#Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051

#Nomadlife and #Vanlife Not Pretty?

Firstly the snobs and scolds have suddenly discovered #Nomadlife and #Vanlife are not pretty. Is this true? Let’s discuss in #Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051.

Podcast Series

Secondly this is the second podcast for me on the growing backlash to nomad life. The other podcast is here.

Success Breeds Contempt

Above all this new attitude about hitting the road is the result of the success of that kind of sentiment.


Certainly there are challenges.

But Rewarding

However it remains very rewarding for those who have the yen for travel and adventure.

Two Weeks Is Not The Nomad Experience

Moreover renting a van for a couple of weeks and writing about it isn’t what the experience is all about.

All Kinds Of People

For example I’ve met all kinds of people with a variety of reasons for choosing the nomad life.

Slab City

In addition another reporter has now done an ‘expose’ on Slab City. My podcast on the nomad mecca is here

Surface Observations

Most importantly surface observations are deceptive out here in the land of the nomad.

Inaccurate Assumptions

Even more they lead to incorrect assumptions about what’s really going on.

Rejecting American Dream Scares People

In the same vein I think there’s something about rejecting life back in the world that frightens some.

Yes It’s Hard

To clarify life as a nomad can be challenging.

There are setbacks and problems, just like in every walk of life.

Finally as I like to say, nobody said it would be easy.


To sum up I would say much of the so called #vanlife and #nomadlife backlash is because of its success.

Social Media

For example Instagram and other social media posts and content.

Distorted Picture

In short the success of this life on social media has presented a distorted picture of how great it is.

There Are Many Moments

But I have certainly had moments which are great.

Something Going On

In conclusion there’s something going on in America.

Search For A New American Dream

Certainly many are rejecting the so called American Dream.

Why is it a problem if they want to hit the road in search of a new dream?

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#Nomadlife-#Vanlife-Not-Pretty-Bob Davis Podcast 1051



Vanlife-Nomad-Backlash-Bob Davis Podcast 980

VanLife Nomad Backlash

Suddenly there’s a Vanlife Nomad Backlash. Certainly it’s fun to be free and living out on the road. What’s the problem? My reaction in Vanlife-Nomad-Backlash-Bob Davis Podcast 980.

Full Commitment

Firstly I’ve just recently made a full commitment to living on the road. Learn more about that here.

Extended Travel

Secondly extended travel has been a part of these podcasts since the beginning.

Social Media…Again

However recently some have taken issue with some over the top social media accounts.

Hollywood Has Discovered The Modern Nomad

To clarify reporters and Hollywood have suddenly discovered the nomad trend.

Blame It On Instagram

As a result it seems like detractors want to attack the whole lifestyle as ‘fake’ because of a few over the top Instagram accounts.

Not For Everyone

Meanwhile my experience has been it’s not a lifestyle for everyone.

Demanding And Tough

In fact the nomad lifestyle can be demanding and tough but be very rewarding at the same time.

Nomad Life Is Hardscrabble

In the same vein I haven’t met too many nomads driving around in vehicles costing at least six figures.

The Majesty Of A Walmart Parking Lot

For example a nomad might experience the majesty of a campground in a national forest one week. And the majesty of a Walmart or Truck Stop lot the next.

Adventure and Fun

To sum up it’s not always glamorous. But it’s always an adventure.

Back Out On The Back Road

Most importantly while I am stuck in a driveway in Virginia as we deal with a death in the family I can’t wait to get back on the back road.

Real Experience

In Vanlife-Nomad-Backlash-Bob Davis Podcast 980 it’s time to talk about the real experiences I have had as a newly minted ‘nomad’. And most importantly the depth of those experiences.

Family and Friends

Even more I realize many nomads are interrupting trips with long stays with family and friends. Why? Because we can.

So What?

On the other hand. Who can blame us?

Shore Power and A Hot Shower

After months of taking showers in truck stops and cooking over campfires, shore power and a hot shower at ‘home’ are pure luxury.

All About The Vibe

Most importantly is the reality of a true positive vibe that comes from travel in any form.

Doesn’t Matter What Rig You Have

Whether you’re rig is a broken down conversion or a Prevost, you’ve experienced that vibe.

No Commitments

Finally, think about travel without commitments. And going where you want. Just plain fun.

Many People Hitting The Road

In conclusion it’s true there are many people hitting the road for various reasons. As a result the nomad lifestyle and Vanlife have become a trend.

Tear Down Something Just Because Lots Of People Are Doing It

Why is it necessary to attack and tear something down just because a lot of people are doing it?

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Vanlife-Nomad-Backlash-Bob Davis Podcast 980

Happy-Nomad-New-Year-Bob Davis Podcast 974

Certainly we can all agree this New Year is a Happy Nomad New Year. In addition saying goodbye to 2020 and heralding 2021’s arrival takes a different tone. Join me from Organ Pipe National Monument for Happy-Nomad-New-Year-Bob Davis Podcast 974.

Most importantly if you’d told me last year at this time I’d be on the road permanently in a twenty year old ambulance I wouldn’t have believed it. But here I am!

Firstly this moment calls for a more sedate and perhaps philosophical tone.

Secondly I’m down here in Arizona at a campground. There’s not a lot of social interplay going on.

Meanwhile I am live from Organ Pipe National Monument. Local Arizonans told me this used to be the most dangerous park of all. Well, the Ambassador explained the origins of that moniker. I’ll fill you in during Happy-Nomad-New-Year-Bob Davis Podcast 974.

On the other hand there’s a lot to think about this New Year’s.

Most importantly a blanket ‘thank you’ to clients and supporters of the podcast, especially since I started traveling full time.

But there’s also the undeniable feeling we’re living through one of those epochal changes.

Therefore a new time line. Even more, new ways of thinking.

To sum up it feels like heavy attachment to any one thing, or way of thinking, makes this journey even more difficult.

In the same vein this has been a theme in my podcasts for a while now.

For example the shift away from political talk to travel and other topics. I’ll explain how fresh and freeing it feels to me not to discuss topics that won’t win anyone over and will do nothing but divide listeners and subscribers more than they already are.

However I don’t let go of those subjects lightly. In short I am not a light talker or thinker. And despite all the talk of 2021 having to be ‘amazing’ just because 2020 was ‘so bad’ seems a little silly to me.

Certainly I hope things get better but there are no guarantees. Truth is it could get worse. We just don’t know.

Meanwhile the park is settling down. People are starting their fires. Kids being called back. Hikers are back from the trail.

In conclusion given the fact that there won’t be any big celebrations as it previous years, hanging here at a National Park inside Mobile Podcast Command, seems like a great idea.

Finally, happy New Year.

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Happy-Nomad-New-Year-Bob Davis Podcast 974