News-Information Vacuum-Personality Cults-Propaganda-Podcast 731

I find it more difficult these days to talk about breaking news. Propaganda passes for actual news. Find out more in News-Information Vacuum-Personality Cults-Propaganda-Podcast 731.

Attack or Leaping To Defend

In addition correspondents are on the attack or leaping to defend the president’s summit with the North Korean leader. Furthermore, rather than report on the economy talking heads assert there is a ‘boom’ without new GDP numbers to support their contention.

The Narrative Is Controlled By The Wizard Of Oz

What happened to news reporting? Now the narrative is controlled by the president. Media personalities seeking relevance are expected to defend Trump’s increasingly bizarre assertions or say he can’t do anything right. Moreover the media seeks to predict elections before they happen.

Twitter and Catfights

Moreover, newsrooms don’t cover issues.

Reporters cover twitter feeds and catfights.

Since the president inflates any small accomplishment as a world beater it’s especially relevant to talk about actual results.

Results? We Don’t Need No Stinking Results

What are the results of the Trump-Kim meeting? The so called booming economy? The draining of the ‘swamp’? Find out in News-Information Vacuum-Personality Cults-Propaganda-Podcast 731.

Trump Political Vacuum

Welcome to the Trump Political Vacuum. You’re either defending or attacking Trump. Everything else is fake news. Trump is the antichrist. Trump is under the protection of God. The president is a child, or playing “four dimensional chess“. Take your pick. There’s no in between.

Welcome To the Delusion

In conclusion people suffer in the vacuum. Finding a good source is almost impossible. Discerning what’s real and opinion is even more difficult.

So, we live in a dreamworld of delusion.

Finally without facts surrounding an event a free society cannot make informed political choices. I can identify two times in history when it was this bad. Neither ended well. Moreover, this kind of situation erodes the foundations of a free society.

(Editor’s Note: These days in these rambling podcasts sometimes I make confused references. This time I made a reference to the Berlin Wall falling ‘in 1983 or 1984’. Of course I know the fall of the Berlin Wall occurred on November 9th, 1989. Subsequently the Soviet Union collapsed in December of 1991.)

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News-Information Vacuum-Personality Cults-Propaganda-Podcast 731




Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730

Due to legal weed in many states, Legal Recreational Marijuana is coming to your town or state. As a result, a position on weed may not define a party loyalty. Hear what the movers and shakers behind Colorado’s legalization effort say. Download Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730 now.

Politicians Love This Issue

If you’re a politician looking for an issue that cuts across demographic and party lines, weed is the ticket.

Especially relevant is the fact that legalization starts with medical applications. Moreover as with any new law, problems, opportunities and benefits resulted. Get informed in Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730.

Roving bands of stoned hippies are not invading suburbia

Colorado enjoys very low unemployment and is collecting more tax from cannabis sales. Roving bands of stoned hippies are not invading suburbia. The sky has not fallen. Check it out in Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730.

So Far It’s Working

Because of Amendment 64, Colorado now enjoys low unemployment. The state is also collecting more tax revenue from cannabis sales. Finally, many in Colorado view the law as a win-win. Much as opponents predicted the worst outcomes the opposite has happened. Most of all lower regulation has led to lower prices and free market advocates love that!

In addition Trump, like Obama, has not enforced federal marijuana laws. Will weed retailers will run afoul of federal banking laws? Furthermore what happens if the federal government decides to raid pot farms in Colorado? Maybe the reason the Feds haven’t done this is they don’t want to challenge the tenth amendment?

Strange Bedfellows

Probably most interesting are the strange political bedfellows this issue creates. Republicans and Democrats working together? Republican congressional candidates advocating for repealing federal drug laws? Law and Order pols pushing for legalizing weed?

Legal Weed Is Coming

As a result, legal weed is coming. Many states already have medical marijuana laws. Moreover polls show fewer opposed to legalization. And more studies show the medical benefits of certain cannabis products. Finally considering the problems created by alcohol abuse, there’s no question which is a better heath bet.

Hard Pressed To Find A Reason Not To

In conclusion I’m pretty hard pressed to find a reason why marijuana should still be illegal. Maybe even drugs like Special K and low dose LSD have their applications. Especially relevant are drugs you get from your doctor which seem even more dangerous than some so called ‘street drugs’.

Restrictive Laws No One Obeys

Most of all I don’t know why anyone drinks or uses drugs. In a perfect world no one should do either. Thing is, people do. Why do we have so many laws restricting how we behave, especially when they don’t seem to work?

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Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730







Summer Doldrums-Surreal News-Truth-Podcasting In A Dream World-Podcast 726

These days it feels like we’re in the Summer Doldrums though Summer doesn’t start until June 21st. Find out why podcasters struggle with political and social commentary in today’s news flow in Summer Doldrums-Surreal News-Truth-Podcasting In A Dream World-Podcast 726.

Dream World

I call it the ‘News-Flow’. The dream world where stories flip flop almost hourly.

News Story Flip Flops

We’re having a trade war. Then we’re not. North Korea is going to make a nuclear deal. News is the deal is off. Now suddenly it’s back. Robert Mueller’s investigation will soon yield explosive results! The FBI planted a mole in the Trump campaign. Roseanne’s new comedy is a hit! Oops. It’s been cancelled. We’ll talk about it in Summer Doldrums-Surreal News-Truth-Podcasting In A Dream World-Podcast 726.

Awash In Commentary and Outrage

Moreover every screaming headline comes with analysis and commentary, predictions and counter commentary from all quarters. They’re only to happy to tell us why everyone else is right or wrong.

Is It Real? Or Is it Social Media?

Especially relevant is the feeling that all of this nonsense is building to a serious crisis. Are we all going crazy? Maybe it’s the Ambien. Or maybe the antidepressants. The full moon anyone?

Journalism or Propaganda?

What’s more advancing story lines is not journalism, it’s propaganda. Do the executives, reporters, producers and presenters understand this? Seems like all they want to do is keep people watching and clicking.

Easier To Talk About Roseanne Than The War In Syria

In conclusion maybe it is easier to talk about Roseanne’s latest fiasco, or how the Press Secretary yelled at a reporter than it is to actually cover the war in Syria. Maybe its cheaper to talk about Hollywood’s latest scandal than it is to explain why gas prices are skyrocketing.

What If?

What if all their story lines are wrong? One podcaster’s thoughts on a moonlit night at the beginning of summer.

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Summer Doldrums-Surreal News-Truth-Dream World-Podcast 726
