Inside-Virginia-Ice-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 982

Inside Virginia Ice Storm

Firstly while most of the country struggles with winter weather I am inside a Virginia Ice Storm. Ever wonder what it sounds like? Hear it in Inside-Virginia-Ice-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 982.

Stories From The Road

Secondly my rig Mobile Podcast Command has been through a lot. Time to share some stories as ice and branches fall all around me.

My Rig Is A Character Too

Above all my 2000 Ford Super Duty Ambulance is as a much a character in these podcasts as I am.

All About The Rig

In addition as a nomad I’ve learned it”s all about the rig.

A Name And A Story

And the rig has to have a name and a story. To hear the beginning click here.

Sound Of An Ice Storm

Most importantly as a Chicago native, I am fascinated with the sound of an ice storm.

Winter As A Way Of Life

Certainly Northern tier US States have more experience with winter weather.

Therefore clearing roads during snowstorms or getting power back on during an ice storm can be a challenge in the South.

Winter Not Part Of Virginia Lifestyle

In short severe winter weather is not a regular thing here in Virginia. In fact spring usually arrives in some form at the end of February!

Bitter Cold

I‘m used to the bitter cold of Chicago and the Twin Cities.

Mobile Podcast Command Loves Winter

In the same vein Mobile Podcast Command did its service as an ambulance in Wisconsin.

Desert Too

On the other hand Mobile Podcast Command has been through the heat of the desert, sand storms on the beaches. I’ll tell some stories in Inside-Virginia-Ice-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 982.

Getting Stuck. Again.

Even more, I have been stuck at a political event during Iowa’s primaries. And stuck on the beach in Texas.

Through A Lot Together

Finally we’ve been through heavy rains and wind on the west coast and heavy snows on Wyoming mountain roads together.

Part Of The Adventure

In conclusion if we nomads love our rigs, it’s because they are as big a part of the adventure as we are.

Sponsored by Nathan W Nelson at Virtus Law and The Kim Nybo Agency

Inside-Virginia-Ice-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 982


Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711

A tough little kid named Sal Di Leo, taken away from his mother and sent to live in an orphanage. That’s how this story starts. Follow the turns and twists as that 6 year old becomes a man. We’ll talk to author Sal Di Leo in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

Not A Crime Novel

Joliet, Illinois. Early 1960’s. When his father leaves his mother and his 11 brothers and sisters with no heat and no money, a 6 year old and his older brother cope by any means necessary. They are dirty and hungry. The only help they get is from the nuns at their school. Sounds like the beginning of a crime novel, right?

Turning A Life Around

Not so fast. Sal joins The Bob Davis Podcasts to tell a story of self discovery that leads to gratitude. It starts with the sisters at a catholic orphanage, in Joliet, Illinois. Sal’s story also includes 4 years at BoysTown and a few twists and turns in life after BoysTown. Hear the story in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

Gratitude and Service

These days there’s a lot of talk about character. More than a few thick books define character and preach about how to develop the attribute. Sal has packed more about character into “Did I Ever Thank You, Sister?” than many of those best sellers because he has lived it. Check out Sal Di Leo’s story in Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711.

This is a story you don’t hear very often these days. So many documentaries and speakers are out to run down the church. Every now and then though, you find a gem. Especially relevant is the fact that the sisters at Sal’s orphanage provided a very real home and base for an angry little kid to grow into a man.

Sal is an inspirational speaker, author and businessman. (Editor’s Note: You can also book Sal for speaking at 612-382-3582)

For more about Sal’s story visit Sal Di

Growing Up In An Orphanage-Sal Di Leo-Author-Podcast 711





Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707

The economy is booming. Everything is getting better. Talk to a Trump supporter these days and that’s what you’ll hear. We’ll discuss it in Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

The Economy Is Booming

A few weeks ago the Atlanta Federal Reserve, known for its bullish predictions, announced first quarter 2018 economic growth might be as high as 5.4 percent. It sure seemed to make sense, to hear main street tell it. Wall Street seemed to agree. In Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

Wait! What? But You Said The Economy Was Booming!

This week the same Atlanta Fed announced a revision of its earlier prediction, suggesting economic growth for the United States might only be 1.3 percent. Less than the 2+ percent growth in the fourth quarter of last year, which was hardly booming.

We Have To Make Stuff, right?

We’ve been hearing it for awhile. America doesn’t make stuff anymore. Trump’s gonna fix it. Trade protection for the struggling manufacturers. Help for the broad shoulders of America’s industrial past. Trump’s gonna show ’em all. Find out if this is true in Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

Where Is The Greatest Generation When You Need Them Say The Baby Boomers

Whether it’s your local Tea Party guy or President Clinton’s former labor Secretary Robert Reich, the chant is the same. We don’t make stuff anymore. Sudden authorities on the subject of character point to World War II heroes and 1930’s social welfare warriors as paragons of virtue. The past sure seems sweet to the baby boomers these days.

Suddenly the 1950’s are back.

Forget Big Oil and Banking Go After The Tech Guys

Especially relevant are the Steel and Oil barons. They used to be the villains. Now it’s the tech guys. Republicans used to be against regulation right? Suddenly the republicans and democrats want to regulate social media and search engine tycoons, because ‘something’s got to be done’. Listen to Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707.

Smells Like Reagan But…

Administration officials talk trade protection and a weak dollar. So called conservatives add trillions of dollars in debt to pay for tax cuts. There’s talk about increasing taxes on gas and diesel and spending hundreds of billions more on building bridges and roads. There’s talk of US involvement in war in Syria and on the Korean peninsula. These are republicans?

Does that sound like the Reagan Revolution to you?

Everywhere an unseen revolution in technology is eroding and wiping away institutions, including government. The right and the left have lost their way. Big change is upon us. We’re going to have to figure out what comes next because our leaders never will

Are we?

In conclusion we can’t go back to the 1950‘s. However, we can’t seem to move forward. What’s our role in creating the future. What are the most important values in a world where human beings may live hundreds of years longer, robots will farm and manufacture, money will be on your hand held device, cars and trucks will drive themselves, drones will deliver and your robot girlfriend may be a lot smarter than you!

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Unbounded Optimism-Exuberance-Technology Revolution-Age Of Trump-Podcast 707