Gulfcoast-Winter-BeachLife-Bob Davis Podcast 970

Gulfcoast Winter Beach Life

Most important Gulfcoast Winter BeachLife can get cold. But it’s still a lot better than winter in Minnesota. Learn more in Gulfcoast-Winter-BeachLife-Bob Davis Podcast 970.

Redneck Riviera

Firstly I’ve been cruising the Gulf Coast. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and now Texas. Better known as ‘The Redneck Riviera’.

Changing Weather And Time Zones

Secondly I’ve passed through warm and cold weather. Spent some cold nights on the beach.

Hurricane Damage

Even more there’s a lot of hurricane damage down here. A lot.

A Lot To Like On The Gulfcoast

However there is a lot to like about some of the beaches and beach towns along the way.

Port Aransas, Texas

For example my favorite Texas beach down is Port Aransas. I’m camped out on a beautiful beach. When I did Gulfcoast-Winter-BeachLife-Bob Davis Podcast 970, it was in the 80’s and sunny.

Sand Storm On The Beach

On the other hand that night there was a lot of wind. There were sand drifts around Mobile Podcast Command in the morning and it got pretty good.

Getting Stuck At Matagorda

In the same vein, I got stuck on another one of my favorite beaches but managed to get myself unstuck.

Never The Same

In short no no single beach remains the same from one visit to the next.

Taking My Time

Above all the biggest challenge I still face is taking my time.

Hundreds Of Miles

Certainly I am capable of driving hundreds of miles a day. I’ve done it before.

Nomad Experience

On the other hand hundreds of miles a day is not really what the nomad experience is all about.

No Going ‘Home’

For instance I don’t have to ‘go home’.

No Hurry

Moreover while I have a loose schedule there’s no hurry.

Lessons Just Keep Coming

In conclusion the life lessons just keep coming in this effort. Join me on the beach to talk about the experience so far and hear the next objectives in Gulfcoast-Winter-BeachLife-Bob Davis Podcast 970.

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Gulfcoast-Winter-BeachLife-Bob Davis Podcast 970

TruckStop-Washday-Four-States-24hours-Bob Davis Podcast 905

Seven States

First of all after hitting seven states in less than three weeks, it’s time for a break. Learn more about my latest mega trip in TruckStop-Washday-Four-States-24hours-Bob Davis Podcast 905.

Questions About Travel

These days I am asked a lot of questions about my travels.

Food and Laundry

Certainly the best questions are about simple stuff. What do you eat? Where do you do your laundry? Is Mobile Podcast Command an RV?

Truck Stops

Let’s start with two friends of the traveler. WalMart and Truck Stops.


When it comes to Truck Stops I have my favorites. Flying J, Pilots, Loves and T/A’s. Even more, some of the truck stops with names I can’t remember are great. Pilot is my favorite.

Wash Day At The Truck Stop

In TruckStop-Washday-Four-States-24hours-Bob Davis Podcast 905 we spend wash day at the Pilot south of San Antonio, Texas. The music’s classic rock, the People’s Court is on TV and there’s a full range of stuff to look at.

Travel In An America You Don’t See On TV

In addition in this podcast I make some observations about travel in an America saturated with political ‘news’ coverage.

Stressed Drivers and Travelers Need Calm

In contrast at most of the truck stops there’s no CNN, or Fox News or talk radio. There’s country, and classic rock, and a generally calm atmosphere for stressed truckers and travelers.

Back On The Road

Fill up. Get Something to eat. Take a shower. Do some laundry. Back on the road.

24 Hours of Driving and Back To Minnesota

Four states in one day in this podcast. From San Antonio to Dover, Oklahoma, and then onto Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, to finally end in Minnesota on an unusual sunny and warm day in February.

Unsung Heroes

Here’s to the unsung heroes on the road. The drivers, the people at the Pilot, the WalMart, the guy in Oklahoma who stopped to talk to me about my T-shirt.

No Academy Awards Here

Especially relevant is the fact that none of these people will probably ever win an academy award, run for congress, or even make a speech beyond funerals or their kids’ birthday parties.

On The Job

Above all though, they’re back on the job every day. All across this vast country.

Real America

Finally it was a great relief to see real America after two weeks of speechifying and media coverage of politics in Iowa.

Sponsored by the Strategists at Virtus Law

TruckStop-Washday-Four-States-24hours-Bob Davis Podcast 905

Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889

Resolution Free New Year’s Podcast

I don’t do resolutions. First of all, these days everything has a ‘best practices‘ guide. Second I do two things on the New Year. I thank the people who meant the most, let the year go and move on. We’ll do that in Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889.

2019 Was A Slog

Above all each year seems to have a theme in my experience. Moreover 2019 was more of a slog than a dance. I think that’s true for most people.

Plenty Of Gratitude

A lot of friends and clients went above and beyond this year. Consequently I’ll use this podcast as an opportunity to show my gratitude to all of them.

Bob Davis Podcasts Hit Ten Year Mark

In addition this is my tenth year podcasting. I was an early adopter when it came to podcasting. I find it hard to believe I have managed almost one thousand podcasts, all with sponsors.

Creative Businesses

Certainly creative businesses are tough rows to hoe. These days running a creative enterprise can feel like walking around in the dark trying to find the light switch. Learn more in Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889.

Business Networking

In contrast to stumbling around in the dark, the new wrinkle for 2019 has been business networking. My business and my life has been greatly enriched by my business networking partners. They get a big thank you as do all my clients.

Contributors Take A Bow

Furthermore the people who have contributed to the Bob Davis Podcasts really deserve special mention. I often say that those contributions can often be the difference between not eating and eating, when I am on the road.

A Shift Away From Day To Day Politics

It’s most noteworthy that this year marks a decided shift away from day to day politics and this podcast.

I think all of us get tired of day to day arguments that lead nowhere.

Travel and Yoga

Above all travel and yoga have helped to make that transition.

Happy New Year!

Sponsored by Virtus Law

Resolution-Free-New-Year-Gratitude-Bob Davis Podcast 889