Podcast 568-BobDavisPodcastRadioShow-51

Podcast 568-BobDavisPodcastRadioShow-51. Setting the stage for the final two podcasts of Election 2016. Observations from the Fall 2016 mega trip. Fom Minneapolis to Seattle, down the PCH to Los Angeles, across the desert to Phoenix, across New Mexico to Roswell, up through the Texas Panhandle, through Oklahoma and Kansas back to the upper midwest. A circuit of the country that leaves an indelible impression on the eve of the 2016 election. In Podcast 568-BobDavisPodcastRadioShow-51, extemporaneous talk in four segments about the effects of travel. Seeing the country softens your judgements and opinions and strengthens the conclusion that the worldview we’re being fed in the media is not the real world. In reality people are going about their business, raising their families, living their lives. In reality America’s economy is a force of nature that does not react well to government attempts to stimulate or control it. In reality the roads and bridges are not crumbling. In reality people are not at each other’s throats. What is happening is a political realignment. Election 2016 may be the first indication of the coming realignment that may take a view cycles to work itself out. With so much focus on former ‘rust belt’ states and cities like Ohio and Michigan it is almost as if there’s a denial of the juggernaut that is the west coast, from Los Angeles to Seattle, or the industrial agriculture and energy producing states like Texas, Oklahoma, North and South Dakota. In the end, the election will be a state by state affair. In the end there could be surprises, or it may turn out to be a pretty conventional election compared to the last three or four cycles. While the media loads new story lines meant to control you, and push you into a decision, take a moment and allow this podcast to set the stage for what is about to happen. Or not. Sponsored by X Government Cars.

Podcast 528-Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show #36

Podcast 528-Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show #36. Taking listeners from northern Minnesota, through Wisconsin, to Michigan’s UP, down the Lake Huron coast of the Great Lakes State, onto Cleveland, Ohio for RNC 2016. The Great Lakes Region is still the Industrial Heartland of the United States, perhaps the world. At one time though, this part of the country was like a magnet for workers from all over the world, and the US, looking for a better life. The so called ‘Rust Belt’ is soon to be a focal point for campaigns competing to win the presidency in 2016. Donald J. Trump – the Republican nominee – has pledged to bring the jobs back to this region, and Hillary Clinton will spend a lot of time campaigning in democratic strongholds in the industrial urban giants in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. In Podcast 528-Bob Davis Podcast Radio Show #36 we’ll take listeners on a brief part of the trip through the Upper Peninsula on the road to Cleveland. No doubt, RNC 2016 was a bruising affair for the so called principled conservative, as the GOP establishment rolled over, climbed onto the bed and willingly gave itself to Trump’s campaign. So intense is the GOP’s desire to ‘win’ — and at any cost — it’s capitulation might not be a surprise to some. What’s surprising is the twenty-four-hour vilification of Senator Ted Cruz — himself not without sin — for staying true to his base and refusing to ‘endorse’ Trump. These are the two biggest stories to come out of the convention and they all add up to the same story; The Trump Bandwagon has become a train and ‘loyal’ republicans are supposed to get on board. Or else. Principle? We don’t need no stinking principle!  We’ll get an inside view after the convention’s tumultuous first day, with The Blaze’s Mike Opelka. Then, reaction from Minnesota Cruz Organizer Mandy Benz, who talked to The Bob Davis Podcasts just after the Ted Cruz speech, Wednesday night. These events will have grave consequences for republicans. Some who threw their support to Trump will have to defend a potential Trump presidency’s decisions for four years. They will have to do this without really knowing what Trump is actually for. Wonder how that plays for Newt Gingrich and Scott Walker, as well as others who’ve climbed aboard a runaway train, without knowing where it’s going. If Trump loses, these same experts and pundits will have a lot of explaining to do. For the grassroots, the scales have fallen from their eyes as they get a strong dose of political hardball in the big leagues. Think you’re a conservative? Standing up to these kinds of people will test your mettle. Many ‘conservatives’ failed the test. Just imagine what it’s like in Washington DC. Sponsored by Karow Contracting.

Podcast 488

Sick Of Politics. Yeah. Sorry. Sick Of Politics. I’m not the only one. When it’s above 70 degrees and sunny for an entire weekend in the upper midwest, no one wants to talk about whether or not the delegate selection process in Georgia and Colorado is messed up. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, people headed up to the lake to put the dock in, raked their lawns, washed their cars, sat on the deck blinking in the sun, and were amazed, tantalized and thrilled with late May weather in Mid April. I certainly remember mid April tax return mailings when it was snowing, or 30 degrees and raining. Aside from the ‘bring on more of this global warming’ jokes, it is pretty amazing to be able to get a sunburn around here at this time of year. Meanwhile, the cable news jockeys continue to drone away about what this one said about that one, whether the primary process should be scrapped for something else – don’t ask – and how the byzantine ‘state delegate selection process’ is flawed, as though anyone ever gave a damn before this ridiculous election cycle. God! Bring back the smoke filled rooms, cigar chomping, pinkie ring wearing, bourbon drinking ‘operators’. What would happen if we woke up tomorrow and suddenly there wasn’t anymore 24 hour cable news, talk radio, Facebook or Twitter? What would we think about? Is it possible we might discover what we have been thinking about below the crust of all this 24 hour news cycle generated angst and frustration? How would that sit with you? What do you think about when you’re not receiving or transmitting? A late night live podcast from the deck of the broadcast bunker, complete with planes, sirens and a very large mosquito. Mosquito’s already? And so it begins. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance.