What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628

Inspiration. We all need it. It is sadly lacking these days. In What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628 I spend some time at my man cave garage. While waxing and buffing Mobile Podcast Command I talk about what inspires me. Maybe you can make your own list while you listen.

Dragging Us Down

So much of the news and social media is negative and frankly uninspiring. Mentally and emotionally taxing. A let down. Time to make a list of what inspires me. Your list will be different. My list isn’t a complete list. Preparing for this podcast did not mean researching a list of inspiring things. It’s a stream of consciousness list. Some things will be left off. These are the things that inspire me now. In What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628.

Travel Frees The Soul

Mobile Podcast Command inspires me because it means travel. Travel inspires me. Every trip is different. Lessons learned each time I head out are different no matter what the destination. Travel will inspire a person. It makes me want to break free. Turn over a new leaf. Cut the cords.

Travel planning inspires me. What’s the next trip? Should I head out to cover the 2020 elections and stay out? How am I going to do that? Listen as I buff and shine the mobile podcast command studio, and talk about inspiration in What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628.

Why Aren’t Some People Happy

Had dinner with friends recently. Someone said a lot of people they know aren’t happy. The people I know that are happiest are people who follow their passion. Following your passion helps with inspiration. Since it’s close to Mother’s Day, I should point out that my mother taught me that. She always told me I should do the things that I love to do.

There Was a Time

When we were kids, we ran free. We did whatever we thought of. We lived in the moment. No friction. Why? Because we followed our passions. Why should so called adult life be any different? I am inspired by people of all ages who follow their passions. Whether it’s chucking everything, buying a camper and hitting the road, or writing that book and getting it published. We talk about it in What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628.

Yes You Can

When we ‘grow up’ we’re pushed into structures. We believe things like, “You’re too old to do that”, or “That will never work”. Like a crust you have to break through. One thing inspiring me on a day to day basis is Yoga. You start out thinking you can never do what others can. Then it comes to you. If he can do it, maybe I can do it.

Time to Break Free

To wash away the crust of expectations and the heavy weight of the day to day chatter. Throw off the yoke of what doesn’t matter. In the end it’s the little things. A gentle push from a friend to reach out to someone in need. Someone who shows by example what a great marriage is. The open road.

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What Inspires You These Days? Podcast 628

Refusing To Take A Side Alienates Political Partisans-Podcast 623

A friend asked me the other day if I was trying to alienate my audience. The reason for the question? I refused to take sides during election 2016 and will not do the bidding of politicians, in Refusing To Take A Side Alienates Political Partisans-Podcast 623.

On The Road

Last year The Bob Davis Podcasts went on the road to cover the primary campaigns. I traveled thousands of miles back and forth across the United States. When you roll on the backroads you see a lot and you learn a lot. Once you do that, you never view politics in the same way.


We’re being manipulated. Constantly. Republican and Democrat. Did a podcast about that. Detailed how we get our news from social media. Explained how to tell if a story lives up to journalistic standards. Asserted the idea that bad information leads to bad decisions. Apparently asserting ideas like this can put people on the defensive.

If You Want To Know The Truth

To know the truth, don’t take a side. It seems like everyone in media these days is taking a side. Defending a position. Making an argument. Demanding they be followed. Most information defends a point of view. This is the essence of our national manipulation. People say, “I don’t have time to sort it all out”. That is why I am doing these podcasts.

Shooting The Messenger

There are many assertions in modern news coverage these days. Most of these assertions are little more than opinion. This doesn’t mean the facts might one day support one view or another. Sadly the first reaction is defensive when facts don’t support conspiracy theory, commentary, personality endorsements, wishful thinking or the need to feel secure about a decision.

My Style of Communication

I am passionate. Direct. Intense. When I direct that passion and intensity toward something important to a specific listener it can be disconcerting. The value is it is researched, honest and authentic. Not filled with small talk and an effort to ingratiate myself with people so I can finesse a politicians message. This style of communication has certainly caused me trouble, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

History and Peeking Ahead

In Refusing To Take A Side Alienates Political Partisans-Podcast 623, I take a look at talk radio and media history, and discuss aging and changing perceptions, personal growth. Also take a look ahead to plans for covering the next election cycles. Hopefully I’ll continue to ruffle some feathers and get some discussion and thinking going.

Refusing To Take A Side Alienates Political Partisans-Podcast 623

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The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619

Different Mysteries Left and Right

Susan Rice is the leaker. A political Flack. Running an operation to discredit the new president before he took office. Rice is at least guilty of a felony. At least that’s the story the right wing commentators are telling. In The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619.

On the left it’s a different story. National security became a top concern after someone hacked the DNC computers. The Russians did it. The Russians did it because Trump did some kind of back room deal.

Opinion Is Not News

In America’s increasingly partisan media most people only want their beliefs confirmed. There’s no chance a political point of view different from my own can be right. Is there? A sea of information. Where opinion masquerades as fact and personalities beat the drums. We’re supposed to dance to their rhythm.

We Know Nothing…yet

Real Facts? In The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619 we’ll see there are few facts. Russians hacking the DNC? Not so fast. Trump making deals behind the scenes with Putin? Obama ordering illegal surveillance of a president elect? Maybe. Maybe not.

Tin Foil Hats Anyone?

Evidence supporting claims of the right and left in this case is thin. All of it has the classic elements of conspiracy theory. So we’ll take a moment in The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619 to detail the known facts. You can draw your own conclusions. Mystery lovers beware though. We’re along way from wrapping this one up in the final chapter.

Basic Framework

Is Susan Rice a political operative? What is the legal framework regarding National Security Agency intercepts. Why did the Trump administration leak NSA documents to a congressmen? What provoked the president to tweet he was ‘wiretapped’ in the first place? Is there a difference between a wiretap and an NSA intercept? Who gets to see intercepts? What are the significant legal justifications for executive orders in 2011 and 2017 allowing sharing in the first place. Lots of questions.

Where There’s Smoke

One thing is true. The dust kicked up by the Susan Rice story obscures real developments. North Korean Missiles. Syrian chemical weapons. Congressional action on the ACA, Tax Reform and Immigration. We’ll talk about it in The Strange Case of Susan Rice and Other Mysteries-Podcast 619.

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