How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720

As the host of over 720 podcasts I have trouble remembering the insights I have stumbled across. In fact many of these podcasts remain relevant. We’ll talk about it in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Partisan Coverage Is Killing Us

The heavily partisan nature of media these days has been a theme in these podcasts. I spent some time on my own website the other day and what I found surprised me. Much of it was prescient or oddly predictive.

No Predictions

Now, I can’t stand political commentators that try to predict outcomes. I actually try to avoid predicting outcomes. Thing is, when a person travels thousands of miles on backroads across this country as I have, there’s a huge takeaway. I’ll tell you about it in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Content Content Content

Moreover I have been doing a number of tightly focused podcasts packed with content lately.

No One Trusts Traditional Media

Talk radio, cable television news, even new media these days, is focused on pushing a point of view. What’s more the national media, broadcast media, and mainstream media might be missing a big shift when it comes to voters.

When it comes to issues, my use of source material and research pays off for subscribers and listeners. In addition going to the story in Mobile Podcast Command has made a huge difference in broadening my perspective.

How To Find Information On My Website

Time for a podcast that details some of the older podcasts and explains how to use the search capability on my site to go back and find some stories you might not have heard.

From The Pipeline To The California Coast

From the pipeline protest to covering the 2016 primary races in Iowa, North Carolina and Florida. Or, reading the tax bill to breaking down all the toss up House and Senate races, I don’t tell you what to think or who to vote for. I give you the lay of the land and let you make your own judgements.

Not Just Politics

In conclusion there are many more insights that come from travel and detailed study that have nothing to do with politics and they are in these podcasts too. I’ve focused on the political stuff in this podcast for the junkies out there, but anyone can use the search window and other features to find podcasts about life in general. I find I like some of those the best.

Citizen Journalism

How does a citizen journalist or podcaster contribute in a hurricane of information? Find out in How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

How Content In Bob Davis Podcasts Gives Greater Insight-Podcast 720



Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693

Below Zero real temperatures are blanketing the North. While it is frigid, what if you could transport yourself back in time to summer? We do just that in Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693.

Where and When is your summer?

Where and what is summer to you? A trip along the coast of northern California? A pool party? Or a walk down a gravel and dirt road at the lake, just before a summer storm? So, due to the bitter weather conditions in the upper midwest right now, almost everyone should enjoy a trip back to the warmth.

Summer Is A State Of Mind

For some people, summer is the sound of an AM radio drifting through the air on a hot day. A summer night in the 1980’s, or 1970’s. Summer is a state of mind. Where and when is for you to say. Almost all of us have a memory from summer. Especially relevant is the fact that your summer is one click away in Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693.

High Quality Digital Sound Put Your Headphones On

No matter where I go or what I do I collect a lot of high quality digital sound. As the mercury dipped several degrees below zero this weekend I searched through my back up hard drives for something to remind me of warmer times. I decided to put together a summer sounds podcast. Headphones are best for listening to this one. Don’t worry, there isn’t much talk.

Sounds Collected From Across The Country During Summer

When I first started podcasting I did a summer sounds podcast. Since then with new tools, and more sound, I decided it was time for a new one. Since the first summer sounds podcast, there’s been a lot of summer travel. Much as I wanted to sit in my studio and listen, I realized from coast to coast and north to south I’ve collected a lot of sound. In conclusion, it seems like it would be best to share it with podcast listeners and subscribers. Furthermore, a lot of that sound is in this podcast.

From California To The Jersey Coast

We start in Mendocino County California on a warm night in September. A packed victorian hotel bar. From there, onto the California coast, and back to the midwest. Bugs. Wind. Storms. An outdoor soccer game in the heat. Most noteworthy, thunderstorms! The Lake. Of course, in conclusion, there will be fireworks.

Thanks to the sponsors of this special podcast… Brush Studio In The West End Saint Louis Park and Ryan Plumbing and Heating

Below Zero Antidote-Summer Sounds Headphone Immersion-Podcast 693


Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667

When you get the last minute call to ‘fill in’ on the local radio station you have to prepare. As a podcaster it might be fun to try out some content for the radio in the podcast format. Late at night before the show I sat down to record Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

Where Do I Find The Radio Show?

If you want to hear the actual show this podcast spawned, you can find it here. It turned out to be significantly different from the rehearsal. Radio and podcasting are two different mediums. Podcasting itself is growing quickly. A good portion of what passes for radio listening might actually be people listening to their favorite radio show podcasts.

Where Partisanship Comes From

These days we’re crushed by an avalanche of advocacy media. Much of the content we see, read and hear is created by advocacy think tanks and is designed to persuade not inform. We’ll talk about it Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

Reacting Rather Than Thinking

My new thing is, with so much sharing and posting of advocacy pieces on social media we tend to spend a lot of time reacting rather than thinking. No wonder the country continues to grow more partisan every day. We hear so much we have to react to these days, there’s no time to think about what we need.

Presidential Tweets Distract

We miss major stories because we focus too much on things like presidential tweets. One of the big ones this week was the Federal Reserve’s decision to withdraw stimulus. With Puerto Rico controversy taking center stage next week, what else will we miss? In Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667.

There’s a lot of content on a lot of different topics in Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667. It turned out to be a great way to rehearse for the radio show Saturday afternoon.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul

Weekend Radio Pre Show Rehearsal Show Prep-Podcast 667