm roads, a traveler sees and feels places no one ever goes to or reports on.

“No One Ever Comes Here”

Especially relevant are two Iowa farmers I interviewed last summer. With all the politicians in Iowa you’d think someone would have knocked on their doors. “That’s all up in Des Moines”, they said. “No one ever comes here to talk to us”.

Real America

In contrast I’ve taken the back roads from coast to coast, north and south, east and west. Because of the back roads I’ve learned a lot about America.

Mysterious Ancient Paper Maps

As a result I have learned the value of a mysterious thing called a map. I don’t mean google maps. I’m talking about paper maps. I’ll explain in Thanksgiving-Road-Trip-Planning-Bob Davis Podcast 876.

Exact Route

Above all I’ll give you the exact route I’ll be taking this Thanksgiving across Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Virginia. Pretty much all back roads.

RV Nomads

Finally when I started back roading in mobile podcast command, there weren’t very many RV Nomads out there. This podcast is a salute to all the Van Life and Skoolie Conversion people I follow. Now there are millions. Maybe they’re onto something.

Mobile Podcast Command Is Primitive

In contrast I won’t be living in relative luxury in my RV. Mobile Podcast Command is primitive. I sleep in a hammock. Cook my dinners on a camp stove. I Take showers at Yoga studios and Truck Stops. I do have a coffee maker, however.

Real Happiness Through Travel

Above all, happiness is a clean windshield and a full tank of fuel.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Thanksgiving-Road-Trip-Planning-Bob Davis Podcast 876